aerospike-amc-community | Web UI based monitoring tool for Aerospike Community Edition Server |
amazon-ec2-init | Init script to setup Amazon EC2 instance parameters |
analog | Multi-purpose, multi-platform log file analyser |
ananicy | ANother Auto NICe daemon |
ansible | Model-driven deployment, config management, and command execution framework |
ansible-core | Model-driven deployment, config management, and command execution framework |
ansible-lint | Checks ansible playbooks for practices and behaviour that can be improved |
ansible-modules-hashivault | Ansible module for hashicorp vault |
ansible-molecule | A toolkit designed to aid in the development and testing of Ansible roles |
apache-tools | Useful Apache tools - htdigest, htpasswd, ab, htdbm |
apachetop | A realtime Apache log analyzer |
apg | Another Password Generator |
augeas | A library for changing configuration files |
authbind | Bind sockets to privileged ports without root |
awscli | Universal Command Line Environment for AWS |
awscli-bin | command line interface for Amazon Web Services |
aws-session-manager-plugin | AWS Session Manager Plugin for aws-cli |
bitwarden-desktop-bin | Bitwarden password manager desktop client |
btrfs-assistant | GUI management tool to make managing a Btrfs filesystem easier |
calamares | Distribution-independent installer framework |
cancd | CA NetConsole Daemon receives output from the Linux netconsole driver |
ccze | A flexible and fast logfile colorizer |
cdist | A usable configuration management system |
checksec | Tool to check properties of executables (e.g. ASLR/PIE, RELRO, PaX, Canaries) |
chroot_safe | Chroot any dynamically linked application in a safe and sane manner |
chrootuid | Run a network service at low privilege level and restricted file system access |
chrpath | Chrpath can modify the rpath and runpath of ELF executables |
cli53 | A command-line tool for Amazon Route 53 |
clog | clog is a colorized log tail utility |
clsync | Live sync tool based on inotify, written in GNU C |
clustershell | Python framework for efficient cluster administration |
conky | An advanced, highly configurable system monitor for X |
conserver | Serial Console Manager |
consul | A tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration |
consul-replicate | Consul cross-DC KV replication daemon |
consul-template | Generic template rendering and notifications with Consul |
coreboot-utils | A selection from coreboot/utils useful in general |
cpulimit | Limits the CPU usage of a process |
cronlocker | synchronize a cron job across multiple hosts using the consul lock feature |
cronolog | Log rotation software |
dio | A device I/O monitoring tool |
diradm | A nearly complete nss/shadow suite for managing POSIX users/groups/data in LDAP |
djbdns-logparse | Make tinydns and dnscache logs human-readable |
doas | Run commands as super/another user (alt sudo) (unofficial port from OpenBSD) |
docker-bench | Docker Bench for Security runs the CIS Docker Benchmark |
doctl | A command line tool for DigitalOcean services |
drush | Command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal |
eclean-kernel | Remove outdated built kernels |
emacs-updater | Rebuild Emacs packages |
entr | Run arbitrary commands when files change |
eselect | Gentoo's multi-purpose configuration and management tool |
evtxtools | Read, decode and dump Windows Vista/2008/7 event log file |
exo | Command-line tool for everything at Exoscale: compute, storage, dns |
fam | FAM, the File Alteration Monitor |
fetchlog | Displays the last new messages of a logfile |
fifo-cronolog | cronolog wrapper for use with dumb daemons like squid, varnish and so on |
filebeat | Lightweight log shipper for Logstash and Elasticsearch |
filewatcher | File control configuration system and IDS |
fluentd | data collector and unified logging layer (project under CNCF) |
fsvs | Backup/restore for subversion backends |
gamin | Meta package providing the File Alteration Monitor API & Server |
gam-server | Library providing the FAM File Alteration Monitor API |
genromfs | Create space-efficient, small, read-only romfs filesystems |
gentoo-perl-helpers | Introspection and Upgrade Assistance tools for Gentoo Perl |
gentoo-retirement-scripts | Scripts to help retiring Gentoo developers |
gentoo-rsync-mirror | Ebuild for setting up a Gentoo rsync mirror |
git-credential-gopass | Gopass git-credentials helper |
github-backup-utils | Backup and recovery utilities for GitHub Enterprise |
gkrellm | Single process stack of various system monitors |
gopass | a simple but powerful password manager for the terminal |
gopass-hibp | Gopass integration |
gopass-jsonapi | Gopass Browser Bindings |
gopass-summon-provider | Gopass Summon Provider |
go-updater | Checks if Gentoo go packages are compiled with the system's golang version |
graylog | Free and open source log management |
gtkdiskfree | Graphical tool to show free disk space like df |
hardinfo | System information and benchmark tool for Linux systems |
haskell-updater | Rebuild Haskell dependencies in Gentoo |
hcloud | A command-line interface for Hetzner Cloud |
hddtemp | A simple utility to read the temperature of SMART capable hard drives |
helm | Kubernetes Package Manager |
ide-smart | A tool to read SMART information from harddiscs |
integrit | file integrity verification program |
keepass | A free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager |
keepassxc | KeePassXC - KeePass Cross-platform Community Edition |
kernel-hardening-checker | A tool for checking the security hardening options of the Linux kernel |
killproc | killproc and assorted tools for boot scripts |
kio-admin | Manage files as administrator using the admin:// KIO protocol |
kpcli | Command line interface to KeePass database files |
kube-bench | Kubernetes Bench for Security runs the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark |
kubectx | Fast way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl |
lib_users | Check for mapped libs and open files that are marked as deleted |
linode-cli | Official command-line interface for interacting with the Linode API |
lnav | A curses-based tool for viewing and analyzing log files |
logcheck | Mails anomalies in the system logfiles to the administrator |
logmon | Split-screen terminal/ncurses based log viewer |
logrotate | Rotates, compresses, and mails system logs |
logsentry | Automatically monitor system logs and mail security violations |
logstalgia | Replays or streams an access_log as a retro arcade game-like simulation |
logstash-bin | Tool for managing events and logs |
logsurfer+ | Real Time Log Monitoring and Alerting |
lsyncd | Live Syncing (Mirror) Daemon |
makepasswd | Random password generator |
mcelog | A tool to log and decode Machine Check Exceptions |
mei-amt-check | AMT status checker |
metalog | A highly configurable replacement for syslogd/klogd |
mkosi | Build Bespoke OS Images |
mktwpol | Bash scripts to install tripwire and generate tripwire policy files |
mongosh-bin | The MongoDB Shell |
mongo-tools | A high-performance, open source, schema-free document-oriented database |
monit | Monitoring and managing daemons or similar programs running on a Unix system |
mtail | A tool for extracting metrics from application logs |
multilog-watch | Watches a multilog file for irregularities |
needrestart | Restart daemons after library updates |
ngxtop | real-time metrics for nginx server (and others) |
ocsinventory-agent | Hardware and software inventory tool (client) |
op-cli-bin | command line interface for the 1password password manager |
openrc-settingsd | System settings D-Bus service for OpenRC |
opentofu | The open source infrastructure as code tool |
pass | Stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely |
passook | Password generator capable of generating pronounceable and/or secure passwords |
pass-otp | A pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens |
passwordsafe | Password manager with wxGTK based frontend |
paxtest | PaX regression test suite |
perl-cleaner | User land tool for cleaning up old perl installs |
petrovich | Filesystem Integrity Checker |
pprocm | Ncurses-based program to monitor CPU, disk, network and memory usage |
procinfo-ng | Completely rewrite of the old system monitoring app procinfo |
profile-cleaner | Vacuum and reindex browser sqlite databases |
ps_mem | A utility to report core memory usage per program |
puppet | A system automation and configuration management software |
puppet-agent | general puppet client utils along with hiera and facter |
puppetdb | PuppetDB collects data generated by Puppet |
puppet-lint | A linter for puppet DSL |
puppetserver | Puppet Server is the next-generation application for managing Puppet agents |
pwcrypt | An improved version of cli-crypt (encrypts data sent to it from the cli) |
pwgen | Password Generator |
pwman3 | A lightweight password-manager with multiple database backends |
pydf | Enhanced df with colors |
qtpass | Multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager |
quickswitch | Utility to switch network profiles on the fly |
r10k | Puppet environment and module deployment |
radmind | Command-line tools and server to remotely administer multiple Unix filesystems |
ranpwd | Generate random passwords using the in-kernel cryptographically |
rasdaemon | Reliability, Availability and Serviceability logging tool |
rcm | rc file (dotfile) management |
redfishtool | Python package and command-line tool for accessing the Redfish API |
restart-services | Tool to manage OpenRC and systemd services that need to be restarted |
rex | (R)?ex, the friendly automation framework |
rsyslog | An enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with database support and more |
ryzen_monitor | Monitor power information of Ryzen processors via the PM table of the SMU |
ryzen_smu | Kernel driver for AMD Ryzen's System Management Unit |
sagan | Sagan is a multi-threaded, real time system and event log monitoring system |
sagan-rules | Rules for Sagan log analyzer |
salt | Salt is a remote execution and configuration manager |
selint | Static code analysis of refpolicy style SELinux policy |
serf | Service orchestration and management tool |
setools | Policy Analysis Tools for SELinux |
socklog | Small secure replacement for syslogd with automatic log rotation |
spectre-meltdown-checker | Spectre & Meltdown vulnerability/mitigation checker for Linux |
sshguard | protects hosts from brute force attacks against ssh |
stow | GNU Stow is a symlink farm manager |
sud | A daemon to execute processes with special privileges in a nosuid environment |
sudo | Allows users or groups to run commands as other users |
su-exec | Switch user and group id and exec |
superadduser | Interactive adduser script from Slackware |
supervisor | A system for controlling process state under UNIX |
sxid | suid, sgid file and directory checking |
sysklogd | Standard log daemons |
syslog-ng | syslog replacement with advanced filtering features |
syslog-summary | Summarizes the contents of a syslog log file |
sysrqd | Daemon providing access to the kernel sysrq functions via network |
sysstat | System performance tools for Linux |
system-config-printer | Graphical user interface for CUPS administration |
systemdgenie | Systemd managment utility |
tenshi | Log parsing and notification program |
terraform | A tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely |
testdisk | Checks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool |
tmpreaper | A utility for removing files based on when they were last accessed |
tmpwatch | Files which haven't been accessed are removed from specified directories |
tpm | Tiny password manager |
tripwire | Open Source File Integrity Checker and IDS |
ttyplot | Realtime plotting utility with data input from stdin |
ulogd | A userspace logging daemon for netfilter/iptables related logging |
usbview | Display the topology of devices on the USB bus |
vault | A tool for managing secrets |
verynice | A tool for dynamically adjusting the nice-level of processes |
watchfolder | Watches directories and processes files |
webalizer | Webserver log file analyzer |
webapp-config | Gentoo's installer for web-based applications |
whowatch | Displays information about users currently logged on in real time |
winbox | Management Software for MikroTik RouterOS |
xkcdpass | Password generator inspired by XKCD 936 |
xstow | Replacement for GNU stow with extensions |
xtail | Tail multiple logfiles at once, even if rotated |
yadm | Git based tool for managing dotfiles |