Add support for Simple Direct Layer (media library)
Package | “sdl” Flag Description |
app-emulation/qemu | Enable the SDL-based console |
app-emulation/wine-proton | Enable gamepad support using media-libs/libsdl2 |
app-emulation/wine-staging | Enable gamepad support using media-libs/libsdl2 |
app-emulation/wine-vanilla | Enable gamepad support using media-libs/libsdl2 |
dev-util/sdl-jstest | Enable media-libs/libsdl2 based input test |
games-arcade/jazz2 | Prefer SDL2 over GLFW backend |
media-libs/libde265 | Enable video output of dec265 example program with media-libs/libsdl |
media-libs/quirc | Build tools requiring media-libs/sdl-gfx (inspect, quirc-demo) |
media-video/ffmpeg | Enable use of the Simple Direct Layer library (required for the ffplay command) |
media-video/ffmpeg-compat | Enable use of the Simple Direct Layer library (required for the ffplay command) |
media-video/mpv | Enable media-libs/libsdl2 based video and audio outputs (Note: these outputs exist for compatibility reasons only, avoid if possible) |
sci-libs/vtk | Enable SDL2 support for rendering modules |
x11-libs/wxGTK | Use Simple Directmedia Layer (media-libs/libsdl) for audio. |