
The dev-gap category contains packages for the GAP computer algebra system, available at

aclibAlmost-crystallographic group library and algorithms for GAP
alnuthAlgebraic number theory and an interface to PARI/GP
atlasrepGAP Interface to the Atlas of Group Representations
autodocGenerate documentation from GAP source code
autpgrpComputing the Automorphism Group of a p-Group
browseGAP ncurses interface for browsing two-dimensional data
cohomoloCohomology groups of finite groups on finite modules
congruenceCongruence subgroups of SL(2,ZZ) for GAP
corelgGAP package to compute with real semisimple Lie algebras
crimeGAP Package to calculate group cohomology and Massey products
crispGAP algorithms for subgroups of finite soluble groups
cryptingGAP implementation of SHA256 and HMAC for the Jupyter kernel
crystGAP package for computing with crystallographic groups
crystcatThe crystallographic groups catalog
ctbllibThe GAP Character Table Library
cvecCompact vectors over finite fields in GAP
datastructuresCollection of standard data structures for GAP
designThe Design Package for GAP
digraphsGraphs, digraphs, and multidigraphs in GAP
edimElementary Divisors of Integer Matrices (EDIM) for GAP
factintAdvanced Methods for Factoring Integers
fgaFree Group Algorithms (FGA) for GAP
gapdocGAP documentation structure and tooling
gaplintLinter for GAP
gbnpCompute Gröbner bases of noncommutative polynomials
genssGAP implementation of the randomized Schreier-Sims algorithm
grapeGRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups
guavaGAP package for computing with error-correcting codes
hapHomological Algebra Programming (HAP) in GAP
hapcrystA HAP extension for crytallographic groups
heckeCalculate decomposition matrices of Hecke algebras in GAP
imagesFind minimal and canonical images in permutation groups
ioBindings for low level C library I/O routines
irredsolIrreducible soluble linear groups over finite fields and more
lagunaLie AlGebras and UNits of group Algebras
liealgdbA database of Lie algebras
liepringDatabase and algorithms for Lie p-rings
lieringFinitely presented Lie rings in GAP
loopsComputing with quasigroups and loops in GAP
mapclassA GAP package to compute mapping-class group orbits
nqNilpotent Quotients of finitely-presented groups
orbGAP methods to enumerate orbits
polentaPolycyclic presentations for matrix groups
polycyclicComputation with polycyclic groups
polymakingGAP interface to sci-mathematics/polymake
primgrpGAP Primitive Permutation Groups Library
qpaQuivers and Path Algebras in GAP
quagroupGAP package for quantum group computations
radirootRoots of a polynomial as radicals in GAP
resclassesSet-theoretic computations with residue classes in GAP
semigroupsGAP package for semigroups and monoids
singularGAP interface to sci-mathematics/singular
slaGAP package for simple Lie algebra computations
smallgrpThe GAP Small Groups Library
sonataSystem of finite nearrings and their applications
sophusComputing in nilpotent Lie algebras
spinsymBrauer tables of spin-symmetric groups
tomlibThe GAP library of Tables of Marks
toricGAP package for computing with toric varieties
transgrpGAP transitive groups library
utilsUtility functions in GAP


Packages: 61

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