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The app-portage category contains software which works with portage or ebuilds.
Pull requests
Bug Reports
app-portage/ufed enhancements to filter list of flags
106815 - Assigned to Sven Eden
app-portage/gcac (new ebuild)
111844 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
app-portage/emerge-delta-webrsync-3.5.1-r2 should not automatically sync to the past
154209 - Assigned to Portage team
app-portage/epkg-1.2 (New package)
156109 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
app-portage/emerge-delta-webrsync-3.5.1-r2 store portage-YYYYMMDD* files in /usr/portage/distfiles instead of /var/delta-webrsync
156221 - Assigned to Portage team
app-portage/genlop - Bad error message for --current
185507 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/pytage-0.4 (New Package)
191196 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
app-portage/kuroolito-0.10.1 (new ebuild)
192007 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
app-portage/estat-1.2 (new ebuild)
204795 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0: equery --format option only works with equery list
224515 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/genlop-0.30.8-r1: -i has an odd warning when CFLAGS is missing in vdb
243300 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit api: package.get_runtime_deps() and boolean associated depends
258507 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-*; add --retry-failed to revdep-rebuild
264521 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild fails to find owning package of some files in /usr/lib64
280341 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/genlop no working merge found
280486 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1 : equery colors are inconsistent with those used by eix, emerge and other tools
304125 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit- euse -i does not reflects /etc/portage/package.use
304817 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit - revdep-rebuild should not log broken files (and their packages) to syslog (by default?)
306417 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: add an option to revdep-rebuild to check for only libs/la files
311053 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc10-r1: euse fails when PORTDIR contains special characters
315037 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit - revdep-rebuild should not consider -q/--quiet as a flag change after -p/--pretend
318165 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/genlop-0.30.8-r2: displays slotted packages as being the same version
325711 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit - revdep-rebuild should accept more than one (--library) option
346093 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/ewo - Emerge (-e) World Optimizer (EWO)
353037 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
app-portage/gentoolkit improvement for revdep-rebuild
358073 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: echangelog: add flag to ignore removals
365373 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: eclean-dist enhancement suggestions based on the script "" that does [more or less] the same
371326 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/elt-patches: elibtoolize() should patch libtool-1.? which drops CFLAGS during --mode=link
374771 - Assigned to Gentoo's Team for Core System packages
app-portage/gentoolkit: equery depends does not display || dependencies
377889 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild does not understand symlinks
389647 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: equery should have a "last installed" list
397837 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/g-octave - g-octave/odepkg-0.6.10 octave-3.6.0 - error: no matching function for call to ‘octave_value::print_with_name(std::ostream&, const char [3], bool)’
399481 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
app-portage/gentoolkit improvement for rdepend scan
400913 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/g-cpan : g-cpan -i "Image::Magick" should check for "+perl" USE flag in media-gfx/imagemagick
408065 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
app-portage/g-octave please provide an updated database
424463 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
app-portage/gentoolkit-9999: revdep-rebuild does not detect all missing libraries
427290 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/flaggie-0.2-r3 - Should not remove category/* if there are still packages installed from that category.
451396 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/smart-live-rebuild-1.3: fails tests
454684 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/gentoolkit - `equery u ...` gives confusing output regarding system state and /etc/portage settings
472548 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit - Make regex file matching quicker
475958 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit - Add disabled USE option for command "equry (d)epends"
482386 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit has a broken pipe when running grep in revdep-rebuild
492906 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/quietemerge - Perform the emerge in Gentoo Linux with pretty output
500392 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
app-portage/g-octave-0.4.1-r4 - g-octave.eclass could not be found by inherit()
507882 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
app-portage/gentoolkit euse should consider defaults that were put in IUSE as a result of respecting the USE layers listed in USE_ORDER in make.conf
511186 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/g-octave - odepkg-0.8.2: Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!
548702 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
app-portage/genlop-0.30.10-r1: --rsync option - each sync listed twice
553790 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/cpuinfo2cpuflags-2: please re-keyword ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux
554828 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild should auto-ignore .la files that don't point to ELFs
569844 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/grs with sys-apps/systemd: "cannot run because /sys/fs/cgroup is read only"
576574 - Assigned to Anthony Basile
app-portage/flaggie-0.2.1: chokes on wildcards
594446 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/flaggie: unknown python backtrace
598595 - Assigned to Michał Górny
=app-portage/g-cpan-0.16.9 fails test 'Got PORTDIR_OVERLAY'
603492 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.2-r1: new revdep-rebuild: !! Failed to read /var/db/pkg/x11-themes/vdr-channel-logos-0.2/CONTENTS
604070 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.2-r1: new revdep-rebuild: false positive !!! Broken orphaned files
604074 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/dfclean - Clean up old distfiles in Gentoo
612036 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
app-portage/gentoolkit*: ekeyword fails on KEYWORDS inside bash if ... then ... else ... fi statement
614746 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit*: ekeyword switch to not drop stable keywords.
614748 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: `equery uses package` does not respect LANG, prints first lang listed in metadata.xml
616800 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.3: equery b does not work when using symlinks
622156 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/eprl: new package
622182 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
app-portage/gentoolkit: eclean does not rm symlinks
635290 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/flaggie-0.2.1 error when /etc/portage/make.conf is a directory (Calculate Linux)
644954 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/gentoolkit - Incorrectly states virtual/rubygems dependency is unconditional
645890 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/g-cpan-0.16.9 generates invalid ebuild names (missing version) from dependencies
645990 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
app-portage/gemato-14.1m: deadlock?
647964 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/grs triggers weird portage errors
647974 - Assigned to Gentoo Release System project
app-portage/eix: important messages coming at the end of emerge --sync can be easily ignored after eix-update output
648192 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/grs default timeout on tar unpack too short
650438 - Assigned to Anthony Basile
app-portage/cfg-update-1.8.9 - Use of uninitialized value $md5sum_file in regexp compilation at /usr/bin/cfg-update line 1000.
650806 - Assigned to Richard Freeman
app-portage/grs "Bad command: hashit" errors out on arm/musl profile
652814 - Assigned to Gentoo Release System project
app-portage/java-ebuilder - /usr/lib/portage/python3.6/ line 245: __export_funcs_var: invalid indirect expansion
656354 - Assigned to Benda Xu
app-portage/euses-2.5.9 cannot obtain $PORTDIR from portageq
663706 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/genlop-0.30.10-r1 -c average time calculation doesn't limit compilation ETA time package merge history to the ongoing packages category
667534 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/g-cpan generates wrong ebuild for packages using "v" version prefix
669912 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
app-portage/g-octave-0.4.1-r6 uses octave_config_info in its Makefile
684934 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
app-portage/unsymlink-lib --migrate leaves restart commands broken
687482 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/unsymlink-lib does not handle /usr/lib/debug/...
702548 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/hackport-0.6.3 : Could not find module ‘Data.Semigroup’
707494 - Assigned to Gentoo's Haskell Language team
app-portage/gentoolkit: euse can't enable use flags when make.conf is a include directory
713326 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/smart-live-rebuild-1.3.6 does not work correctly for wine-staging with COMMITs set
721066 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/g-cpan-0.17.0 fails tests: # Failed test EROOT
729854 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
app-portage/esearch last rites
735622 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gemato-16.1 fails tests
741504 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/smart-live-rebuild: support pypy3
745462 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/pgo: could it include slot information in "Available Versions" section
746197 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
app-portage/pgo: -b does not work, it seems
746203 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
app-portage/nattka integration with doesn't report failures in minor arch keyword reqs
749906 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/smart-live-rebuild-1.3.6: False positive - rebuild each run
752489 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/cfg-update-1.8.9: prefix: Aborting due to QA concerns: invalid shebangs found
753176 - Assigned to Richard Freeman
app-portage/unsymlink-lib: must not move /lib64/rc/plugins
756037 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.5.0-r2: euse -i -p PACKAGE SOME USE FLAGS sets useflags
756349 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit - "equery m git" shows one of 3 packages on each run, instead of reporting "Ambiguous package name." like "equery m glib" does.
757897 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.5.0-r2: equery uses ignores use.desc from overlays
764842 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit revdep-rebuild wants to rebuild binutils-libs-2.35.1-r1 again and again
768264 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/nattka should report line/pkg which caused nattka to skip bug
780627 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/gentoolkit: outdated man page for equery uses --ignore-l10n
784140 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/smart-live-rebuild: media-libs/freetype-9999: [KeyError] "Environment does not declare: ['EGIT_REPO_URI']"
788394 - Assigned to Gentoo Fonts Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: equery uses docker results are nondeterministic
788955 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/java-ebuilder: should verify and adjust HOMEPAGE
794028 - Assigned to Java team
app-portage/java-ebuilder: SRC_URI
796242 - Assigned to Java team
app-portage/eix prefixes tools with ${CHOST} when cross-compiling
815181 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/eix-0.35.2 does not find all pkgs
817869 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/g-octave-0.4.1-r7 - ValueError: Newlines are not allowed
825322 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.5.1-r1: incorrect usage of overlay specifier in 'equery w' command
829632 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/cfg-update-1.8.9-r1: uninitialized value $md5sum_file
829993 - Assigned to Richard Freeman
app-portage/genlop-0.30.10-r2 not working
831721 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild gets triggered on app-text/mupdf-1.19.0 repeatedly
831906 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/portage-utils utility qfile should distinguish between 'no owner' and 'error occurred'
832206 - Assigned to Fabian Groffen
app-portage/portage-utils: support GLEP 78 gpkg binpkg format
833571 - Assigned to Fabian Groffen
app-portage/g-cpan creates folder in /var/tmp which may be deleted any time
837536 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
app-portage/g-cpan-0.18.0-r1 installs into paths that should be created at runtime
854846 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
app-portage/ufed-0.96 fails to compile (lto): ufed-curses-globals.h:24:19: error: type of [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]
854864 - Assigned to Sven Eden
app-portage/g-cpan: generated ebuild package version reference fixed in source code
856541 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
app-portage/g-cpan-0.18.0-r1 fails tests
858368 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
app-portage/nattka-0.3.1 fails tests (MUSL)
863629 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/hackport- : Could not find module ‘Distribution.Extra.Doctest’
865135 - Assigned to Gentoo's Haskell Language team
app-portage/gentoolkit: systemd timer for running eclean-dist daily
877327 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/smart-live-rebuild-1.4.0: unrecognized arguments: --unprivileged-user
877329 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/tatt-0.9 and 0.10 TimeoutError: The read operation timed out
877499 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
app-portage/portage-utils-0.94.3[qmanifest, static]: undefined reference to `gpgrt_lock_unlock'
878301 - Assigned to Fabian Groffen
app-portage/tatt-0.9 and 0.10 wrongly marks valid useflags as invalid
880081 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
app-portage/eix-0.36.5 - eix-sync failure?
882909 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/gentoolkit: euse -E shouldn't exit when USE flag is not defined in use.desc
884849 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/hackport- - compiling .../Setup.hs failed
902115 - Assigned to Gentoo's Haskell Language team
app-portage/gentoolkit: eclean --changed-deps crashes when evaluating a binary package with a deprecated EAPI
905783 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/java-ebuilder-0.5.1-r1: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
906665 - Assigned to Benda Xu
app-portage/gemato-20.2 breaks emerge --sync when is not accessible
906875 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/java-ebuilder: should support metadata/license-mapping.conf
907208 - Assigned to Benda Xu
app-portage/aria2c-emerge "Portage utility script: aria2c fetch client for Gentoo"
909642 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
app-portage/elicense-1.0.2-r1: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)
909884 - Assigned to Ben Kohler
app-portage/grs: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)
909889 - Assigned to Anthony Basile
app-portage/mirrorselect requires root for no reason (prefix or whatever)
910603 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/portage-utils: allow qfile -o to search recursively
910755 - Assigned to Fabian Groffen
app-portage/mirrorselect: parse the protocol from URI
911183 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
app-portage/smart-live-rebuild-1.4.1 fails test - FAILED smartliverebuild/
911980 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/eix-0.36.6 problematic output for packages with changed license
912274 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/mirrorselect: enhancement requests
914457 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: Runtime error when using depends with a set
915335 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/portage-utils-0.96.1 qlop wrong about parallel jobs
916707 - Assigned to Fabian Groffen
app-portage/genlop-0.30.11 genlop wrong about parallel jobs
916955 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.6.1-r3: "!!! Invalid package: '-'" in wrong line
917519 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.6.3 : (all) file collision(s)
919752 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: eclean-pkg does not handle 'package basename mismatched' invalid binpkgs
920093 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.6.3-r1: eclean-package support for Local XPAK packages
921431 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
app-portage/mirrorselect -D option bug with GLEP 75 mirror layout migration
921759 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/mirrorselect-2.4.0 -- UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc5 - net-analyzer/netselect output changes
922058 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/elicense-1.0.2-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
922210 - Assigned to Ben Kohler
app-portage/esearch-1.3-r3 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
922212 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/grs-0.8-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
922213 - Assigned to Anthony Basile
app-portage/mirrorselect-2.4.0 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
922216 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.6.3-r1: "equery check" output is unusable when redirected to file
923178 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/hackport- installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs
924159 - Assigned to Gentoo's Haskell Language team
app-portage/gentoolkit unable to identify which package files belongs to after merge-usr
927640 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/genlop-0.30.12: several "Use of uninitialized value " when using -c
927665 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit equery sometimes gives an error message when setup to use sqlite
934047 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.6.7 eclean-dist --deep --pretend outputs full pathes for VCS directories
934179 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gemato: Python deprecation warnings about datetime.datetime.utcnow()
934229 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/gentoolkit: fix equery meta indentation for "Docs:"
934433 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/eix: Man page refer to /usr/local/portage instead of current standard /var/db/repos/[arbitrary local repository name]
936256 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/gentoolkit: add option for eclean-dist to keep the last n versions of distfiles
937107 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.6.7: FEATURES="distcc" eclean hangs at exit: coroutine 'ProxyManager.stop' was never awaited
937384 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/hackport- - setup build failed
938723 - Assigned to Gentoo's Haskell Language team
app-portage/emlop-0.7.1 fails tests: thread timezone panicked at
942387 - Assigned to Vincent de Phily
app-portage/gentoolkit: eclean can't be used to clean crossdev packages
942505 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/portage-utils qlop's default duration time hard to read
945271 - Assigned to Fabian Groffen
app-portage/mirrorselect-2.5.0: -s<n> doesn't return n mirrors
945489 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/gentoolkit: support alternative download binpkg locations for eclean-pkg
947694 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/getuto-1.14 fails tests: make: [Makefile:7: check] Error 2
947989 - Assigned to Andreas K. Hüttel
app-portage/nattka-0.4.2 fails tests: FAILED - shutil.Error: .update.236.minus-arch-1, .update.236.minus-arch-1, [Errno 2] No such file or directory: .update.236.minus-arch-1)]
948567 - Assigned to Michał Górny
app-portage/gentoolkit-0.6.8: depgraph: USE flag is lost
949335 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/kuroo should get a Qt6-based release, then cleanup old
950669 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
app-portage/elicense: please port to pypy3.11
950995 - Assigned to Ben Kohler
app-portage/gentoolkit: please port to pypy3.11
950996 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
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