aclib | Almost-crystallographic group library and algorithms for GAP |
alnuth | Algebraic number theory and an interface to PARI/GP |
atlasrep | GAP Interface to the Atlas of Group Representations |
autodoc | Generate documentation from GAP source code |
autpgrp | Computing the Automorphism Group of a p-Group |
browse | GAP ncurses interface for browsing two-dimensional data |
cohomolo | Cohomology groups of finite groups on finite modules |
congruence | Congruence subgroups of SL(2,ZZ) for GAP |
corelg | GAP package to compute with real semisimple Lie algebras |
crime | GAP Package to calculate group cohomology and Massey products |
crisp | GAP algorithms for subgroups of finite soluble groups |
crypting | GAP implementation of SHA256 and HMAC for the Jupyter kernel |
cryst | GAP package for computing with crystallographic groups |
crystcat | The crystallographic groups catalog |
ctbllib | The GAP Character Table Library |
cvec | Compact vectors over finite fields in GAP |
datastructures | Collection of standard data structures for GAP |
design | The Design Package for GAP |
digraphs | Graphs, digraphs, and multidigraphs in GAP |
edim | Elementary Divisors of Integer Matrices (EDIM) for GAP |
factint | Advanced Methods for Factoring Integers |
fga | Free Group Algorithms (FGA) for GAP |
gapdoc | GAP documentation structure and tooling |
gaplint | Linter for GAP |
gbnp | Compute Gröbner bases of noncommutative polynomials |
genss | GAP implementation of the randomized Schreier-Sims algorithm |
grape | GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups |
guava | GAP package for computing with error-correcting codes |
hap | Homological Algebra Programming (HAP) in GAP |
hapcryst | A HAP extension for crytallographic groups |
hecke | Calculate decomposition matrices of Hecke algebras in GAP |
images | Find minimal and canonical images in permutation groups |
io | Bindings for low level C library I/O routines |
irredsol | Irreducible soluble linear groups over finite fields and more |
laguna | Lie AlGebras and UNits of group Algebras |
liealgdb | A database of Lie algebras |
liepring | Database and algorithms for Lie p-rings |
liering | Finitely presented Lie rings in GAP |
loops | Computing with quasigroups and loops in GAP |
mapclass | A GAP package to compute mapping-class group orbits |
nq | Nilpotent Quotients of finitely-presented groups |
orb | GAP methods to enumerate orbits |
polenta | Polycyclic presentations for matrix groups |
polycyclic | Computation with polycyclic groups |
polymaking | GAP interface to sci-mathematics/polymake |
primgrp | GAP Primitive Permutation Groups Library |
qpa | Quivers and Path Algebras in GAP |
quagroup | GAP package for quantum group computations |
radiroot | Roots of a polynomial as radicals in GAP |
resclasses | Set-theoretic computations with residue classes in GAP |
semigroups | GAP package for semigroups and monoids |
singular | GAP interface to sci-mathematics/singular |
sla | GAP package for simple Lie algebra computations |
smallgrp | The GAP Small Groups Library |
sonata | System of finite nearrings and their applications |
sophus | Computing in nilpotent Lie algebras |
spinsym | Brauer tables of spin-symmetric groups |
tomlib | The GAP library of Tables of Marks |
toric | GAP package for computing with toric varieties |
transgrp | GAP transitive groups library |
utils | Utility functions in GAP |