
The app-metrics category contains software generating, transforming or consuming application, service and system metrics.

alertmanagerAlertmanager for alerts sent by client applications such as Prometheus
bind_exporterPrometheus exporter for BIND
blackbox_exporterPrometheus exporter for blackbox probing via HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, TCP and ICMP
carbonapi-bookingHigh-performance Graphite front-end, fork
carbonapi-webgraphite-web fork for standalone usage with carbonapi
ceph_exporterPrometheus exporter that scrapes metrics from a ceph cluster
chrony_exporterChrony NTP exporter for Prometheus
collectdCollects system statistics and provides mechanisms to store the values
consul_exporterPrometheus exporter for consul metrics
dnsmasq_exporterprometheus exporter for dnsmasq
elasticsearch_exporterElasticsearch stats exporter for Prometheus
exabgp_exporterPrometheus exporter for exabgp
fritzbox_smarthome_exporterPrometheus exporter for FRITZ!Box Smart Home
fusioninventory-agentThe FusionInventory agent is a generic management agent
github-exporterGithub statistics exporter for prometheus
go-carbonGolang implementation of Graphite/Carbon server
grok_exporterUnstructured log data exporter for Prometheus
memcached_exporterPrometheus exporter for memcached
mongodb_exporterPrometheus exporter for MongoDB
mysqld_exporterPrometheus exporter for MySQL server metrics
nftables-exporterprometheus exporter for nftables metrics
nginx-lua-prometheusLibrary that exports Nginx metrics to Prometheus
nginx-vts-exporterNginx virtual host traffic stats exporter for Prometheus
node_exporterPrometheus exporter for machine metrics
openvpn_exporterPrometheus Exporter for OpenVPN
portage-exporterPrometheus exporter for Gentoo Portage
postfix_exporterPrometheus Exporter for Postfix
postgres_exporterPostgreSQL stats exporter for Prometheus
process-exporterProcess exporter for prometheus
prom2jsonA tool to scrape a Prometheus client and dump the result as JSON
prometheusPrometheus monitoring system and time series database
prometheus-lvm-exporterPrometheus exporter for LVM metrics
prometheus-podman-exporterExporter for podman giving containers, pods, images, volumes & networks metrics
pushgatewayPrometheus push acceptor for ephemeral and batch jobs
rabbitmq_exporterRabbitmq exporter for Prometheus
redis_exporterPrometheus Exporter for Redis Metrics. Supports Redis 2.x, 3.x and 4.x
smartctl_exporterExport smartctl statistics to prometheus
snmp_exporterPrometheus exporter for snmp metrics
unbound-telemetryPrometheus exporter for Unbound DNS resolver
uwsgi_exporteruWSGI metrics exporter for
vault_exporterVault exporter for Prometheus


Packages: 41

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