app-admin/conky | Enable syntax highlighting for app-editors/nanoand app-editors/vim |
app-arch/cabextract | Install experimental extra tools: wince_info and wince_rename for examining and processing Windows CE installation cabinet header files; cabinfo for examining the structure of a cab file. |
app-emulation/vkd3d-proton | Install extra tools and demos in /usr/lib/vkd3d-proton |
dev-lang/lazarus | Build a lot of extra packages, including lhelp chm viewer program. |
dev-python/amqp | Install extra tools to generate initial Python mod from an AMQP XML file |
dev-vcs/subversion | Install extra scripts (examples, tools, hooks) |
games-board/pasang-emas | Install some extra themes |
gnome-base/gnome | Install additional GNOME applications |
mate-base/mate | Install additional MATE Desktop applications that are recommended for extended usage of the MATE Desktop as upstream sees it; for example, this installs MATE Desktop's office related applications. Disable this if you plan to use your own non-MATE Desktop alternatives or a custom mixture of MATE and non-MATE packages. |
media-libs/libavif | Build extra apps (avifenc, avifdec) and test files |
net-firewall/fwknop | Install utility scripts and AppArmor policy for fwknopd |
sci-mathematics/gretl | Build and install add-ons bundled with gretl |
sci-mathematics/normaliz | Install Macaulay2 and sci-mathematics/singularpackages as shipped by upstream |
sci-physics/bullet | Build the extras |
www-apps/ikiwiki | Installs additional modules used by ikiwiki plugins |
x11-terms/terminology | Install additional testing tools |