basexx | A base2, base16, base32, base64 and base85 library for Lua |
binaryheap | Binary heap implementation in pure Lua |
busted | Elegant Lua unit testing |
busted-htest | Pretty output handler for Busted |
compat53 | Compatibility module providing Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.2 and 5.1 |
cqueues | Stackable Continuation Queues |
dkjson | David Kolf's JSON module for Lua |
fifo | Fifo library for Lua |
inifile | A simple and complete ini parser for Lua |
lanes | Lightweight, native, lazy evaluating multithreading library |
ldoc | A LuaDoc-compatible documentation generation system |
lgi | Lua bindings using gobject-introspection |
lpeg | Parsing Expression Grammars for Lua |
lpeg-patterns | A collection of LPEG patterns |
lua-argparse | Feature-rich command line parser for Lua |
lua-bit32 | Backported Lua bit manipulation library |
LuaBitOp | Bit Operations Library for the Lua Programming Language |
luacheck | A tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code |
lua-cjson | A fast JSON encoding/parsing module for Lua |
lua_cliargs | A command-line argument parsing module for Lua |
luacov | A simple coverage analyzer for Lua scripts |
luadbi | A database interface library for Lua |
luaevent | Binding of libevent for Lua |
luaexpat | A SAX XML parser based on the Expat library |
luafilesystem | File System Library for the Lua programming language |
lua-http | HTTP Library for Lua. Supports HTTP(S) 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0; client and server. |
luajson | JSON Parser/Constructor for Lua |
lualdap | A lua binding for the OpenLDAP client libraries |
lua-mmdb | Maxmind database parser for lua |
lua-openssl | OpenSSL binding for Lua |
luaossl | Most comprehensive OpenSSL module in the Lua universe |
luaposix | Bindings for POSIX APIs |
luarocks | A package manager for the Lua programming language |
luasec | Lua binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication |
luasocket | Networking support for the Lua language |
luassert | Assertion library for Lua |
luasystem | Platform independent system calls for Lua |
lua-term | Terminal operations for Lua |
lua-unbound | A binding to libunbound for Lua |
lua-utf8 | A UTF-8 support module for Lua and LuaJIT |
lua-zlib | Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua |
lutok | Lightweight C++ API library for Lua |
luv | Bare libuv bindings for lua |
md5 | Offers basic cryptographic facilities for Lua |
mediator_lua | Mediator pattern implementation for pub-sub management |
messagepack | pure Lua implementation of the MessagePack serialization format |
mpack | Lua bindings for libmpack |
penlight | Lua utility libraries loosely based on the Python standard libraries |
readline | A simple interface to the readline and history libraries |
say | Lua String Hashing/Indexing Library |
toluapp | A tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua |