
The app-text category contains tools for working with human-language text files.

a2psAny to PostScript filter
ahaConverts ANSI escape sequences of a unix terminal to HTML code
aiksaurusA thesaurus lib, tool, and database
anVery fast anagram generator with dictionary lookup
ansifilterHandles text files containing ANSI terminal escape codes
antiwordfree MS Word reader
antixlsPrint out an XLS file with minimal formatting, or extract the data into CSV
App-XML-DocBook-BuilderA Perl-based tool to Render DocBook/XML
apvlvAlf's PDF/DJVU/EPUB Viewer like Vim
asaASA Carriage control conversion for ouput by Fortran programs
asciidocA plain text human readable/writable document format
aspellFree and Open Source spell checker designed to replace Ispell
atrilAtril document viewer for MATE
bactBoosting Algorithm for Classification of Trees
barcodebarcode generator
bdf2psfConverter to generate console fonts from BDF source fonts
bibcleanBibTeX bibliography prettyprinter and syntax checker
bibletimeQt Bible-study application using the SWORD library
bibutilsInterconverts between various bibliography formats using common XML intermediate
binfindSearch files for a byte sequence specified on the command line
blahtexmlTeX-to-MathML converter
blogcA blog compiler
bogosortA file sorting program which uses the bogosort algorithm
build-docbook-catalogDocBook XML catalog auto-updater
c2psGenerates a beautified ps document from a source file (c/c++)
calibreEbook management application
capytA python3 CLI utility to interface with paste service
catdocConverter for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and RTF files to text
cb2bibTool for extracting unformatted bibliographic references
cedillaUTF-8 to postscript converter
chasenJapanese Morphological Analysis System, ChaSen
cherrytreeA hierarchical note taking application (C++ version)
cmarkCommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
cmigemoMigemo library implementation in C
code2htmlConverts source files to colored HTML output
convertlitCLit converts MS ebook .lit files to .opf (xml+html+png+jpg)
convmvconvert filenames to utf8 or any other charset
cpdfA command line tool for manipulating PDF files
crengine-ngCross-platform library designed to implement e-book readers
crf++Yet Another CRF toolkit for segmenting/labelling sequential data
crm114A powerful text processing tool, mainly used for spam filtering
crqt-ngCross-platform e-book reader
crwx-ngCross-platform e-book reader
cssminPython port of the YUI CSS compression algorithm
cwtextText to Morse Code converter
dblatexTransform DocBook using TeX macros
deltaHeuristically minimizes interesting files
dictdDictionary Client/Server for the DICT protocol
dictionDiction and style checkers for english and german texts
diff-pdfA simple tool for visually comparing two PDF files
diffpdfProgram that textually or visually compares two PDF files
dingTk based dictionary (German-English) (incl. dictionary itself)
discountA Markdown-to HTML translator written in C
djviewPortable DjVu viewer using Qt
djvuDjVu viewers, encoders and utilities
docbook2XTools to convert docbook to man and info
docbook-dsssl-stylesheetsDSSSL Stylesheets for DocBook
docbook-sgml-dtdDocbook SGML DTD 4.0
docbook-sgml-utilsShell scripts to manage DocBook documents
docbook-xml-dtdDocbook DTD for XML
docbook-xml-simple-dtdSimplified Docbook DTD for XML
docbook-xsl-ns-stylesheetsXSL Stylesheets for Docbook
docbook-xsl-stylesheetsXSL Stylesheets for Docbook
docx2txtConvert MS Office docx files to plain text
dos2unixConvert DOS or MAC text files to UNIX format or vice versa
doxygenDocumentation system for most programming languages
dvipngTranslate DVI files into PNG or GIF graphics
dvipskDVI-to-PostScript translator
dvisvgmConverts DVI files to SVG
ebook2cwConvert ebooks to Morse MP3s/OGGs
ebook-toolsTools for accessing and converting various ebook file formats
editorconfig-core-cEditorConfig core library written in C
enchantSpellchecker wrapping library
enscriptPowerful text-to-postscript converter
epspdfGUI and command-line converter for [e]ps and pdf
epstoolCreates or extracts preview images in EPS files, fixes bounding boxes
evinceSimple document viewer for GNOME
expanderExpander is a utility that acts as a filter for text editors
extract_urlextracts URLs from correctly-encoded MIME email messages or plain text
fblogSmall command-line JSON Log viewer
fbpdfframebuffer pdf and djvu viewer
feathernotesLightweight Qt Notes-Manager for Linux
fictionupCommand-line markdown to fb2 convertor
flpsedPseudo PostScript editor
foliategtk ebook reader built with gjs
fzyFuzzy text selector (interactive grep) for console
gentoo-dtdDocument Type Definition for Gentoo-related XML files
ghostscript-gplInterpreter for the PostScript language and PDF
gnome-doc-utilsA collection of documentation utilities for the Gnome project
gripPreview GitHub Markdown files like Readme locally before committing them
groongaAn Embeddable Fulltext Search Engine
groonga-normalizer-mysqlGroonga plugin that provides MySQL compatible normalizers
grutatxtA converter from plain text to HTML and other markup languages
gspellSpell check library for GTK+ applications
gtkspellSpell checking widget for GTK
gtranslatorGNOME Translation Editor
gvViewer for PostScript and PDF documents using Ghostscript
halibutyet another free document preparation system
hd2uDos2Unix like text file converter
highlightConverts source code to formatted text (HTML, LaTeX, etc.) with syntax highlight
hnbA program to organize many kinds of data in one place
htagrandom signature maker
html2textHTML to text converter
html401DTDs for the HyperText Markup Language 4.01
htmldocConvert HTML pages into a PDF document
htmlincHTML Include System by Ulli Meybohm
htmlminA configurable HTML Minifier with safety features (htmlmin2 fork)
htmlrecodeRecodes HTML file using a new character set
htmltidyTidy the layout and correct errors in HTML and XML documents
html-xml-utilsA number of simple utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files
htpAn HTML preprocessor
hunspellSpell checker, morphological analyzer library and command-line tool
hyperestraiera full-text search system for communities
idnitsA tool to check internet-drafts (IDs) for submission nits
iso-codesISO language, territory, currency, script codes and their translations
itex2mmlLaTeX to XHTML/MathML converter
jabref-binJava GUI for managing BibTeX and other bibliographies
joJSON output from a shell
kataraktA simple PDF viewer designed to use as much available screen space as possible
kbibtexBibTeX editor to edit bibliographies used with LaTeX
kchmviewerFeature rich chm file viewer, based on Qt
kramdown-rfcAn XML2RFC (RFC799x) backend for Thomas Leitner's kramdown markdown parser
kropA tool to crop PDF files
languagetoolA proof-reading tool for many languages
lcdf-typetoolsFont utilities for eg manipulating OTF
lesspipePreprocessor for less
letterizeGenerate English-plausible alphabetic mnemonics for a phone number
libabwLibrary parsing abiword documents
libebookLibrary parsing various ebook formats
libepubgenEPUB generator for librevenge
libetonyekLibrary parsing Apple Keynote presentations
libexttextcatLibrary implementing N-gram-based text categorization
libgepubGObject based library for handling and rendering epub documents
libgxpsLibrary for handling and rendering XPS documents
liblangtagInterface library to access tags for identifying languages
libmspubLibrary parsing Microsoft Publisher documents
libmwawLibrary parsing many pre-OSX MAC text formats
libnumbertextNumber to number name and money text conversion libraries
libodfgenLibrary to generate ODF documents from libwpd and libwpg
libpaperLibrary for handling paper characteristics
libqxpLibrary parsing QuarkXpress documents
libspectreLibrary for rendering Postscript documents
libspellingA GNOME library for spellchecking
libstarofficeImport filter for old StarOffice documents
libwpdWordPerfect Document import/export library
libwpgC++ library to read and parse graphics in WPG
libwpsMicrosoft Works file word processor format import filter library
libxmlpatchA set of tools to create and apply patch to XML files using XPath
linuxdoc-toolsA toolset for processing LinuxDoc DTD SGML files
llppGraphical PDF viewer which aims to superficially resemble less(1)
logmergeSmall and powerful script to merge two or more logfiles
lowdownMarkdown translator producing HTML5, roff documents in the ms and man formats
lvPowerful Multilingual File Viewer
mandocSuite of tools compiling mdoc and man
manpagerEnable colorization of man pages
marknoteMarkdown editor with a wide range of formating options for everyday notes
master-pdf-editorA complete solution for viewing and editing PDF files
mathtexLets you easily embed LaTeX math in your own html pages, blogs, wikis, etc
mdbookCreate a book from markdown files
mecabYet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
mpageMany to one page printing utility
msortA program for sorting files in sophisticated ways
multitailTail with multiple windows
mupdfA lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C
mythesSimple thesaurus for LibreOffice
namazuNamazu is a full-text search engine
NaturalDocsExtensible, multi-language source code documentation generator
nfoviewSimple viewer for NFO files, which are ASCII art in the CP437 codepage
nuspellSpell checker library and CLI for complex natural languages
o3readConverts OpenOffice formats to text or HTML
ocradOCR (Optical Character Recognition) program
odt2txtA simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text
openjadeJade is an implementation of DSSSL for formatting SGML and XML documents
openpaperwork-coreCore part of Paperwork (plugin management)
openpaperwork-gtkPaperwork plugins
openspA free, object-oriented toolkit for SGML parsing and entity management
pandocConversion between markup formats
pandoc-binConversion between markup formats (binary package)
pandoc-cliConversion between documentation formats
paper-clipEdit the title, author, keywords and more details of PDF documents
paperworka personal document manager for scanned documents (and PDFs)
paperwork-backendBackend part of Paperwork (Python API, no UI)
papsUnicode-aware text to PostScript converter
para paragraph reformatter, vaguely similar to fmt, but better
pastebinitSoftware that lets you send anything you want directly to a pastebin
pdf2htmlConverts pdf files to html files
pdfarrangerMerge or split pdfs; rearrange, rotate, crop pages
pdfgrepA tool similar to grep which searches text in PDFs
pdfjamTool for manipulatiing PDF files
pdfminerPython tool for extracting information from PDF documents
pdfpcPresenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files
pdfsandwichgenerator of sandwich OCR pdf files
pdftkA port of pdftk into java
pelicanA tool to generate a static blog, with restructured text or markdown input files
pepGeneral purpose filter and file cleaning program
pinfoHypertext info and man viewer based on (n)curses
po4aTools to ease the translation of documentation
podofoPoDoFo is a C++ library to work with the PDF file format
popplerPDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base
poppler-dataData files for poppler to support uncommon encodings without xpdfrc
ps2epsGenerate Encapsulated Postscript Format files from one-page Postscript documents
ps2pkmTool that converts a PostScript type1 font into a corresponding TeX PK font
psiconvAn interpreter for Psion 5(MX) file formats
psmarkPrints watermark-like text on any PostScript document
pspdftoolTool for prepress preparation of PDF and PostScript documents
pspresentA tool to display full-screen PostScript presentations
pstotextExtract ASCII text from a PostScript or PDF file
psutilsPostScript Utilities
qpdfCommand-line tool for structural, content-preserving transformation of PDF files
qpdfviewA tabbed document viewer
qtikzeditor for the TikZ drawing language
rarianA documentation metadata library
recodeConvert files between various character sets
refbaseWeb-based solution for managing scientific literature, references and citations
restviewreStructuredText viewer
rmanPolyGlotMan man page translator AKA RosettaMan
rnc2rngRELAX NG Compact to regular syntax conversion library
rnvA lightweight Relax NG Compact Syntax validator
robodocAutomating Software Documentation
ronn-ngBuilds manuals in HTML and Unix man page format from Markdown
rplIntelligent recursive search/replace utility
rtf2htmlRTF to HTML converter
sablotronAn XSLT Parser in C++
scdocStandalone tool for generating man pages with a simple syntax
scrollkeeper-dtdDTD from the Scrollkeeper package
sdcvConsole version of Stardict program
sgml-commonBase ISO character entities and utilities for SGML
sgrepUse structural criteria to grep and index text, SGML, XML and HTML and filter
sigilMulti-platform WYSIWYG ebook editor for ePub format
simple-fb2-readerA simple gtk3 reader for fb2 ebooks
sloccountTools for counting Source Lines of Code (SLOC) for a large number of languages
spellutilsspellutils includes 'newsbody' (useful for spellchecking in mails, etc.)
swordLibrary for Bible reading software
t1utilsType 1 Font utilities
tablerA utility to create text art tables from delimited input
talkfiltersConvert ordinary English text into text that mimics a stereotyped dialect
teckitText Encoding Conversion toolkit
teseqA tool for analyzing files that contain control characters and sequences
tessdata_bestMost accurate trained models for app-text/tesseract
tessdata_fastFast integer versions of trained models for app-text/tesseract
tessdata_legacyTrained models for app-text/tesseract compatible with the legacy engine
tesseractAn OCR Engine, originally developed at HP, now open source
texi2htmlPerl script that converts Texinfo to HTML
texliveA complete TeX distribution
texlive-coreA complete TeX distribution
tkinfoInfo Browser in TK
tkmanGraphical, hypertex man and info page browser
tofrodosUtility that converts ASCII files between the MSDOS and the Unix format
tokyodystopiaA fulltext search engine for Tokyo Cabinet
trangMulti-format schema converter based on RELAX NG
treeLists directories recursively, and produces an indented listing of files
ttf2pk2Freetype 2 based TrueType font to TeX's PK format converter
ttf2pt1True Type Font to Postscript Type 1 Converter
txt2manScripts to convert regular ASCII text to man pages
txt2pdbdocText/HTML to Doc file converter for the Palm Pilot
txt2tagsGenerate marked up documents (HTML, etc.)from a plain text file with markup
u2psA text to PostScript converter like a2ps, but supports UTF-8
unacLibrary and command-line tool for removing accents from characters
unpaperPost-processor for scanned and photocopied book pages
unrtfConverts RTF files to various formats
uudeviewuu, xx, base64, binhex decoder
vgrepA pager for grep, git-grep and similar grep implementations
vilistextumHTML to ASCII converter programmed to handle incorrect html
wdiffCreate a diff disregarding formatting
webgenA template-based static website generator
wgetpasteCommand-line interface to various pastebins
wiki2beamerTool to produce LaTeX Beamer code from wiki-like input
writerperfectVarious formats to Open document format converter
wscrA Lightweight and Fast Anagram Solver
wvTool for conversion of MSWord doc and rtf files to something readable
wv2Excellent MS Word filter lib, used in most Office suites
xapersPersonal document indexing system
xapian-omegaAn application built on Xapian, consisting of indexers and a CGI search frontend
xchmUtility for viewing Compiled HTML Help (CHM) files
xdvikDVI viewer for X Window System
xhtml1DTDs for the eXtensible HyperText Markup Language 1.0
xhtml11DTDs for the eXtensible HyperText Markup Language 1.0
xiphosA Gtk+-based Bible-study frontend for SWORD
xlhtmlConvert MS Excel and Powerpoint files to HTML
xlsx2csvConvert MS Office xlsx files to CSV
xml2These tools are used to convert XML and HTML to and from a line-oriented format
xml2docTool to convert simple XML to a variety of formats (pdf, html, txt, manpage)
xml2rfcGenerates RFCs and IETF drafts from document source in XML
xmldiffA tool that figures out the differences between two similar XML files
xmlformatReformat XML documents to your custom style
xmlstarletA set of tools to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents
xmltoScript for converting XML and DocBook documents to a variety of output formats
xmltomanSimple scripts for converting xml to groff or html
xournalAn application for notetaking, sketching, and keeping a journal using a stylus
xournalppHandwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support
xpdfThe PDF viewer and tools
yamlfmtAn extensible command line tool or library to format yaml files
yelp-toolsCollection of tools for building and converting documentation
yodlYour Own Document Language: a pre-document language and tools to process it
zathuraA highly customizable and functional document viewer
zathura-cbComic book plug-in for zathura with 7zip, rar, tar and zip support
zathura-djvuDjVu plug-in for zathura
zathura-metaMeta package for app-text/zathura plugins
zathura-pdf-mupdfPDF support for zathura using the mupdf PDF rendering library
zathura-pdf-popplerPDF plug-in for zathura
zathura-psPostScript plug-in for zathura
zealOffline documentation browser inspired by Dash
zotero-binHelps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources


Packages: 303

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