Packages describing “tbb” as local USE flag

Package“tbb” Flag Description
dev-games/ogreWhen USE=threads, use tbb for threading
dev-libs/rocksdbEnable support for dev-cpp/tbb
media-gfx/blenderUse threading building blocks library from dev-cpp/tbb.
media-libs/embreeUse TBB instead of the built-in Embree tasking system.
media-libs/opencvEnable multithreading with the Intel Threads Building Block (dev-cpp/tbb)
media-libs/opensubdivEnable multithreading with the Intel Threads Building Blocks through dev-cpp/tbb
net-p2p/airdcpp-webclientEnable support of the TBB library to improve performance
sci-libs/opencascadeEnable multithreading with the Intel Threads Building Block dev-cpp/tbb
sci-libs/spqrEnable multithreading with the Intel Threads Building Block dev-cpp/tbb
sci-libs/suitesparseEnable multithreading with the Intel Threads Building Block dev-cpp/tbb
sci-libs/trilinosAdd support for threading building blocks library (dev-cpp/tbb)
sci-libs/vtkUse dev-cpp/tbb to handle smp support
sci-mathematics/manifoldEnable Parallel backend with dev-cpp/tbb
sci-physics/bulletEnable multithreading with the Intel Threads Building Block dev-cpp/tbb
sci-physics/geantEnable support for dev-cpp/tbb
sci-physics/rootEnable implicit multi-threading (IMT) with dev-cpp/tbb
sys-cluster/hpxUse dev-cpp/tbb for memory allocation

All packages providing a “tbb” USE flag (12)