Packages describing “llvm” as local USE flag

Package“llvm” Flag Description
dev-db/postgresqlAdd support for llvm JIT engine
dev-lang/ghcPull in dependencies for the llvm-core/llvm codegen backend.
dev-lang/zigBuild with LLVM backend and extensions enabled.
dev-util/bpftoolUse llvm-core/llvm instead of libbfd (sys-libs/binutils-libs) for JIT disassembly
dev-util/diffoscopeUse llvm-core/llvm
games-emulation/dolphinEnables LLVM support, for disassembly
media-libs/mesaEnable LLVM backend for Gallium3D.
net-im/toxicEnables support for LLVM Address Sanitizer
sci-electronics/ghdlBuild LLVM code generator
sci-electronics/nvcBuild LLVM code generator
sci-libs/symengineBuild with LLVM
sys-devel/sparseBuild the sparse-llvm utility

All packages providing a “llvm” USE flag (10)