Enable dbus support for anything that needs it (gpsd, gnomemeeting, etc)

Packages describing “dbus” as local USE flag

Package“dbus” Flag Description
app-misc/lcd4linuxEnable the dbus plugin.
dev-libs/glibEnable dependencies required by glib libraries using dbus service to manage settings saving
dev-python/appriseSupport sending notifications to the desktop over D-Bus
dev-python/pyqt5Build bindings for the QtDBus module
dev-python/pyqt6Build bindings for the QtDBus module
dev-qt/qtbaseBuild Qt6DBus module
dev-vcs/git-annexEnable dbus support
games-simulation/flightgearEnable screensaver DBus interaction
gui-libs/libdecorEnable dbus to query current cursor theme
media-sound/qmmpEnable DBus notifiications and MPRIS support
net-irc/quasselSupport desktop notifications via the StatusNotifier D-Bus service (used by most modern desktop environments).
sci-geosciences/gpsdexport gpsd data over dbus connections
x11-misc/qtfmInstall the qtfm-tray removable device manager
x11-misc/xmobarPublish a service on the session bus for controlling xmobar.

All packages providing a “dbus” USE flag (95)