
The app-admin category contains non-core applications which relate to system administration.

aerospike-amc-communityWeb UI based monitoring tool for Aerospike Community Edition Server
amazon-ec2-initInit script to setup Amazon EC2 instance parameters
analogMulti-purpose, multi-platform log file analyser
ananicyANother Auto NICe daemon
ansibleModel-driven deployment, config management, and command execution framework
ansible-coreModel-driven deployment, config management, and command execution framework
ansible-lintChecks ansible playbooks for practices and behaviour that can be improved
ansible-modules-hashivaultAnsible module for hashicorp vault
ansible-moleculeA toolkit designed to aid in the development and testing of Ansible roles
apache-toolsUseful Apache tools - htdigest, htpasswd, ab, htdbm
apachetopA realtime Apache log analyzer
apgAnother Password Generator
augeasA library for changing configuration files
authbindBind sockets to privileged ports without root
awscliUniversal Command Line Environment for AWS
awscli-bincommand line interface for Amazon Web Services
aws-session-manager-pluginAWS Session Manager Plugin for aws-cli
bitwarden-desktop-binBitwarden password manager desktop client
btrfs-assistantGUI management tool to make managing a Btrfs filesystem easier
calamaresDistribution-independent installer framework
cancdCA NetConsole Daemon receives output from the Linux netconsole driver
cczeA flexible and fast logfile colorizer
cdistA usable configuration management system
checksecTool to check properties of executables (e.g. ASLR/PIE, RELRO, PaX, Canaries)
chroot_safeChroot any dynamically linked application in a safe and sane manner
chrootuidRun a network service at low privilege level and restricted file system access
chrpathChrpath can modify the rpath and runpath of ELF executables
cli53A command-line tool for Amazon Route 53
clogclog is a colorized log tail utility
clsyncLive sync tool based on inotify, written in GNU C
clustershellPython framework for efficient cluster administration
conkyAn advanced, highly configurable system monitor for X
conserverSerial Console Manager
consulA tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration
consul-replicateConsul cross-DC KV replication daemon
consul-templateGeneric template rendering and notifications with Consul
coreboot-utilsA selection from coreboot/utils useful in general
cpulimitLimits the CPU usage of a process
cronlockersynchronize a cron job across multiple hosts using the consul lock feature
cronologLog rotation software
dioA device I/O monitoring tool
diradmA nearly complete nss/shadow suite for managing POSIX users/groups/data in LDAP
djbdns-logparseMake tinydns and dnscache logs human-readable
doasRun commands as super/another user (alt sudo) (unofficial port from OpenBSD)
docker-benchDocker Bench for Security runs the CIS Docker Benchmark
doctlA command line tool for DigitalOcean services
drushCommand line shell and scripting interface for Drupal
eclean-kernelRemove outdated built kernels
emacs-updaterRebuild Emacs packages
entrRun arbitrary commands when files change
eselectGentoo's multi-purpose configuration and management tool
evtxtoolsRead, decode and dump Windows Vista/2008/7 event log file
exoCommand-line tool for everything at Exoscale: compute, storage, dns
famFAM, the File Alteration Monitor
fetchlogDisplays the last new messages of a logfile
fifo-cronologcronolog wrapper for use with dumb daemons like squid, varnish and so on
filebeatLightweight log shipper for Logstash and Elasticsearch
filewatcherFile control configuration system and IDS
fluentddata collector and unified logging layer (project under CNCF)
fsvsBackup/restore for subversion backends
gaminMeta package providing the File Alteration Monitor API & Server
gam-serverLibrary providing the FAM File Alteration Monitor API
genromfsCreate space-efficient, small, read-only romfs filesystems
gentoo-perl-helpersIntrospection and Upgrade Assistance tools for Gentoo Perl
gentoo-retirement-scriptsScripts to help retiring Gentoo developers
gentoo-rsync-mirrorEbuild for setting up a Gentoo rsync mirror
git-credential-gopassGopass git-credentials helper
github-backup-utilsBackup and recovery utilities for GitHub Enterprise
gkrellmSingle process stack of various system monitors
gopassa simple but powerful password manager for the terminal
gopass-hibpGopass integration
gopass-jsonapiGopass Browser Bindings
gopass-summon-providerGopass Summon Provider
go-updaterChecks if Gentoo go packages are compiled with the system's golang version
graylogFree and open source log management
gtkdiskfreeGraphical tool to show free disk space like df
hardinfoSystem information and benchmark tool for Linux systems
haskell-updaterRebuild Haskell dependencies in Gentoo
hcloudA command-line interface for Hetzner Cloud
hddtempA simple utility to read the temperature of SMART capable hard drives
helmKubernetes Package Manager
ide-smartA tool to read SMART information from harddiscs
integritfile integrity verification program
keepassA free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager
keepassxcKeePassXC - KeePass Cross-platform Community Edition
kernel-hardening-checkerA tool for checking the security hardening options of the Linux kernel
killprockillproc and assorted tools for boot scripts
kio-adminManage files as administrator using the admin:// KIO protocol
kpcliCommand line interface to KeePass database files
kube-benchKubernetes Bench for Security runs the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark
kubectxFast way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl
lib_usersCheck for mapped libs and open files that are marked as deleted
linode-cliOfficial command-line interface for interacting with the Linode API
lnavA curses-based tool for viewing and analyzing log files
logcheckMails anomalies in the system logfiles to the administrator
logmonSplit-screen terminal/ncurses based log viewer
logrotateRotates, compresses, and mails system logs
logsentryAutomatically monitor system logs and mail security violations
logstalgiaReplays or streams an access_log as a retro arcade game-like simulation
logstash-binTool for managing events and logs
logsurfer+Real Time Log Monitoring and Alerting
lsyncdLive Syncing (Mirror) Daemon
makepasswdRandom password generator
mcelogA tool to log and decode Machine Check Exceptions
mei-amt-checkAMT status checker
metalogA highly configurable replacement for syslogd/klogd
mkosiBuild Bespoke OS Images
mktwpolBash scripts to install tripwire and generate tripwire policy files
mongosh-binThe MongoDB Shell
mongo-toolsA high-performance, open source, schema-free document-oriented database
monitMonitoring and managing daemons or similar programs running on a Unix system
mtailA tool for extracting metrics from application logs
multilog-watchWatches a multilog file for irregularities
needrestartRestart daemons after library updates
ngxtopreal-time metrics for nginx server (and others)
ocsinventory-agentHardware and software inventory tool (client)
op-cli-bincommand line interface for the 1password password manager
openrc-settingsdSystem settings D-Bus service for OpenRC
opentofuThe open source infrastructure as code tool
passStores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely
passookPassword generator capable of generating pronounceable and/or secure passwords
pass-otpA pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens
passwordsafePassword manager with wxGTK based frontend
paxtestPaX regression test suite
perl-cleanerUser land tool for cleaning up old perl installs
petrovichFilesystem Integrity Checker
pprocmNcurses-based program to monitor CPU, disk, network and memory usage
procinfo-ngCompletely rewrite of the old system monitoring app procinfo
profile-cleanerVacuum and reindex browser sqlite databases
ps_memA utility to report core memory usage per program
puppetA system automation and configuration management software
puppet-agentgeneral puppet client utils along with hiera and facter
puppetdbPuppetDB collects data generated by Puppet
puppet-lintA linter for puppet DSL
puppetserverPuppet Server is the next-generation application for managing Puppet agents
pwcryptAn improved version of cli-crypt (encrypts data sent to it from the cli)
pwgenPassword Generator
pwman3A lightweight password-manager with multiple database backends
pydfEnhanced df with colors
qtpassMulti-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager
quickswitchUtility to switch network profiles on the fly
r10kPuppet environment and module deployment
radmindCommand-line tools and server to remotely administer multiple Unix filesystems
ranpwdGenerate random passwords using the in-kernel cryptographically
rasdaemonReliability, Availability and Serviceability logging tool
rcmrc file (dotfile) management
redfishtoolPython package and command-line tool for accessing the Redfish API
restart-servicesTool to manage OpenRC and systemd services that need to be restarted
rex(R)?ex, the friendly automation framework
rsyslogAn enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with database support and more
ryzen_monitorMonitor power information of Ryzen processors via the PM table of the SMU
ryzen_smuKernel driver for AMD Ryzen's System Management Unit
saganSagan is a multi-threaded, real time system and event log monitoring system
sagan-rulesRules for Sagan log analyzer
saltSalt is a remote execution and configuration manager
selintStatic code analysis of refpolicy style SELinux policy
serfService orchestration and management tool
setoolsPolicy Analysis Tools for SELinux
socklogSmall secure replacement for syslogd with automatic log rotation
spectre-meltdown-checkerSpectre & Meltdown vulnerability/mitigation checker for Linux
sshguardprotects hosts from brute force attacks against ssh
stowGNU Stow is a symlink farm manager
sudA daemon to execute processes with special privileges in a nosuid environment
sudoAllows users or groups to run commands as other users
su-execSwitch user and group id and exec
superadduserInteractive adduser script from Slackware
supervisorA system for controlling process state under UNIX
sxidsuid, sgid file and directory checking
sysklogdStandard log daemons
syslog-ngsyslog replacement with advanced filtering features
syslog-summarySummarizes the contents of a syslog log file
sysrqdDaemon providing access to the kernel sysrq functions via network
sysstatSystem performance tools for Linux
system-config-printerGraphical user interface for CUPS administration
systemdgenieSystemd managment utility
tenshiLog parsing and notification program
terraformA tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely
testdiskChecks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool
tmpreaperA utility for removing files based on when they were last accessed
tmpwatchFiles which haven't been accessed are removed from specified directories
tpmTiny password manager
tripwireOpen Source File Integrity Checker and IDS
ttyplotRealtime plotting utility with data input from stdin
ulogdA userspace logging daemon for netfilter/iptables related logging
usbviewDisplay the topology of devices on the USB bus
vaultA tool for managing secrets
veryniceA tool for dynamically adjusting the nice-level of processes
watchfolderWatches directories and processes files
webalizerWebserver log file analyzer
webapp-configGentoo's installer for web-based applications
whowatchDisplays information about users currently logged on in real time
winboxManagement Software for MikroTik RouterOS
xkcdpassPassword generator inspired by XKCD 936
xstowReplacement for GNU stow with extensions
xtailTail multiple logfiles at once, even if rotated
yadmGit based tool for managing dotfiles


Packages: 196

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