
The app-crypt category contains cryptographic (encryption, decryption, steganography and signing) software.

acmeAn implementation of the ACME protocol
acme-shA pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
acme-tinyA tiny, auditable script for Let's Encrypt's ACME Protocol
acr38uNon CCID driver for ACR38 AC1038-based Smart Card Reader
adcliTool for performing actions on an Active Directory domain
aescryptAdvanced file encryption using AES
aespipeEncrypts data from stdin to stdout
ageA simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library)
argon2Password hashing software that won the Password Hashing Competition (PHC)
asedriveiiie-serialASEDriveIIIe Serial Card Reader
asedriveiiie-usbASEDriveIIIe USB Card Reader
asekeyASEKey USB SIM Card Reader
badkeysCheck cryptographic keys for known weaknesses
bcwipeSecure file removal utility
bsignembed secure hashes (SHA1) and digital signatures (GNU Privacy Guard) into files
ccidCCID free software driver
ccryptEncryption and decryption
certbotLet’s Encrypt client to automate deployment of X.509 certificates
certbot-apacheApache plugin for Certbot (Let’s Encrypt client)
certbot-dns-dnsimpleDNSimple Authenticator plugin for Certbot (Let’s Encrypt Client)
certbot-dns-nsoneNS1 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot (Let's Encrypt Client)
certbot-nginxNginx plugin for Certbot (Let’s Encrypt client)
cfsslCloudflare's PKI and TLS toolkit
chntpwOffline Windows NT Password & Registry Editor
ckpassncurses based password database client compatible with KeePass 1.x databases
codecryptPost-quantum cryptography tool
codegroupencode / decode binary file as five letter codegroups
coolkeyLinux Driver support for the CoolKey and CAC products
crackpkcs12Multithreaded program to crack PKCS#12 files
cryptorSimple GUI application for gocryptfs
debian-archive-keyringGnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
dehydratedA client for signing certificates with an ACME-server
dieharderAn advanced suite for testing the randomness of RNGs
easy-rsaSmall RSA key management package, based on OpenSSL
efitoolsTools for manipulating UEFI secure boot platforms
eid-mwElectronic Identity Card middleware supplied by the Belgian Federal Government
ekeydEntropy Key userspace daemon
elettraPlausible deniable file cryptography
envchainSave environment variables in a secret vault
fcrackzipZip password cracker
gcrLibraries for cryptographic UIs and accessing PKCS#11 modules
gifshuffleGIF colourmap steganography
glep63-checkGLEP 63 compliance checker for OpenPGP keys
gnupgThe GNU Privacy Guard, a GPL OpenPGP implementation
gnupg-pkcs11-scdPKCS#11 support for GnuPG
gocryptfsEncrypted overlay filesystem written in Go
gorillaPassword Safe in secure way with GUI interface
gpaGNU Privacy Assistant (GPA): a graphical user interface for GnuPG
gpgmeGnuPG Made Easy is a library for making GnuPG easier to use
gpg-ringmgrGPG Keyring Manager to handle large GPG keyrings more easily
gpgstatsGPGstats calculates statistics on the keys in your key-ring
hashalotReads a passphrase and prints a hash
hashcatWorld's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility
hashcat-utilsa set of small utilities that are useful in advanced password cracking
heimdalKerberos 5 implementation from KTH
ima-evm-utilsSupporting tools for IMA and EVM
jacksumJava utility for working with checksums, CRCs, and message digests (hashes)
jetringGPG keyring maintenance using changesets
jitterentropyHardware RNG based on CPU timing jitter
jitterentropy-rngdJitter RNG daemon
johntheripperfast password cracker
johntheripper-jumboFast password cracker, community enhanced version
kali-archive-keyringGnuPG archive keys of the Kali archive
kbfsKeybase Filesystem (KBFS)
keybaseKeybase client
keylookupA tool to fetch PGP keys from keyservers
keysmithOTP client for Plasma Mobile and Desktop
kstartModified versions of kinit for refreshing kerberos tickets automatically
libb2C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
libmdMessage Digest functions from BSD systems
libnitrokeySupport library for the Nitrokey
libscryptShared library to implement the scrypt algorithm
libsecretGObject library for accessing the Secret Service API
libu2f-hostYubico Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Host C Library
libu2f-serverYubico Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) server C Library
loop-aes-losetupLoop-AES losetup utility
mcryptReplacement of the old unix crypt(1)
md4summd4 and edonkey hash algorithm tool
md5deepExpanded md5sum program with recursive and comparison options
md6sumA C implementation of MD6
mhashLibrary providing a uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms
minisignDead simple tool to sign files and verify signatures
mit-krb5MIT Kerberos V
mit-krb5-applKerberized applications split from the main MIT Kerberos V distribution
mkp224oVanity address generator for v3 Tor hidden service addresses
monkeysphereLeverage the OpenPGP web of trust for OpenSSH and Web authentication
moolticuteMooltipass crossplatform daemon/tools
nastyProof-of-concept GPG passphrase recovery tool
nitrocliA command line tool for interacting with Nitrokey devices
nitrokey-appCross platform personalization tool for the Nitrokey
nwipeSecurely erase disks using a variety of recognized methods
onakonak is an OpenPGP keyserver
ophcrackA time-memory-trade-off-cracker
ophcrack-tablesTables available for ophcrack
osslsigncodePlatform-independent tool for Authenticode signing of EXE/CAB files
p11-kitProvides a standard configuration setup for installing PKCS#11
paperkeyOpenPGP key archiver
pdfcrackTool for recovering passwords and content from PDF-files
pesignTools for manipulating signed PE-COFF binaries
pgpdumpA PGP packet visualizer
pinentrySimple passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol
piusA tool for signing and email all UIDs on a set of PGP keys
pkcrackPkZip cipher breaker
pkcs11-dataUtilities for PKCS#11 data object manipulation in
pkcs11-dumpUtilities for PKCS#11 token content dump
princeprocessorStandalone password candidate generator using the PRINCE algorithm
qcaQt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA)
quickcryptgives you a quick MD5 Password from any string
rainbowcrackHash cracker that precomputes plaintext - ciphertext pairs in advance
rhashConsole utility and library for computing and verifying file hash sums
rotixRotix allows you to generate rotational obfuscations
rpm-sequoiaImplementation of the RPM PGP interface using Sequoia
sbctlSecure Boot key manager
sbsigntoolsUtilities for signing and verifying files for UEFI Secure Boot
scdrandFeed kernel entropy pool from smartcard's TRNG
scryptA simple password-based encryption utility using scrypt key derivation function
scuteA PKCS #11 module for OpenPGP smartcards
seahorseManage your passwords and encryption keys
sequoia-chameleon-gnupgSequoia's reimplementation of the GnuPG interface
sequoia-sqCLI of the Sequoia OpenPGP implementation
sequoia-sqvA simple OpenPGP signature verification program
shashGenerate or check digests or MACs of files
signifyCryptographically sign and verify files
signing-partyA collection of several tools related to OpenPGP
simple-tpm-pk11Simple PKCS11 provider for TPM chips
ssdeepComputes context triggered piecewise hashes (fuzzy hashes)
ssssShamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
stanStan analyzes binary streams and calculates statistical information
stokenSoftware Token for Linux/UNIX
swtpmLibtpms-based TPM emulator
tc-playA free, pretty much fully featured and stable TrueCrypt implementation
tpm2-abrmdTPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager
tpm2-opensslOpenSSL Provider for TPM2 integration
tpm2-pkcs11A PKCS#11 interface for TPM2 hardware
tpm2-toolsTools for the TPM 2.0 TSS
tpm2-totpAttest the trustworthiness of a device against a human using time-based OTP
tpm2-tssTCG Trusted Platform Module 2.0 Software Stack
tpm-toolsTrouSerS' support tools for the Trusted Platform Modules
trousersAn open-source TCG Software Stack (TSS) v1.1 implementation
ubuntu-keyringGnuPG archive keys of the Ubuntu archive
veracryptDisk encryption with strong security based on TrueCrypt
xcaA GUI to OpenSSL, RSA public keys, certificates, signing requests etc
xor-analyzeProgram for cryptanalyzing xor 'encryption' with variable key length
yubihsm-connectorServer to expose YubiHSM 2 to network
yubihsm-shellComponents used to interact with the YubiHSM 2
yubikey-managerPython library and command line tool for configuring a YubiKey
yubikey-manager-qtCross-platform application for configuring any YubiKey over all USB transports
yubioath-flutter-binYubico Authenticator for TOTP
zulucryptFront end to cryptsetup


Packages: 149

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