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The dev-python category contains packages whose primary purpose is to provide Python modules, extensions and bindings, as well as tools and utilities useful for development in the Python programming language.
Pull requests
Bug Reports
dev-python/dabo - a 3-tier, cross-platform application development framework written in Python/wxPython
108226 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/ncrypt (New package)
139679 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/cx_oracle - DBI 2 compliant module connecting python to oracle
157431 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pyxdialog-0.3 - A Python wrapper for the Xdialog program
184121 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pythonnurbs (New package)
211453 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/dbus-python: builds tests with FEATURES=-test (PATCH)
226347 - Assigned to Freedesktop bugs
dev-python/eggtranslations (new package)
258897 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/zanshin (new package)
258901 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pottymouth-2.1.2 (New package)
274612 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/spawning-0.8.10 (New package)
276317 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/mainnav-reader-0.3.ebuild (New Package)
288163 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pytyrant-1.1.17 (New package)
288330 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pyexiv2-0.3.2 (New package, deprecated upstream)
289004 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/concurrence-0.3.1 (New package)
290554 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/formbuild (New package)
298430 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/hyphenator: new ebuild
300382 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pysyncml - syncml support for app-office/taskcoach
301465 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/web2py: open source full-stack enterprise framework in Python
303047 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
306535 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pyxattr-0.5.0 fails tests on system without xattr support
315267 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/rdfextras new package
335601 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/key-mon new package
343855 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pykickstart-1.80 - python library that is used for reading and writing kickstart files
351104 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/django-coverage (New package)
352387 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/flask-debugtoolbar (New package)
356399 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/configglue (new ebuild)
387377 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/acutil - Tool for setting up authentication from network services ( Python2 library )
389017 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/factory_boy : A versatile test fixtures replacement
407589 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/netzob - Network protocol modelization by reverse engineering
408013 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/meliae-0.4.0: Profile python's memory footprint
408217 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/txscheduling-1.1 - A scheduling plugin for Twisted
444946 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pydoctor (New Package)
454784 - Assigned to Matthew Marchese
dev-python/matplotlib: bundles x11-libs/agg
456766 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/cef-0.5 (new package)
459498 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/metlog-cef-0.2 (new package)
459502 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/metlog-py-0.10.0 (new package)
459504 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/wsgiproxy-0.2.2 (new package)
459508 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/numpy fails to detect ATLAS
469116 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pushy-0.5.3 - A library for transparently accessing objects in a remote Python interpreter
481314 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/wxpython leaves orphaned[co] files in site-packages
481488 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/wxpython: does magic on top of Python script wrapping
484420 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/pytimerfd-1.2 - Python bindings for the Linux timerfd_* syscalls
485216 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/poster - provides a set of classes and functions to faciliate making HTTP POST (or PUT) requests using the standard multipart/form-data encoding
487614 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pytmdb3 - Python interface to v3 API
490514 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/librsync-0.1.5 - A ctypes wrapper for net-libs/librsync
494154 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/txJSON-RPC dev-python/txjsonrpc - JSON RPC library for dev-python/twisted
495976 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/python-binary-memcached - A pure python module (thread safe) to access memcached via its binary protocol with SASL auth support
497452 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/python-cec - Control CEC-compliant HDMI devices
499648 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pycuda: uses RESTRICT=userpriv
516572 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/devpi-server - reliable fast caching server
519996 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/sphinx-intl-0.9.5 - sphinx utility that make[sic] it easy to translate and to apply translation
524664 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pyalienfx-1.0.2 - software to control the AlienFX device of Alienware computers
526580 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/dirspec - provides support for handling directories per XDG Base Directory and User Folders specifications
531554 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pysqlcipher - A fork of pysqlite. An interface to SQLite 3.x with SQLCipher
531556 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/srp - Secure Remote Password
531558 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/taskthread - Thread implementation that executes a repetitive task without the need to start up a new thread
531560 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/u1db - U1DB is a database API for synchronised databases of JSON documents
531562 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/scamper-tools - native Python implementations of sc_attach and sc_wartsdump without any scamper dependencies
533596 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/jsmin may be non-free
548296 - Assigned to Licenses team
dev-python/vispy: high-performance interactive 2D/3D data visualization library
555608 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/python-sane - Python interface to the SANE scanner and frame grabber
563908 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/PythonQwt - Qt plotting widgets for Python (pure Python reimplementation of Qwt C++ library)
564952 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/guiqwt - 2D plotting Python library based on PythonQwt
564954 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/simple-date - date, time and timezone python library
565430 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/flake8-quotes: Flake8 extension for checking quotes in python (new ebuild)
573508 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/drf - Django Rest Framework
578600 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/python-glancecleint: glance: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'func'
578784 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/selenium-2.46.0 dev-ruby/selenium-webdriver-2.53.4-r1 - file collision with FEATURES="splitdebug"
593912 - Assigned to Gentoo Ruby Team
dev-python/pypy3: investigate distutils C compiler calls
602444 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/PyQtChart: new package
607130 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pygattlib - Python library to use the GATT Protocol for Bluetooth LE devices
615196 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/bluepy - Python interface to Bluetooth LE on Linux
615200 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/carbonate: new package
618458 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pysvn-1.8.0 fails tests
620122 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/reikna - GPGPU algorithms for PyCUDA and PyOpenCL
621108 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/parsel-1.2.0 package is needed for scrapy-1.4.0 (new ebuild)
626612 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/proselint ebuild request
629120 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pyperclip-1.5.27 No protocol specified : cannot connect to X server :0
629262 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/rtslib-fb-2.1.62: Attempting to create pscsi cdrom lun causes index out of range error
631946 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/tmuxp - tmux session manager
634058 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pyxattr-0.6.0 : FAILED (errors=18)
635952 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/pbr-3.1.1 access violation with pypy3
637160 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/bcrypt-3.1.4 fails test tests/ - UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-7: ordinal not in range(128)
637228 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/kid-0.9.6-r1 fails test: E AssertionError: assert (True and invalid continuation byte == ordinal not in range(128)
640098 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/restkit-4.2.2 fails test: ERROR: tests.004-test-client.test_007
640410 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pyzmq-16.0.2: upstream marked Gentoo QA notices as RESOLVED/WONTFIX
641040 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jsonrpclib-0.3.1 fails test: FAIL: testJoin (tests.test_threadpool.ThreadPoolTest)
641532 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/binaryornot-0.4.3 fails test: ERROR: test_never_crashes (tests.test_check.TestDetectionProperties)
644444 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.13.3 - src_compile(): don't know how to compile Fortran code on platform 'posix'
648988 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mox3-0.24.0 : ImportError: cannot import name ReparseException
650918 - Assigned to Gentoo OpenStack team
dev-python/pyphen: bundles a lot of dictionaries, in multiple copies
656488 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/apispec-0.35.0 fails test: _ ERROR collecting tests/ _
662676 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/pbr-3.1.1 fails to compile when unrelated python modules don't exist (e.g. bleach) for given python version
662928 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/tornado-5.1 - ERROR: test_future_write (tornado.test.iostream_test.TestIOStream)
663490 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
=dev-python/pbr-4.2.0-r1 fails test pbr.tests.test_packaging.TestPackagingWheels.test_generates_c_extensions
664966 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/paramiko: Patch out server functionality behind a masked USE flag
666619 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyGLFW-1.7.0 - python bindings to the GLFW library
668348 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/milksnake - A setuptools/wheel/cffi extension to embed a binary data in wheels
671230 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/numpy-1.15.4 USE=mkl - fails at either build time or run time for multiple undisclosed reasons
672464 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/numpy-1.14.5 - RuntimeError: Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program
676976 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/git-review-1.27.0 : QA Notice: This ebuild installs into the following deprecated directories:
682432 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/pycairo-1.17.0-r1 fails test with pypy3: "undefined symbol: PyOS_FSPath"
682870 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/vagrant - Python bindings for interacting with Vagrant virtual machines
686848 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/m2crypto: respect arch in CHOST for swig
688668 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/javasphinx-0.9.15 - A sphinx extension to include jinja based templates into a sphinx doc
692534 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pymdstat-0.4.2 - ERROR: Package installs 'share' in PyPy prefix, see bug #465546.
693584 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/odfpy-1.3.6 : error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
694570 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/discover : Test discovery for unittest
695264 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/mox3-0.24.0 USE=doc - Warning, treated as error: Cannot get gitsha from git repository.
696060 - Assigned to Gentoo OpenStack team
dev-python/python-neutronclient-6.12.0 USE=doc - OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'doc/build/html/.'
696132 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/tornado-5.1 USE=doc - src_compile(): loading intersphinx inventory from Warning, treated as error: failed to reach any of the inventories with the following issues: []
697638 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tldextract: package writes to system location
698202 - Assigned to Patrick Lauer
=dev-python/pytest-watch-4.2.0 - a zero-config CLI tool that runs pytest, and re-runs it when a file in your project changes.
698552 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/wxpython-4.0.6: <built-in>: fatal error: when writing output to : No such file or directory
699046 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/xhtml2pdf - A library for converting HTML into PDFs using ReportLab
699356 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/hypothesis: Enable more tests
700224 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/strict-rfc3339-0.7-r1: test_strict_rfc3339.TestTimestampToRFC3339UTCOffset, test_strict_rfc3339.TestTimestampToRFC3339UTCOffset fail
702996 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython-4.0.7 - Mandatory dependency to gstreamer via x11-libs/wxGTK[gstreamer]
704268 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/pycryptodome-3.6.6 - src/common.h:161:2: error: #error No routines for aligned memory
704298 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/intervaltree-3.0.2 should depend on >=dev-python/sortedcontainers-2.0
705382 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Biology related packages
dev-python/pylibacl-0.5.3: testEquivMode fails
709782 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/sparklines-0.4.2 ebuild request (enhances sys-process/glances)
710636 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pytest-pythonpath new package
710910 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/cffi-1.13.2: test_func_as_funcptr fails because of -Werror
711090 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pysvn-1.8.0 : Error: PyCXX version not as required.
712056 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pypiserver-1.3.1-r1: test_partial_authed_open_download fails
712524 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.14.0[doc] RuntimeError: unable to read the version from
714784 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/requests-2.23.0: test_use_proxy_from_environment[*https] fails with TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '_socks_options'
716614 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy-7.3.9-r1 : /.../environment:line <snip>: ./pypy-c: No such file or directory
717688 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-python/pylibacl fails tests
718914 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/python-distutils-extra: removal?
719788 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/docker TCPSocketStreamTest.* failures
720060 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib GUI front end USE flag required
720196 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/zc-lockfile fails tests
720258 - Assigned to William Hubbs
dev-python/python-dbusmock-0.18.2: test failures
720834 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/pycurl- fails tests (libcurl/*.so: cannot open shared object file)
722284 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-tempdir fails tests
722586 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/wxpython fails tests
722716 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/pysvn fails tests
722840 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/secretstorage-3.1.2: test failures: secretstorage.exceptions.SecretServiceNotAvailableException: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying
723340 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/flit fails tests
723550 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/cffi calls cc directly
723558 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-jose fails tests
723616 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/mediafile fails tests
723652 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pysvn does not respect CFLAGS
723742 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pycurl- failed configure with mbedtls
726306 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython-4.0.7: test hangs (lib_agw_piectrl_Tests::test_lib_agw_piectrlMethods)
726812 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/cherrypy-18.5.0: test failure
726820 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/blosc-1.11.1 : One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:
727396 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/eyeD3-0.8.11 - eyeD3: WARNING: Plugin '('', '/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/eyed3/plugins')' requires packages that are not installed: cannot import name 'COVER_EXTRA_LARGE' from 'pylast' (/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pylast[...]
728072 - Assigned to Gentoo Sound Team
<dev-python/numpy-1.19.0: pypy3 fortran tests fail
729966 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/rarfile-4.0-r1 fails tests
731706 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/scikit-build-0.11.1: needs Fortran for tests
732180 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
=dev-python/metakernel-0.20.4 fails test on LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8
732230 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/simpy fails to compile
732830 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/llfuse fails test test_rounding: OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
733298 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/m2crypto-0.35.2 fails datetime and timeout tests
736302 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/black: needs pypy3 port
737620 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/selenium-3.141.0-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies
737878 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/selenium-3.141.0-r1 installs files with broken symlink
737880 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django_polymorphic-3.1 fails tests
737922 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/zope-i18nmessageid-5.0.1: error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('coverage')
737968 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mediafile-0.2.0 fails tests
738006 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/oslo-vmware-3.3.1 fails tests
738070 - Assigned to Gentoo OpenStack team
dev-python/pycadf-2.9.0-r1 fails tests
738136 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/python-troveclient-2.17.0 fails tests
738298 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/python-heatclient-1.17.0 fails tests
738304 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/python-saharaclient-2.2.1 fails tests
738310 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/simpy-3.0.13 fails tests
738372 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pycurl: replace USE=curl_ssl_* with USE={gnutls,libressl,nss,openssl}
738604 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyyaml-5.3.1 fails tests
738686 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
=dev-python/pycurl- Installation of a regular file is blocked by a directory: /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycurl-
738798 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/whoosh-2.7.4 fails tests
738878 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycuda-2019.1.2 fails tests
738882 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/py-1.9.0 fails tests with python3.7
741384 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pbr-5.5.0: test_capitalized_headers, test_get_kwargs_corner_cases, test_invalid_tag_ignored, test_non_canonical_tagged_version_bump fail
741550 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/line-profiler-3.0.2 fails to compile
742635 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/cffi-1.15.1 fails tests: test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef
743181 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy fails test test_bisplev_integer_overflow Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
743295 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/lz4-3.0.2 fails tests (hang)
743451 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/lxml-4.9.1 fails tests
743457 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-dateutil-2.8.1-r2 fails tests
744082 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-dateutil-2.8.1-r2 fails tests with sys-libs/timezone-data-2020b and slim bloats
749594 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/webob-1.8.6[doc] failed to emerge (pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'webob' distribution was not found and is required by the application)
750083 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.8.1 fails to compile: source.c:(.text.startup+0x8c): undefined reference to `cblas_ddot'
750320 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyzmq: partly ignores *FLAGS, results in cross-compile failure with multilib-portage
751622 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-forked-1.4.0-r1 fails test_xfail_behavior tests
754165 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/passlib-1.7.4 fails tests with PyPy3
756103 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/numpy: automagically linking against
757510 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/eyeD3: fails tests ( tar: ./eyeD3-test-data/Metro Pakt - Neue Stra\341en (1981).mp3: Cannot open: Illegal byte sequence)
757663 - Assigned to Gentoo Sound Team
dev-python/lxml-4.6.2: Segmentation fault while building on armv6l
759268 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/eyeD3-0.9.5 calls commands that do not exist (pip: command not found)
760630 - Assigned to Gentoo Sound Team
dev-python/pyglet-1.5.14 fails to save images in alternative formats
763171 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/xcffib-0.11.1: fails tests (xvfb)
764278 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/iminuit-2.25.2 installs pre-stripped files
765214 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/pycryptodome-3.9.9-r1 fails tests (hang)
768438 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/gemato: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools' with pypy3 with new python-exec during upgrade
770421 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/matplotlib-3.3.4 bundles huge amount of fonts
772947 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pandas-1.2.1 fails test TestTimestampProperties.test_is_leap_year
773610 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pytest-salt-factories-0.121.1 fails tests
773925 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/autobahn-21.2.1 collides with other packages
778422 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycryptodome-3.10.1 - /.../ld: cannot find -ltomcrypt
779715 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/influxdb-client - New package
782091 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/python-swiftclient-3.10.1 calls commands that do not exist (line 2816: flake8: command not found)
784626 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/git-review-2.4.0 is missing tests (does not enable tests)
785304 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/pycadf-3.1.1 The ebuild is installing to one or more unexpected paths /usr/etc
785475 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/djangorestframework-3.12.4 fails tests
785715 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-1.2.3-r1: fails one test on x86 (test_rolling_quantile_interpolation_options)
786594 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/matplotlib-3.4.1: fails two LaTeX tests (test_minus_signs_with_tex[lualatex-pdf], test_pdf_pages[lualatex])
786600 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/iminuit bundles sci-libs/minuit
787275 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
=dev-python/numpy-1.20.2 fails to built with CFLAGS="-O2 -Wextra" (build system uses -Werror)
788250 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/scipy-1.6.2: fails 1 test on ppc64 (TestNoData.test_nodata)
788652 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/strict-rfc3339: RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration when emerging with pypy3
788826 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/amqp-2.6.1 failed to emerge with USE=doc - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'vine.five'
789462 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/imapclient with dev-lang/python-3.9.5_p2 - ssl.SSLError: [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE] sslv3 alert handshake failure
793884 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy: builds with SSE2 support on CPUs with no support (RuntimeError: NumPy was built with baseline optimizations: (SSE SSE2) but your machine doesn't support: (SSE2).)
794187 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/cfn-lint-0.49.2 fails tests
794742 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/cfn-lint-0.51.0 setuptools warnings detected
796152 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/fsspec-2021.05.0 setuptools warnings detected
796197 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.15.2 setuptools warnings detected
796200 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/apsw-3.35.4_p1 setuptools warnings detected
796239 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/feedgenerator-1.9.1-r1 setuptools warnings detected
796293 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/joblib-1.0.1 setuptools warnings detected
796296 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-poppler-qt5-0.75.0 setuptools warnings detected
796299 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lit-12.0.0 setuptools warnings detected
796473 - Assigned to LLVM support project
dev-python/debtcollector-2.2.0 setuptools warnings detected
797481 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/oslo-config-8.7.1 setuptools warnings detected
797484 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/oslo-context-3.1.1 setuptools warnings detected
797538 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/oslo-serialization-4.2.0 setuptools warnings detected
797547 - Assigned to Gentoo OpenStack team
dev-python/oslotest-4.4.1 setuptools warnings detected
797550 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/testscenarios-0.5.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
797559 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/blinker-1.4-r2 setuptools warnings detected
797757 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lockfile-0.12.2-r2 setuptools warnings detected
797763 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyclipper-1.3.0 setuptools warnings detected
797766 - Assigned to Pacho Ramos
dev-python/apipkg-2.0.0_rc1 setuptools warnings detected
797775 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aws-sam-translator-1.40.0 setuptools warnings detected
797784 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/bandit-1.7.1 setuptools warnings detected
797787 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/bashate-0.6.0 setuptools warnings detected
797790 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/commonmark-0.9.1 setuptools warnings detected
797799 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/keystoneauth1-4.4.0 setuptools warnings detected
797817 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/os-service-types-1.7.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
797820 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/requestsexceptions-1.4.0 setuptools warnings detected
797823 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/testresources-2.0.1 setuptools warnings detected
797826 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/decorator-5.1.0 setuptools warnings detected
797829 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/deprecated-1.2.12 setuptools warnings detected
797832 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-3.2.9 setuptools warnings detected
797838 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/doc8-0.9.1 setuptools warnings detected
797844 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/dogpile-cache-1.1.4 setuptools warnings detected
797847 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/django-filter-21.1-r2 setuptools warnings detected
797868 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/openstacksdk-0.50.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
797910 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/fastimport-0.9.11 setuptools warnings detected
797913 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fixtures-3.0.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
797916 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/fqdn-1.5.1-r1 setuptools warnings detected
797925 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/genson-1.1.0 setuptools warnings detected
797928 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/git-review-2.1.0 setuptools warnings detected
797931 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/github3-py-2.0.0 setuptools warnings detected
797934 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/gsd-2.5.0 setuptools warnings detected
797937 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/logfury-0.1.2-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798057 - Assigned to William Pettersson
dev-python/mock-4.0.3 setuptools warnings detected
798069 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lark-0.11.3 setuptools warnings detected
798081 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/logbook-1.5.3 setuptools warnings detected
798096 - Assigned to Andreas Zuber
dev-python/os-client-config-2.1.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798153 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/osc-lib-2.4.2 setuptools warnings detected
798159 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/parameterized-0.8.1 setuptools warnings detected
798168 - Assigned to Amy Liffey
dev-python/pbr-5.8.0 setuptools warnings detected
798171 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/munch-2.5.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798174 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ply-3.11-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798177 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/progressbar2-3.55.0 setuptools warnings detected
798186 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pyproj-3.1.0 setuptools warnings detected
798216 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-utils-2.5.6 setuptools warnings detected
798219 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/traceback2-1.4.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798228 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ntplib-0.4.0 setuptools warnings detected
798246 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/openstackdocstheme-2.2.5 setuptools warnings detected
798255 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-3.2.8 setuptools warnings detected
798333 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycxx-7.1.8-r1 does not enable tests
798342 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pyghmi-1.5.22 setuptools warnings detected
798369 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/pysvg-0.2.2_p3 setuptools warnings detected
798390 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-ironicclient-4.4.0 setuptools warnings detected
798396 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/python-openstackclient-5.4.0 setuptools warnings detected
798537 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/podman-1.6.0 setuptools warnings detected
798540 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/python-swiftclient-3.10.1 setuptools warnings detected
798543 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/pyusb-1.2.1 setuptools warnings detected
798549 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-keystoneclient-4.3.0 setuptools warnings detected
798564 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/requests-mock-1.9.3 setuptools warnings detected
798570 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/requests-unixsocket-0.2.0 setuptools warnings detected
798573 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-spelling-7.2.1 setuptools warnings detected
798582 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/urllib3-1.26.7 setuptools warnings detected
798606 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython-4.0.7-r1 setuptools warnings detected
798612 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/libevdev-0.9 setuptools warnings detected
798627 - Assigned to Gentoo X packagers
dev-python/python-neutronclient-7.2.1 setuptools warnings detected
798636 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/python-novaclient-17.2.1 setuptools warnings detected
798642 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/thriftpy2-0.4.14-r1 fails tests
799806 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/requests-mock-1.9.3 fails tests
801136 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.15.2 - Configuration error:
801319 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pythran-0.9.12_p1 fails tests
802264 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.15.3-r1 fails tests (tests.test_tcp.Test_AIO_TCPSSL hangs)
805155 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tables-3.6.1-r1: fails tests: tables.tests.test_index_backcompat.Indexes2_*
805995 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
>=dev-python/sphinx-4.0.3 - fails,
806193 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-tempdir-2019.10.12: removed whole git clone of parso
806474 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/weasyprint-53.0 doesn’t support woff fonts
807070 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.4.2: test failures on hppa and sparc
807679 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/happybase-0.9_p20210701: mismatched upstream version?
808240 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/aioresponses-0.7.2 setuptools warnings detected
808504 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/leglight - A Python module designed to control the Elgato brand Lights
809848 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pandas-1.3.1: tests fail with "ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'int64_t' but got 'int'" and similar
809854 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/weasyprint-53.0 - sandbox issue
810421 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/google-auth-oauthlib-0.4.6 fails tests
811405 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/watchdog-2.1.5: error in one test (tests/ on s390
811873 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-bootstrap-theme-0.8.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected
812662 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyzmq-22.1.0: fails tests on arm64 (on one machine)
812764 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/u-msgpack-python-2.7.1 setuptools warnings detected
812890 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lxml-4.6.3-r1: QA: compile python_is_python3 is deprecated, as Python 2 is not supported anymore
812992 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/paramiko: ~/.ssh/known_hosts is overwritten and comments are lost (upstream bug)
813007 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyspf-2.0.14-r2 ignores Domain_Whitelist_PTR option in policyd-spf.conf
813414 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scikit-build-0.12.0 setuptools warnings detected
813804 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/scipy-1.8.1 does not respect LDFLAGS
814950 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/scipy-1.8.1 installs pre-stripped files
814953 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/lmfit-1.0.3 fails tests
815073 - Assigned to Pacho Ramos
=dev-python/pythran-0.10.0 fails tests
817188 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-localserver-0.5.0 fails tests - [SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK] ca md too weak (_ssl.c:4081)
818271 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/utidylib-0.7-r2: fails tests
818526 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/indexed-gzip-1.6.4 fails tests (hang)
818895 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiopylgtv-0.4.1 setuptools warnings detected
820461 - Assigned to James Le Cuirot
dev-python/jschema-to-python-1.2.3 setuptools warnings detected
822105 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sarif-om-1.0.4 setuptools warnings detected
822108 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tornado-6.1 fails tests: - FAIL: test_localhost (tornado.test.netutil_test.CaresResolverTest)
824522 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tubes-0.2.0-r1 - ValueError: Newlines are not allowed
825558 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/eyeD3: eyed3 0.9.6 has requirement coverage[toml]==5.*,>=5.3.1, but you have coverage 6.2 (was: www-client/firefox-95.0: According to "pip check", the current Python environment has package-compatibility issues.)
828604 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python_orocos_kdl-1.5.1 - CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:12 (find_package):
828922 - Assigned to Robot Operating System team
dev-python/krb5-0.2.0 fails to compile: _creds_opt.c:2261:3: error: tp_print is deprecated [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-declarations]
829852 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/iminuit-2.25.2 does not respect CFLAGS
829853 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/tables-3.7.0 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bRELEASE_NOTES.txt
830219 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scikit-image-0.19.3-r1 installs pre-stripped files
830238 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/numpy-1.22.1 fails to compile: error: Command "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc ..." failed with exit status 1
831228 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pypy-exe-bin-7.3.9 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies
831237 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiohttp-3.8.1 - Could not import extension sphinxcontrib.towncrier (exception: No module named sphinxcontrib.towncrier)
831637 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/pyproj-3.3.0 - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pyproj._network
831833 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/black-21.12_beta0-r1 fails tests: cp: cannot create regular file primer.json: No such file or directory
831956 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/httpcore-0.14.5: fails tests
832295 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-1.3.4 - missing build dependency on cython
832517 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/h2-4.1.0-r1 fails tests
832578 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-socks-2.0.3: fails tests
832822 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-regressions-2.3.1: fails tests/ on SPARC
832825 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.5.1 fails tests: ImportError: Cannot load backend 'QtAgg'
833099 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mpi4py-3.1.3 fails tests ( res_nsearch error: Connection refused)
833264 - Assigned to Alex Fan
=dev-python/sphinx-4.4.0 USE=doc error: deploying.rst:162:unknown document: readthedocs:tutorial/index
833618 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rpyc-5.0.1 fails tests: ssl.SSLError: [SSL: NO_CIPHERS_AVAILABLE] no ciphers available (_ssl.c:1147)
834241 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/octave_kernel-0.34.1 fails tests
834497 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
dev-python/aiohttp-socks-0.7.1 fails tests on MUSL
834557 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiorpcX-0.22.1 fails tests on MUSL
834558 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/apsw-3.35.4_p1 fails tests on MUSL
834560 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/atpublic-2.3 fails tests on MUSL
834562 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/backports-zoneinfo-0.2.1-r2 fails tests on MUSL
834564 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/bpython-0.22.1 fails tests on MUSL
834566 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/django-auth-ldap-3.0.0 fails tests on MUSL
834587 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-configurations-2.3.2 fails tests on MUSL
834589 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-mptt-0.13.4 fails tests on musl (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tzdata', backports.zoneinfo._common.ZoneInfoNotFoundError: 'No time zone found with key America/Chicago')
834590 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-redis-5.2.0 fails tests on MUSL
834591 - Assigned to William Hubbs
dev-python/easyprocess-1.1-r1 fails tests on MUSL
834616 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/fakeredis-1.9.0 fails tests on MUSL
834617 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/gssapi-1.8.1 fails tests on MUSL
834619 - Assigned to Aaron W. Swenson
dev-python/httpx-0.22.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL (hang)
834620 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/hypothesis-6.54.3 fails tests on MUSL
834652 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/jc-1.20.4 fails tests on MUSL
834654 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/joblib-1.1.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL
834655 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/krb5-0.4.0 fails tests on MUSL
834657 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/logbook-1.5.3 fails tests on MUSL
834659 - Assigned to Andreas Zuber
dev-python/lz4-4.0.2 fails tests on MUSL
834661 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/nbdime-3.1.1 fails tests on MUSL
834680 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/netaddr-0.8.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL
834681 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/packaging-21.3-r2 fails tests on MUSL
834707 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/paramiko-2.11.0 fails tests on MUSL
834708 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/partd-1.2.0 fails tests on MUSL (hang)
834709 - Assigned to Gentoo Cluster Team
dev-python/paramiko-2.9.2-r1 failed to emerge with USE=doc
834714 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/plyvel-1.4.0 fails tests on MUSL
834774 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/portend-3.1.0 fails tests on MUSL (hang)
834775 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/pyatspi-2.38.2 fails tests on MUSL
834811 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/pybtex-docutils-1.0.1 fails tests on MUSL
834812 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/pygresql-5.2.4 fails tests on MUSL
834813 - Assigned to PgSQL Bugs
dev-python/pytest-asyncio-0.19.0 fails tests on MUSL
834814 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-xprocess-0.18.1 fails tests on MUSL
834818 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-gammu-3.2.4 fails tests on MUSL
834819 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/keyutils-0.6 fails tests on MUSL
834820 - Assigned to Ben Kohler
dev-python/psycopg-2.9.3 calls commands that do not exist
834823 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/redis-4.1.4 fails tests on MUSL
834883 - Assigned to Sam James
dev-python/mrcfile-1.3.0 fails tests on x86
834884 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rq-1.11 fails tests on MUSL
834886 - Assigned to Sam James
dev-python/scikit-build-0.15.0 fails tests on MUSL
834887 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/seaborn-0.11.2 fails tests on MUSL
834888 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setproctitle-1.3.2 fails tests on MUSL
834889 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setuptools-60.9.2[test]: test_pip_upgrade_from_source fails "No module named 'jaraco' "
834890 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-gallery-0.10.1 fails tests on MUSL
834892 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/strict-rfc3339-0.7-r2 fails tests on MUSL
834895 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tld-0.12.6 fails tests on MUSL
834952 - Assigned to Bernard Cafarelli
dev-python/translate-toolkit-3.7.2 fails tests on MUSL
834953 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/txAMQP-0.8.2 fails tests on MUSL
834956 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/zconfig-3.6.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL
835041 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/twisted-22.1.0: twisted-regen-cache in pkg_postinst fails when ROOT != /
835460 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lit-14.0.0 fails tests
835874 - Assigned to LLVM support project
dev-python/ephemeral-port-reserve-1.1.4 fails tests on MUSL: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name does not resolve
836416 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dulwich-0.20.35 fails tests
836436 - Assigned to Fabian Groffen
dev-python/cherrypy-18.6.1 fails tests
836437 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-salt-factories-1.0.0_rc13 : fails tests
836441 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/pywinrm-0.4.2-r1 fails tests
836443 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/watchdog-2.1.9 fails tests
836477 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-dbusmock-0.26.1 fails test test_dbus_method_called
836551 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/setuptools-61.3.0: tests failure: ERROR, FAILED
836749 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pywavelets-1.4.1 with USE=doc fails to build: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pywt._extensions._pywt'
836780 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
dev-python/anyio-3.6.1 fails tests
837068 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/sphobjinv-2.2.2 - Could not import extension sphinx_removed_in (exception: No module named sphinx_removed_in)
839000 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/statsmodels-0.13.2: failed (test phase) (x86)
840770 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/twisted-22.4.0: RealDeviceWithProtocolInformationTests and RealDeviceWithoutProtocolInformationTests fail
841818 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyflakes-2.4.0 fails tests
845003 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ecdsa-0.18.0 fails tests
845378 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/xlsxwriter-3.0.3 fails tests: OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files:
846443 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-shell-utilities-1.3.0 fails tests
847631 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/ipyparallel-7.1.0 ImportError: cannot import name 'StaticModule' from 'setuptools.config'
847784 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pytest-aiohttp-1.0.4 fails test_loop_fixture test
850100 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython: Correct types of arguments to ScrolledWindow.SetScrollbars [upstream patch]
851030 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/cvxopt-1.3.0 - sandbox issue
851042 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
dev-python/pypiserver-1.5.0-r2 fails test_auto_server test
851753 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/webcolors-1.12 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
851963 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-dateutil - QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
851966 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cffi-1.15.0-r1 - QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
851969 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/botocore-1.27.7 fails tests on stable sparc
853031 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/jinja-3.1.2 - ERROR: dev-python/jinja-3.1.2::gentoo failed (compile phase):
853187 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/translate-toolkit-3.7.3 - no theme named sphinx-bootstrap found (missing theme.conf?)
853913 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/feedparser-6.0.10 fails tests
855437 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-xlib-0.31-r1 fails tests on stable amd64
856370 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiohttp: make: command: Command not found
856382 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/line-profiler-3.5.1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project
856841 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/numpy-1.23.1 fails tests
857102 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/protobuf-python-3.19.3-r3 fails tests on stable arm (AssertionError: 4294967295 != -1)
857570 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/qiskit-aer-0.11.2-r1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project
858131 - Assigned to Gábor Oszkár Dénes
dev-python/tweedledum-1.1.1-r1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project
858134 - Assigned to Gábor Oszkár Dénes
dev-python/rdflib-6.2.0 fails tests
858284 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pbr-5.9.0 fails test pbr.tests.test_core.TestCore.test_setup_py_keywords
858680 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/mpy-cross:5: new package to wrap micropython ABI 5
859295 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/mpy-cross:6: new package to wrap micropython ABI 6
859298 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/blinker-1.5 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bdocs/html/.
859334 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setuptools-62.6.0 fails test TestSetupRequires.test_setup_requires_with_allow_hosts
859436 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fdsend-0.3.0 fails tests
860303 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/pycryptodome-3.15.0 fails test test_negate (Crypto.SelfTest.PublicKey.test_ECC_25519.TestEccPoint_Ed25519)
861206 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.9.1 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs
862390 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/tweedledum-1.1.1-r1 - /.../ghack.hpp: fatal error: fpu_control.h: No such file or directory
862549 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-python/scipy-1.9.1 does not respect CFLAGS
863251 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/certifi-3021.3.16-r2: The license_file parameter is deprecated, use license_files instead
863338 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3-7.3.9_p4 - /.../environment:line <snip>: ./pypy3.9-c: No such file or directory
863374 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-python/bottle-0.12.23 fails tests
863560 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyspnego-0.5.3 fails tests on stable amd64
865205 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/APScheduler-3.9.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865355 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/PySDL2-0.9.13 fails tests (MUSL)
865357 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/beautifulsoup4-4.11.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865381 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cachelib-0.9.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865473 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cattrs-22.1.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865475 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-0.29.32 fails tests (MUSL)
865477 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fsspec-2022.7.1 fails to compile (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pbr.pbr_json
865479 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fitsio-1.1.7 fails tests (MUSL)
865487 - Assigned to Gentoo Astronomy project
dev-python/flask-sqlalchemy-2.5.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865491 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/django-4.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865493 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-cacheops-6.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865495 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/httpretty-1.1.4-r1 fails tests (MUSL)
865517 - Assigned to Gentoo OpenStack team
dev-python/httpx-0.23.0 fails tests (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named chardet
865519 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jedi-0.18.1 fails tests (MUSL)
865653 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jsonmerge-1.8.0-r1 fails tests (MUSL)
865655 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/libpillowfight-0.3.0_p20210816 fails tests (MUSL)
865679 - Assigned to Bernard Cafarelli
dev-python/logutils-0.3.5-r1 fails tests (MUSL)
865691 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/myst-parser-0.18.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865783 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/natsort-8.2.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865785 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/notebook-shim-0.1.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865787 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pexpect-4.8.0-r3 fails tests (MUSL)
865863 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pip-22.2.2 fails tests (MUSL)
865865 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pgspecial-2.0.1 calls commands that do not exist: locale
865867 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycairo-1.21.0 fails tests (MUSL)
865929 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyx-0.15_p1 fails tests (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pyx
866007 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/setuptools-65.1.1 fails tests (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named jaraco
866011 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-spelling-7.6.0 fails tests (MUSL)
866049 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/urllib3-1.26.12 fails tests (MUSL)
866169 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvicorn-0.18.2 fails tests (MUSL)
866171 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvloop-0.16.0 fails tests (MUSL)
866173 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/waitress-2.1.2 fails tests (MUSL):
866175 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/websockets-10.3 fails tests (MUSL)
866177 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-python/pypy3: searches for ncurses in /usr/lib (not $(get_libdir)): skipping incompatible /usr/lib/ when searching for -lncursesw
868498 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/Frozen-Flask-0.18-r1 fails tests
868702 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lxml: consider enabling threads by default (IUSE="+threads")
869734 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/hatch-fancy-pypi-readme-22.6.0 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named jsonschema
869767 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/termcolor-2.0.0:0 - ModuleNotFoundError: Error getting the version from source `vcs`: No module named 'jsonschema'
869821 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-autoprogram-0.1.7 fails to compile (lto): Could not import extension (exception: No module named sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml)
869956 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/Levenshtein-0.20.9 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project
871651 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jq: bundles app-misc/jq and dev-libs/oniguruma
872359 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/scipy bundles boost
872983 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/anyio-3.6.1 failed to rebuild with USE=doc
873220 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/weasyprint-56.1 fails tests
874288 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/h5py-3.7.0 fails tests: OSError: Unable to create file (page buffering is disabled for parallel)
875623 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3: unrecognized command-line option '-rtlib=compiler-rt'
876307 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pylint-2.15.4 fails tests
876823 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy 1.9.2 fails to build
877515 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/freezegun-1.2.2 test failures: AssertionError: FakeDate(2013, 4, 9) != datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 8, 19, 0) when in an timezone negatively offset from UTC
877603 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyjwt-2.5.0: requires non-existing `types-cryptography` when imported with extras==crypto
878151 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/nbconvert-7.1.0 fails tests
878461 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/QtPy: defaults to +sql and pulls dev-python/PyQt5[sql] but that is not the default
878547 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mitmproxy_wireguard-0.1.16 does not respect LDFLAGS
879185 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/m2crypto-0.38.0 tests hang [test_twisted_wrapper (tests.test_ssl.TwistedSSLClientTestCase) ... Unhandled Error]
879583 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mkdocs move to app-text/mkdocs
879895 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/libsass-0.22.0 - error: invalid argument -std=gnu++<snip> not allowed with C
881339 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/scipy-1.9.3 - Wheel build failed
882261 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pandas-1.5.0: full-support should install dev-python/tabulate
882287 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/inflect-6.0.2 build error no wheel returned
882415 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/psutil-5.9.3 fails tests: ERROR: psutil.tests.test_system.TestSensorsAPIs.test_sensors_battery: AssertionError: None is not an instance of <class 'bool'>
882767 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/anyio-3.6.1 fails tests (INTERNALERROR> AttributeError: 'NonBaseMultiError' object has no attribute '_exceptions'. Did you mean: 'exceptions'?)
882771 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/cloudpickle-2.2.0 fails tests (TypeError: cannot pickle 'classmethod_descriptor' object)
882777 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cryptography-38.0.4 fails tests
883385 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pybind11-2.10.1[+test] - /usr/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/arch/AltiVec/MatrixProduct.h:1042:9: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer
883937 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/tavern: multiple missynced dependencies
884091 - Assigned to Matt Jolly
dev-python/subunit-1.4.2 fails to compile: RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
884141 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/httpx-socks-0.7.5 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
887347 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tiny-proxy-0.1.1 fails tests (hang)
887349 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/GitPython-3.1.27 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)
887843 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/amodem-1.15.3-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)
887847 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/apipkg-3.0.1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)
887849 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dirty-equals-0.5.0 fails tests with pypy3 7.3.10 (?)
887859 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/elementpath-3.0.2 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): Error: unsupported locale setting
887935 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/irc-20.1.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)
888013 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/metakernel-0.29.4 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)
888143 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/oslo-config-9.0.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named sphinx
888193 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/shapely-2.0.0 - AttributeError: module 'versioneer' has no attribute 'get_cmdclass'
889368 - Assigned to 3D Printing Team
dev-python/ijson-3.2.0_p0 fails tests
889710 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/h5py-3.7.0 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
890300 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/logbook-1.5.3-r1 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): An error happened in rendering the page base
890407 - Assigned to Andreas Zuber
dev-python/xarray-2022.12.0 - fails 7 tests on ppc
890549 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-4.1.4 fails tests test_pass_connection_between_threads and test_thread_sharing_count
890829 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/flask-babel-4.0.0 fails to compile: no theme named furo found (missing theme.conf?)
891037 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-7.2.0 fails tests
891131 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/snakeoil-0.10.8 fails tests (hang)
891463 - Assigned to PkgCore project
dev-python/python-poppler-qt5-21.3.0 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command [pkg-config, --cflags-only-I, poppler-qt5] returned non-zero exit status 1
891611 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/emcee-3.1.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM):[TempHDFBackend] Fatal Python error: Aborted
892215 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/ifaddr-0.2.0 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): Fatal Python error: Aborted
892217 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/meshio-5.3.4 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM):[mesh0] Fatal Python error: Aborted
892219 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/amqp-5.1.1-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
892259 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/netcdf4-1.5.8 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): python3.9: H5CS.c:224: H5CS_pop: Assertion fstack->nused > 0 failed
892265 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pytest-trio-0.8.0-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): Reason: UndefinedError("logo is undefined")
892349 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/discid-1.2.0-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
892351 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytidylib-0.3.2-r2 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): Fatal Python error: Aborted
892383 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/shapely-2.0.0 fails to compile: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named numpy
892557 - Assigned to 3D Printing Team
dev-python/plotly-5.15.0 installs files with broken symlink
892561 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/readme-renderer-37.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): FAILED[test_rst_008.rst] - assert <p>He..
892603 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sh-1.14.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): ERROR: test_piped_exception2 (__main__.FunctionalTests)
892605 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/sphinx-notfound-page-0.8.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)
892609 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tornado-6.2-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): TypeError: Python directive method get_signature_prefix() must return a list of nodes. Return value was coroutine
892619 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/yarl-1.8.2 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): FAILED - AssertionError: ..
892621 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/myst-parser requires <dev-python/sphinx-5.2
892720 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jupyter-console-6.5.0 fails tests: FAILED - pexpect.e..
893808 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/jupyter-client-8.0.2 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: Kernel died before replying to kernel_info
893810 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/jupyter-server-2.2.1 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): BufferError: Existing exports of data: object cannot be re-sized
893812 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/kombu-5.3.0_beta2 fails to compile (HARDENED-SYSTEM): error in kombu setup command: tests_require must be a string or list of strings containing valid version requirement specifiers; Expected end or semicolon (after name and no valid version s
893814 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/trimesh-3.19.3 fails tests: FAILED - assert False
893846 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/resolvelib-0.9.0 fails tests: FAILED with new dev-python/packaging
894034 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/openstacksdk-1.0.1 fails tests: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
894280 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/mpi4py-3.1.3 - error in mpi4py setup command: executables must be a list of Executable (got [<mpidistutils.Executable(p
895084 - Assigned to Alex Fan
dev-python/llfuse-1.4.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): llfuse.c:41887:21: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to uintptr_t (aka unsigned long) from pthread_t (aka struct __pthread ) [-Wint-conversion]
895360 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mecab-python-0.996-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): MeCab_wrap.cxx:568:7: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]
895362 - Assigned to CJK Team
=dev-python/pip-23.0 fails to install packages with "--user"
895410 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvicorn-0.20.0 fails tests: "RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'MainThread'."
895486 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/starlette-0.25.0 fails tests: "RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'MainThread'."
895488 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tagpy-2022.1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): id3.cpp:268:43: error: reference to optional is ambiguous
895514 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pillow: libraqm dependency missing
895948 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.24.2 fails to compile: numpy.distutils.fcompiler.CompilerNotFound
896164 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/blessed-1.20.0 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
896178 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/libtmux-0.21.0 fails tests (GCC-13-SYSTEM)
896406 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/pip pip3 un-documented --user flag
896434 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/qiskit-aer: test failures with GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS
897758 - Assigned to Gábor Oszkár Dénes
dev-python/scripttest-1.3.0-r2 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
897922 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyrate-limiter-2.10.0 fails tests: FAILED[monotonic1]
898140 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/ubelt: bundles a ton of libraries
898514 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/olefile-0.46-r2 fails to compile (HARDENED-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
898524 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fonttools-4.38.0-r1 fails tests (CYTHON3-SYSTEM): collecting .. Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
898670 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/fonttools-4.39.0 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): AttributeError: module pythran has no attribute __version__
900507 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.24.2 fails to compile on s390 & ia64
900751 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyscreenshot-3.1 fails tests
901113 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pygame-2.5.2-r1 calls cc directly
901273 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/trio-0.22.0-r1 failed to emerge
901401 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/pytest-qt-4.2.0 fails tests
901999 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/tpm2-pytss-2.3.0 calls cpp directly
902001 - Assigned to Christopher Byrne
dev-python/flask-babel-3.0.1-r2 fails tests
903899 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-7.2.2 fails TestInvocationVariants.test_cmdline_python_namespace_package
903909 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pygame-2.2.0: test phase aborts
903974 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/uvicorn-0.21.1 fails tests: test_asgi_return_value[H11Protocol-WebSocketProtocol
904203 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rich-13.3.4 fails tests
904274 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyspelling-2.8.2: fails tests
904297 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/nox-2023.04.22 fails tests: pypy3: error: Can not specify both --no-color and --force-color
904948 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/notebook-6.4.12 fails tests: "ValueError: No template sub-directory with name 'latex' found in the following paths:"
905102 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pexpect-4.8.0-r3 fails test TestCaseEnv::test_spawn_uses_env
905647 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/lmdb-1.4.1 fails to compile: UndefinedError("'style' is undefined")
905735 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/statsmodels-0.13.5 fails tests
905736 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pulsectl: requires media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon for testing
905790 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/pika: src_test() fails because of crashing rabbitmq-server
905791 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/pypy3: ctypes broken with dev-libs/libffi[debug]
905840 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/osc-lib-2.8.0 fails tests
906052 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/et_xmlfile-1.1.0-r1 - Filesize does not match recorded size
906567 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/keystoneauth1-5.2.0 fails tests: AttributeError: MockHTTPResponse object has no attribute close
906661 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/autopage-0.5.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): AssertionError: 0 != 11
906696 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/click-8.1.3 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906697 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/httpbin-0.7.0-r5 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): test_digest_auth - test_digest_auth_wrong_pass
906721 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jsonpickle-3.0.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM):
906722 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/myst-parser-1.0.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906724 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/podman-4.5.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM):
906778 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/amqp-5.1.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): Could not import extension sphinx_celery.apicheck (exception: No module named 'six')
906780 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyamg-5.0.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): <- Fatal Python error: Aborted
906781 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyparted-3.12.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): FAIL: runTest (tests.test__ped_disktype.DiskTypeStrTestCase)
906783 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/jupyter-server-proxy: version bump
906817 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pytest-httpserver-1.0.7 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906833 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python3-saml-1.15.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906835 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/requests-cache-1.0.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906837 - Assigned to Jason A. Donenfeld
dev-python/requests-unixsocket-0.3.0-r2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906838 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/responses-0.23.1-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906839 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-pytest-0.0.5 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906840 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-bibtex-2.5.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906841 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/tasklib-2.5.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named tzdata
906842 - Assigned to Matt Turner
dev-python/tzlocal-5.0.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906845 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ubelt-1.2.4 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)
906846 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/execnet-1.9.0-r1 fails tests: AttributeError: type object Gateway has no attribute _trace
907053 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/distlib-0.3.6 fails tests: FAIL: test_custom_shebang (test_scripts.ScriptTestCase)
907070 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pywlroots-0.16.4 - build/.../wlroots._ffi.c: fatal error: .../libinput.h: No such file or directory
907218 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.24.2: tests TestUfunc::test_identityless_reduction_huge_array and TestKind::test_all fail
907228 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyrsistent-0.19.3 fails tests
907257 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/virtualenv-20.23.0 fails tests (hang)
907289 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-aiohttp-1.0.4 fails tests
908812 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3-7.3.12: update from 7.3.11 leads to broken portage if EPYTHON=pypy3
908823 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/asteval-0.9.30 fails tests: AssertionError: ImportError != None
908825 - Assigned to Pacho Ramos
dev-python/tox-4.6.3 fails tests: AttributeError: PluginManager object attribute list_plugin_distinfo is read-only
908866 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/yarl-1.9.2 fails tests
909553 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/websockets-11.0.3-r1 fails tests if sys-apps/pkgcore is not installed
909567 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/parallax: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)
909925 - Assigned to Gentoo Cluster Team
dev-python/py-zabbix: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)
909931 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/pysnmp: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)
909945 - Assigned to Gentoo Netmon project
dev-python/pysnmp-mibs: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)
909946 - Assigned to Gentoo Netmon project
dev-python/markdown-exec-1.6.0 fails tests
910053 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/importlib-metadata-6.8.0 fails tests
910055 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pysnmp: pysnmp 4.4.12 requires pycryptodomex, which is not installed.
910076 - Assigned to Gentoo Netmon project
dev-python/pecan-1.5.0 fails tests
910384 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/polib-1.2.0 fails tests with >=sys-devel/gettext-0.22
910477 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pygobject-3.44.1 fails tests with pypy3
910478 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/cssutils-2.7.1: fails TestErrorHandler::test_handlers test
910652 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/nbclassis in needed by dev-python/notebook-7.0
910685 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mss-9.0.1 fails tests (hang)
910722 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jupyterlab-server blocks dev-python/openapi-core upgrade
911126 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/charset-normalizer missing md__mypyc module
911128 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pbr-5.11.1 requires <dev-python/sphinx-7
911134 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/twisted: blocks on old dev-python/priority
911136 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/indexed-gzip-1.8.3 installs more files with FEATURES=test
911247 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-1.5.3: fails TestDataFramePlots::test_plain_axes test with matplotlib-3.7.0
911622 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/zeroconf-0.72.0 - AttributeError: CAnalysedBaseTypeNode object has no attribute name
911644 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pgzero-1.2.1-r2 fails tests: python3.11: typeobject.c:3832: _PyType_Lookup: Assertion !PyErr_Occurred() failed
911860 - Assigned to James Le Cuirot
dev-python/coverage-7.2.7 fails tests (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): AssertionError: assert inside foo
912000 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/numexpr-2.8.4: user-sandbox causes memory allocation to fail during emerge with ample memory in reserve
912054 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
dev-python/mypy-1.5.0 fails tests
912057 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/paste-3.5.3 fails tests (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): collecting .. Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
912067 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/radon-6.0.1 - Reason: ThemeError(Local asset file paths must not contain query strings: _static/MathJax.js?config=TeX-A
912694 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pip-23.2.1 fails tests
912717 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-3.0.0-r1 fails tests
912814 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/watchfiles-0.21.0-r1 fails tests (hang)
913002 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pybind11-2.12.0: fails tests on hppa
913021 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/pip-23.2.1: fails TestDiagnosticPipErrorPresentation_ASCII::test_complete_color, TestDiagnosticPipErrorPresentation_Unicode::test_complete_color tests
913022 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/qiskit-aer-0.11.2-r1 fails tests
913219 - Assigned to Gábor Oszkár Dénes
dev-python/selenium-4.12.0: "Unable to obtain driver for firefox using Selenium Manager"
913889 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/meson-python-0.14.0: failed (compile phase): error: Could not find ninja version 1.8.2 or newer.
913950 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/subunit-1.4.4 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]
914373 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/notebook: unbundle mathjax-3.x?
914447 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/flake8-7.0.0 - Could not import extension sphinx-prompt (exception: No module named sphinx-prompt)
914554 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psycopg-3.1.10: test_connect_timeout[asyncio] and test_ctrl_c_handler fail
914560 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jupyterlab-server-2.23.0: fails tests
915094 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/dockerpty needs dev-python/docker as dependency
915228 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pikepdf-8.4.1 fails tests
915396 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/jupyter-lsp-2.2.0 fails tests
915987 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/bcrypt-4.0.1 - ERROR: dev-python/bcrypt-4.0.1::gentoo failed (unpack phase):
916206 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
>=dev-python/mypy-1.6.0: Sandbox violation if MYPY_CACHE_DIR is set
916299 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-2.1.2: fails tests on big endian
916502 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mypy-1.14.0 [native-extensions]: sets -Werror and forces -O3
916577 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-poppler-qt5-21.3.0 - Wheel build failed
917328 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/greenlet-3.0.1 fails test test_unhandled_std_exception_as_greenlet_function_aborts
917356 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.26.2: Includes faulty float16 implementation on ppc64
917544 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pypy3_10-exe-7.3.13_p2 broken : RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
917693 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cysignals-1.11.4 - [clang] build/.../implementation.c: error: cysignals must be compiled without _FORTIFY_SOURCE
918934 - Assigned to Michael Orlitzky
dev-python/leechcorepyc-2.16.9 - [clang] oscompatibility.c: error: address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic type (uint32_t (aka unsig
918955 - Assigned to
dev-python/Faker-20.1.0 fails tests
919059 - Assigned to Bernard Cafarelli
dev-python/mkdocs-static-i18n-1.2.0: multiple test failures
919155 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyaudio-0.2.13-r1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: .../crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386
919346 - Assigned to Robert G. Siebeck
dev-python/pydevd-2.10.0 fails tests: AssertionError: TimeoutError (note: error trying to dump threads on timeout)
920039 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyrate-limiter tests stuck in infinite loop
920329 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/pivy-0.6.8[-soqt] still automagically detects SoQt, failing with: /.../SoQtViewer.h:52: Error: Unable to find cmath
920482 - Assigned to Miroslav Šulc
dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.13 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): pypy_module__cffi_backend.c:1879:19: error: assignment to char from incompatible pointer type const char const [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
920768 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/apsw- hangs on emerge
920953 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/moddb: blocks on old dev-python/pyrate-limiter
921098 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/cloudpickle-3.0.0 fails test test_recursion_during_pickling Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
921265 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.8.2-r1 fails tests: module 'luaotfload-main' not found
921294 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/parallax-1.0.8 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
921655 - Assigned to Gentoo Cluster Team
dev-python/py-zabbix-1.1.7 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
921669 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/pycxx-7.1.8 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
921670 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pysnmp-4.4.12-r2 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
921689 - Assigned to Gentoo Netmon project
dev-python/pysnmp-mibs-0.1.6 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
921690 - Assigned to Gentoo Netmon project
dev-python/python-netlink-0.1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
921691 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/socketio-client-nexus-0.7.6 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
921693 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/psutil-5.9.6: fails tests: FAIL: psutil.tests.test_posix.TestProcess.test_nice: AssertionError: '-' != 19
921957 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/networkx-3.2.1: fails test
921958 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-1.26.2: fails TestKind::test_int test
921960 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/rpy-3.5.14 fails tests: rpy2.rinterface_lib.embedded.RRuntimeError: X11 is not available
922239 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/scipy-1.11.4 fails tests on x86
922256 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mypy-1.7.1 fails tests: mypy/test/ - AssertionError: test_module.Y.__mutable_keys__
922514 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyamg-5.0.1: tests hang on x86
922739 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/tables-3.9.2 - /.../b2nd.h: fatal error: blosc-private.h: No such file or directory
922901 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/Levenshtein-0.23.0 pull in conflicting versions of dev-cpp/rapidfuzz-cpp
922927 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiocache-0.12.2 fails tests
922994 - Assigned to Bernard Cafarelli
dev-python/cypari2-2.1.4-r1 fails tests: Assertion failed: (PyObject )frame + frame->f_code->co_nlocalsplus + frame->f_code->co_stacksize + FRAME_SPECIALS_SIZE == tstate->datastack_top ceval.c: _PyEvalFrameClearAndPop: 6401)
923000 - Assigned to Michael Orlitzky
dev-python/hvac-2.1.0 fails tests: error: unrecognized arguments: --dist worksteal
923047 - Assigned to William Hubbs
dev-python/jaraco-envs-2.6.0 fails tests:
923050 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jinja-3.1.3 fails tests: AssertionError: assert just a small example link to a webpage == just a small example link to a webpage
923051 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jq-1.6.0-r1 fails tests: ValueError: parse error: Invalid string: control characters from U+0000 through U+001F must be escaped at line 1, column 5
923052 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/magic-wormhole-0.13.0 fails tests: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: locale
923070 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mitmproxy_wireguard-0.1.20 fails tests: undefined reference to open64
923071 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/nbclient-0.9.0 fails tests: RuntimeError: Kernel didnt respond in 60 seconds
923072 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpydoc-1.6.0 fails tests: AssertionError: assert {1: [EX01, SA01]} == {2: [EX01]}
923073 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pgspecial-2.1.1 fails tests: AssertionError: assert [None, [(public, postgres), (schema1, postgres), (schema2, postgres), (schema3, postgres)], [Name, Owner], SELECT 4] == [None, [(public, pg_database_owner), (schema1, postgres), (schema2, pos
923076 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/poetry-1.7.1 fails tests: assert 0 == 1
923078 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pydot-2.0.0 fails tests: AssertionError: "dot" with args [-Tjpe, tmpf68z0w11] returned code: 1
923133 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyenchant-3.2.2-r1 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
923134 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.13 fails to compile: [platform:Error] platcheck_67.c:108:25: error: field s has incomplete type
923138 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-mpl-0.16.1 fails tests: except ImportError:
923141 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-twisted-1.14.0 fails tests
923164 - Assigned to Matt Jolly
dev-python/pytest-xdist-3.5.0 fails tests: AssertionError: assert 1 == 0
923219 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/spdx-tools-0.8.2 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named tzdata
923235 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/unrardll-0.1.7 fails tests: test_extract (test.test_basic.BasicTests.test_extract) .. gcmodule.c:113: gc_decref: Assertion "gc_get_refs(g) > 0" failed: refcount is too small
923270 - Assigned to Agostino Sarubbo
dev-python/ansible-compat-4.1.11 fails tests: FAILED - FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: null ->
923632 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cheroot-10.0.0 fails tests: AssertionError: assert wrong version number in [SSL] record layer failure
923790 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/contourpy-1.2.0 fails tests:[nan1-inf-inf-mpl2014] Fatal Python error: Aborted
923791 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cryptography-41.0.7 fails 12 tests
923795 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ipyparallel-8.6.1 fails tests: TypeError: < not supported between instances of str and datetime
923824 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyftpdlib-1.5.9 fails tests
923895 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyglet-2.0.10 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted
923896 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pandas-2.2.0-r1 fails tests: pandas/tests/frame/ - AttributeError: 'pyarrow.lib.RecordBatchReader' object has no attribute 'equals'
923967 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyarrow-15.0.0 fails to configure on sparc: CMake Error at cmake_modules/SetupCxxFlags.cmake:42 (message): Unknown system processor
923968 - Assigned to Tupone Alfredo
dev-python/sympy-1.12-r1 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
924016 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/cython-3.0.8 fails tests on x86: AssertionError: Failed doctest test for cpp_stl_any.cast_test
924027 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/typing-extensions-4.9.0 fails tests: AssertionError: Items in the first set but not the second:
924040 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/vcrpy-6.0.1 fails tests
924042 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wurlitzer-3.1.0 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted
924043 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/yappi-1.6.0 fails tests: (tests.test_functionality.StatSaveScenarios.test_merge_multithreaded_stats) ... python3.11: Objects/typeobject.c:3823: _PyType_Lookup: Assertion `!PyErr_Occurred()' failed.
924044 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/tables-3.9.2: undefined symbol register_blosc2
924223 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/bitarray-2.9.2 fails tests: MemoryError
924280 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/exceptiongroup-1.2.0 fails tests: AssertionError: RecursionError not raised
924334 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycuda-2024.1 fails to compile: integral_wrapper.hpp:73:31: error: integer value -1 is outside the valid range of values [0, 3] for the enumeration type udt_builtin_mixture_enum [-Wenum-constexpr-conversion]
924401 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pytesseract-0.3.12 fails tests
924402 - Assigned to Tupone Alfredo
dev-python/python-lsp-black-2.0.0 fails tests with >=dev-python/black-24.2.0
924425 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/argh-0.31.2 fails tests: collecting .. Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
924753 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/bottleneck-1.3.7 fails tests: FAILED - assert 983040 == 0
924863 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
dev-python/a2wsgi-1.10.1 fails tests (hang)
925066 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-5.1.5 problems with installed bash completions
925263 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-3.0.8 fails to compile on MUSL+LTO
925318 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mypy-1.8.0: install change log
925500 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/astroid-3.1.0 fails tests
925592 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ujson-5.9.0 fails to compile: pypy_decl.h:709:25: error: initialization of void ()(size_t) {aka void ()(unsigned int)} from incompatible pointer type void ()(long unsigned int) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
925593 - Assigned to Sven Wegener
dev-python/contourpy-1.2.0: Meson version is 1.1.1 but project requires >= 1.2.0
925615 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/humanize-4.9.0 fails tests: OverflowError: timestamp out of range for platform time_t
925678 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/parsedatetime-2.6-r1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: Tuples differ: ((2026, 2, 28, 22, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1) != ((..
925854 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pybind11-2.11.1 fails to compile: tensor.h:156:31: error: invalid conversion from const pybind11::ssize_t {aka const long int} to const int [-fpermissive]
925856 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/setuptools-69.1.1 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'packaging'
925872 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-mpd2-3.1.1 fails tests: AssertionError: Mock got idle "database"
925875 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tagpy-2022.1 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted
925916 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/textdistance-4.6.1 fails tests:[alg2] Fatal Python error: Aborted
925917 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/trio-0.24.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: Regex pattern did not match
925925 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/yapf-0.40.2 fails tests: AssertionError: Traceback (most recent call last):
925935 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aws-xray-sdk-2.13.0 fails tests: FAILED - assert 0 == 1
926306 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/numpy-1.26.4 fails to compile: array_method.c:809:44: error: passing argument 3 of strided_loop from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
926469 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/kombu-5.3.5 fails tests: TypeError: LockError.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: message
926492 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/consonance-0.1.5: fails tests
926610 - Assigned to Conrad Kostecki
dev-python/scipy-1.13.1 fails tests on ppc64 BE: scipy/ndimage/tests/[*] - assert 28 == -21
926623 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/python-distutils-extra-2.47 fails tests
926631 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyqtwebengine depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5
926684 - Assigned to Qt Bug Alias
dev-python/geographiclib-2.0 - file collision with sci-geosciences/GeographicLib-1.52-r2
926728 - Assigned to Sci-geo Project
dev-python/twine-5.0.0 fails tests: FAILED[unsupported Metadata-Version] - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class twine.exceptions.InvalidDistribution>
926758 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/superqt-0.6.2 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted
927056 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/scikit-learn-1.3.2-r1 fails tests
927351 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/aiosmtpd-1.4.5 fails tests
927352 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/protobuf-python: still uses 'distutils_enable_tests'
927521 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/h5py-3.10.0-r1 fails to compile: defs.c:14832:85: error: passing argument 4 of H5Dread_chunk from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
927684 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/xarray-2024.2.0 fails tests on 32-bit: test_array_repr_dtypes_unix, TestDataset::test_repr_multiindex, TestDataArray::test_repr_multiindex, TestDataArray::test_repr_multiindex_long
927711 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cysignals-1.11.4: segmentation fault in tests
927915 - Assigned to Michael Orlitzky
dev-python/leechcorepyc-2.18.0: randomly installs more files ?
927950 - Assigned to
dev-python/pmw-2.1.1 installs modules that are not byte-compiled
927967 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/cython-3.0.9 FAIL TEST at /usr/bin/python3.11 -m pip install .
927995 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pipx-1.5.0 fails tests: FAILED[tox-ini-fmt-tox-ini-fmt==0.5.0] - assert installed package tox-ini-fmt in
928156 - Assigned to Cédric Krier
dev-python/mkdocstrings-python: blocks on <dev-python/markdown-3.6
928229 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cryptography-42.0.5 crashes on loong when built with dev-lang/rust
928333 - Assigned to Randy Barlow
dev-python/asgiref-3.8.1 fails tests: FAILED - assert not True
928356 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jaraco-test-5.4.0 fails tests: FAILED
928418 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mecab-python-0.996-r1 fails tests: python3.10: typeobject.c:4421: excess_args: Assertion PyTuple_Check(args) failed
928483 - Assigned to CJK Team
dev-python/openpyxl-3.1.2 fails tests: FAILED - AttributeError: TestDrawing object has no attribute drawing
928484 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-mpl: version bump, need to deal with tests
928498 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rpy: version bump
928500 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/thrift: version bump, unexplained test restriction
928502 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/pulsectl-asyncio-1.1.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: 0.0 not greater than 0
928510 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyopengl-3.1.7-r1 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted
928561 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pysimdjson-6.0.2 fails tests: FAILED - RuntimeError: BIGINT_ERROR: Big integer value that cannot be represented us..
928562 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/pytest-system-statistics-1.0.2-r2 fails tests: FAILED - Failed: nomatch: PASSED
928563 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/python-glanceclient-4.5.0 fails tests: ERROR: test_download_has_no_stray_output_to_stdout (test_shell.ShellTestRequests)
928564 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/scikit-image-0.23.0_rc2 fails tests with weird FP non-equality
928600 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/tavern-2.10.1 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: Client.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: callb..
928614 - Assigned to Matt Jolly
dev-python/jedi-0.19.1: tests fail when running portage using pypy3
928660 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psutil-5.9.8: Fails test test_posix.TestSystemAPIs.test_disk_usage: AssertionError: 1898898468864 != 16709320704 within 4194304 delta (1882189148160 difference)
928663 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-7.4.4: Fails test test_unhandled_thread_exception_warning_error
928732 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pdm-2.13.3 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert 3.12 == 3.10
928964 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/deepdiff-7.0.1 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: deepdiff.helper.Opcode() argument after must be a mapping, no..
928984 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/genomicranges - new package request
929055 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/brython: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)
929441 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/cangjie: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)
929443 - Assigned to CJK Team
dev-python/mecab-python: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)
929469 - Assigned to CJK Team
dev-python/pika: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)
929480 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/dbus-next-0.2.3-r1 fails tests: FAILED - OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
930017 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tldextract-5.1.2 fails test tests/
930121 - Assigned to Patrick Lauer
dev-python/qscintilla-2.14.1-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS
930130 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/qscintilla-2.14.1-r2 does not respect CFLAGS
930131 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/octave-kernel-0.35.1 fails tests: FAIL: test_completion (test_octave_kernel.OctaveKernelTests) (text=acos)
930188 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
dev-python/tavern: blocks on <dev-python/paho-mqtt-2
930325 - Assigned to Matt Jolly
dev-python/python-mpv-1.0.5 fails tests: FAILED - ValueError: (Invalid value for mpv parameter, -4, (<MpvHandle object at 0..
930358 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/python-novaclient-18.6.0 fails tests: ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3)
930359 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/rustworkx-0.14.2 fails tests (hang)
930360 - Assigned to Gábor Oszkár Dénes
dev-python/sqlparse-0.5.0 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: couldnt record exception context for exception RecursionError..
930383 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/toolz-0.12.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert 1 is None
930410 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/urwid-2.6.10 fails tests: AttributeError: wrapper_descriptor object has no attribute __code__
930411 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-3.0.10 fails test: End-to-end coverage_cmd_src_pkg_layout
930482 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/PyAV - new package request
930534 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/Nuitka-2.2 fails tests: +<artificial>:(.text+0xa803): undefined reference to constant_bin_data
931232 - Assigned to OzTiram
dev-python/argcomplete-3.3.0 fails tests: AssertionError
931234 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ipyparallel-8.8.0 fails MPI tests and hang at « tests/ <- ipyparallel/tests/ »
931237 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mkdocs-minify-plugin-0.8.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert afeefbab000ae3252f27893c6b8d0ca15af04e0d970bb635497a46206683d6d2a23841e9a8ce2970f69a60cb4e12aab9 == 468e45e1d823325ceebfd1c3eaa6e390c96
931325 - Assigned to Andrew Ammerlaan
dev-python/oslo-log-5.5.1 fails tests: ERROR - AttributeError: TestLoggingFixture object has no attribute runTest Did you mean: subTest?
931334 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/pybind11-2.12.0 fails tests: FAILED - assert --- actual / +++ expected
931335 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/pymdown-extensions-10.8.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: False is not true
931345 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/pymongo-4.7.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: 2 != 1
931346 - Assigned to Ultrabug
dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.16 fails to compile: [translation:ERROR] AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute _getattr
931349 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pipdeptree: bump
931518 - Assigned to OzTiram
dev-python/python-box-7.1.1 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
931554 - Assigned to Matt Jolly
dev-python/python-jose-3.3.0-r1 fails tests: FAILED[ECDSAECKey-CryptographyECKey] - AssertionError: assert -----BEGIN PUBLIC yVOKnTm88Q==n-----END PUBLIC KEY----- == -----BEGIN PUBL
931555 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/sphinx-autoapi-3.0.0 fails tests: FAILED - sphinx.errors.SphinxWarning: cannot cache unpickable configuration value: autoapi_prepare_jinja_env (because it contains a function, class, or module o
931563 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-rtd-theme-2.0.0 fails tests: FAILED
931566 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-programoutput-0.17-r1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: Unexpected return code 1 from command not found in directive deprecated is already registered, i
931574 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/terminado-0.18.1 fails tests: ERROR - AttributeError: TermTestCase object has no attribute runTest Did you mean: subTest?
931600 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/testscenarios-0.5.0-r3 fails tests: ERROR - AttributeError: TestGenerateScenarios object has no attribute runTest Did you mean: subTest?
931601 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/psycopg-3.1.19 fails tests:[asyncio] Fatal Python error: Aborted
931740 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/libcst-1.3.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError
931848 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/simsimd-4.3.1 fails to compile: lib.c:666:26: error: initialization of PyObject ()(PyObject , PyObject ) {aka struct _object ()(struct _object , struct _object )} from incompatible pointer type PyObject ()(PyObject ) {aka struct _object ()(str
931855 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pexpect-4.9.0 fails tests (hang)
931969 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psutil-5.9.8 fails tests: FAIL: psutil.tests.test_contracts.TestAvailProcessAPIs.test_memory_maps: AssertionError: False != True
931984 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setuptools-scm-8.1.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert, 5, 16) ==, 5, 15)
931986 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ipympl-0.9.4: new package
932076 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/pycairo: ImportError: /.../ undefined symbol: cairo_xlib_surface_get_width
932153 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyenchant-3.2.2-r1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: language fr-1990 advertised but non-existent
932305 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/iminuit-2.25.2 fails to compile: new_allocator.h:172:33: error: void operator delete(void, std::size_t) called on pointer <unknown> with nonzero offset [1, 576460752303423489] [-Werror=free-nonheap-object]
932357 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/ipython-8.24.0 fails tests: FAILED[headless-headless-agg] - AssertionError: assert None == headless
932358 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/paho-mqtt-2.1.0 fails tests: ERROR - RuntimeError: Client exited with code -2, expected 0
932446 - Assigned to Matt Turner
dev-python/pydantic-2.7.1 fails tests: FAILED - NotImplementedError: Pydantic does not support mixing more than one of TypeVar bounds, constraints and defaults
932519 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pydata-sphinx-theme-0.15.2-r1 fails tests: FAILED[real] - assert 0 == 1
932520 - Assigned to Andrew Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/regress-0.4.5 does not respect LDFLAGS
932708 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/regress-0.4.5 does not respect CFLAGS
932709 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/pycuda-2024.1 - numpy/arrayobject.h: No such file or directory
932712 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/aiosmtpd-1.4.6 fails tests on hppa: assert has_smtps is True
933077 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-subprocess-1.5.0 fails tests
933098 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pysnmp needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)
933201 - Assigned to Gentoo Netmon project
dev-python/multiprocess-0.70.16 - patch output is printed on STDOUT/STDERR
933274 - Assigned to Tupone Alfredo
dev-lang/pypy: wire up PGO
933396 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/iminuit-2.30.1 adds -Werror flag on its own
933512 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.16 - [gcc-15] translation failed
933596 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/meshpy-2020.1::science dev-python/reproject-0.8::science sci-libs/spyking-circus-1.1.0::science failed (depend phase): distutils_enable_tests --install is no longer supported
934404 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/wxpython-4.2.1-r2 fails tests: FAILED
934490 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/pysmi needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)
934494 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/tifffile-2024.6.18 fails tests: FAILED[None] - AssertionError: assert DateTime not in <tifffile.TiffTags @0x000078D1FA13CA60>
934551 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pluggy-1.5.0 lacks dependency on dev-python/semantic-version
934570 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pandas-2.2.2-r1 fails tests: AssertionError: Attributes of DataFrame.iloc[:, 7] (column name="h") are different
934575 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/sympy is masked on ppc64 23.0 profile but message suggests it should not be
934761 - Assigned to matoro
dev-python/pillow-10.3.0 fails to compile
934777 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
>=dev-python/pikepdf-9.0.0 fails to compile
934925 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/requests-cache-1.2.0 fails test: tests/compat/
934926 - Assigned to Jason A. Donenfeld
dev-python/neovim-remote: Add PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_12 python3_13"
935138 - Assigned to Jeffrey Lin
dev-python/urllib3-2.2.2 fails tests on mips: 44 failed, 2 errors
935248 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pip-24.1.1 fails tests on ppc, loong: SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self-signed certificate (_ssl.c:1004)'))
935433 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cheroot-10.0.1 fails tests on mips: SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR] tlsv1 alert internal error (_ssl.c:2563)'))
935502 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/protobuf-python-4.23.3 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
935509 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/seaborn[python3_13] is broken by dev-python/patsy being restricted to <dev-python/numpy-2.0.0
935539 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-reraise-2.1.2 fails tests: FAILED - assert False
935622 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-xprocess-1.0.2 fails tests with "Connection refused"
935670 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/agate-1.11.0: fails test tests/
935682 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/django-configurations-2.5.1 fails test test_database_url_value
935773 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-salt-factories-1.0.0_rc29 fails tests: ValueError: invalid attr name 'connections'
935801 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/loky-3.4.1 fails tests: FAILED - assert 2 == 1
935878 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dns-lexicon-3.17.0 fails tests: FAILED - lexicon.exceptions.ProviderNotAvailableError: This provider (fakeprovider) is not supported by Lexicon
935884 - Assigned to Patrick Lauer
dev-python/easy-thumbnails-2.8.5 fails tests: AssertionError: 2 != 4
935885 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/flaky-3.8.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError
935886 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/hatchling-1.25.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert my_app-0.0.1-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl == my_app-0.0.1-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl
935896 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/moto-5.0.11 fails tests: FAILED - requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host=testcors.localhost, port=6789): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NameResolution
935918 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/peewee-3.17.7 calls commands that do not exist: locale
935920 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/requests-unixsocket-0.3.0-r4 fails tests: "requests.exceptions.InvalidURL: Not supported URL scheme http+unix"
936014 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cheroot-10.0.1 fails tests: "requests.exceptions.InvalidURL: Not supported URL scheme http+unix"
936015 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-axolotl-0.2.3-r3 fails tests: ERROR - TypeError: Descriptors cannot be created directly
936053 - Assigned to Conrad Kostecki
dev-python/xmlschema-3.3.1 fails tests: AssertionError: test.xsd != test.xsd
936087 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mpi4py-3.1.5 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] /.../ld: .../ undefined reference to mca_common_sm_fini
936115 - Assigned to Alex Fan
dev-python/uvloop-0.19.0-r1 fails tests/ and tests/
936262 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/readme-renderer-43.0 fails 3 tests: test_rst_bibtex.rst, test_rst_contents.rst, test_rst_linkify.rst
936264 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pip-24.0 fails test when /tmp/test exists
936321 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numexpr-2.10.1 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected:
936895 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3_10-exe-7.3.16 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] [translation:ERROR] Exception: seeing a prebuilt rpython.rlib.rthread.Lock instance
936954 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/setuptools-71.0.4 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
937233 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ConfigArgParse-1.7 fails tests: python3.12 -m unittest: error: unrecognized arguments: --foo bar
937548 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/beartype-0.18.5 fails to compile: FAILED - subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command python3.10, -m, mypy, --config-file, mypy.ini, beartype) returned non-zero exit status 1
937575 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/breathe-4.35.0-r1 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
937576 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/capturer-3.0-r1 fails tests (hang)
937577 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/django-polymorphic-3.1-r1 fails tests
937606 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/executing-2.0.2_pre20240626 fails tests: FAILED - executing._exceptions.VerifierFailure: ast.Call is not created from GET_ITER
937607 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/keyrings-alt-5.0.1 fails tests: FAILED - ValueError: Username cannot be blank
937623 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/selenium-4.23.1 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
937706 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/multiprocess-0.70.16 fails tests: TypeError: install_tests_in_module_dict() got an unexpected keyword argument exclude_types
937712 - Assigned to Tupone Alfredo
dev-python/twisted-24.7.0 fails tests: builtins.KeyError: 'twisted.words.test.test_xmlstream.GenericXmlStreamFactoryTestsMixin.test_addAndRemoveBootstrap'
937733 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-2.0.0 fails src_compile on ppc64 power9
937757 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyproject-api-1.7.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert [magic>3, requests>2] == [magic >3, requests >2]
937803 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/textX-4.0.1 fails tests: FAILED - RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
937804 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/txtorcon-23.11.0 fails tests: FAILED - twisted.trial.unittest.FailTest: 1 != 2
937805 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/vdirsyncer-0.19.2-r2 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert 0 == 1
937806 - Assigned to Amy Liffey
dev-python/virtualenv-clone-0.5.7 fails tests: FAILED - UnicodeDecodeError: utf-8 codec cant decode byte 0xba in position 10: invalid start byte
937807 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.14.0-r1 fails to compile: error: reference to non-static member function must be called
937909 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/path-17.0.0 fails tests: "AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute '__code__'. Did you mean: '__call__'?"
938210 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pythran-0.16.1-r1 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
938303 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pybind11-2.13.5 - [llvm] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:
938436 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/oslo-utils-7.4.0 calls commands that do not exist: mkisofs
938457 - Assigned to Gentoo OpenStack team
dev-python/pyfuse3: QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected
938548 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/tree-sitter-0.22.3: fails tests
938593 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/leechcorepyc-2.18.7 installs more files with FEATURES=test
938671 - Assigned to
dev-python/qpageview-1.0.0 version bump request, port to PyQt6
939130 - Assigned to Gentoo Sound Team
dev-python/pipenv: blocks on ~dev-python/importlib-metadata-8.4.0, ~dev-python/plette-0.4.4, ~dev-python/pipdeptree-2.18.1
939277 - Assigned to OzTiram
dev-python/pyside6-6.7.2 emerge fails with python:3.13[debug]: Objects/typeobject.c:1003: type_modified_unlocked: Assertion `(type->tp_flags & _Py_TPFLAGS_STATIC_BUILTIN) == 0' failed.
939303 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/ipykernel: still requires <dev-python/pytest-8
939418 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin-1.3.0 installs more files with FEATURES=test
939563 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/psutil-6.0.0 fails test psutil.tests.test_process.TestProcess.test_reused_pid
939572 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/widgetsnbextension-4.0.13 QA Notice setuptools warnings detected: Package 'widgetsnbextension.static' is absent from the `packages` configuration.
939710 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/flask-cors-5.0.0 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected: Unknown distribution option: 'test_suite' Unknown distribution option: 'tests_require'
939720 - Assigned to W. Trevor King
dev-python/pytest-salt-factories-1.0.1 fails tests: AttributeError: bogus
939757 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/scikit-build-0.18.0: fails tests (AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'add')
939783 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/numpy-2.2.1 fails to compile: quicksort.cpp:86:51: error: no matches converting function QSort_AVX512_SPR to type void ()(using TF = using np::meta::FixedWidth<short int>::Type = using std::conditional<true, short int, short int>::type = short
939900 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/importlib-metadata-8.5.0 fails tests
940057 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/spyder-6.0.1 fails to start with error: "ImportError: cannot import name 'QTextCodec' from 'qtpy.QtCore'", when using pyside{2,6} as the QtPy backend.
940202 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rpyc: reinvents every Python eclass variable/function possible
940253 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/aiohappyeyeballs-2.4.2 installs modules that are not byte-compiled
940456 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/croniter-3.0.3 fails tests: FAILED - OverflowError: timestamp out of range for platform time_t
940513 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/denonavr-1.0.0 fails tests: FAILED - denonavr.exceptions.AvrTimoutError: TimeoutException: No response can be found for GET request on description.xml amongst:
940514 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/libarchive-c-5.1 fails tests: FAILED - libarchive.exception.ArchiveError: Damaged tar archive (errno=22, retcode=-10, archive_p=1452922048)
940516 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/mypy-1.11.2 fails to compile: cc1: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes after a total of 524722176 bytes
940517 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/leechcorepyc-2.18.7 installs files that contain a TEXTREL
940519 - Assigned to
dev-python/tree-sitter-0.23.0 fails test_hash test
940523 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/poetry-core-1.9.0 fails tests: FAILED[name @ file:.-invalid URL] - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class poetry.core.version.requirements.InvalidRequirement>
940531 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pivy-0.6.8 fails to compile: cc1plus: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes after a total of 1801359360 bytes
940532 - Assigned to Miroslav Šulc
dev-python/graph-tool-2.75 fails to compile:[_Z17wrap_vector_ownedImEN5boost6python3api6objectERKSt6vectorIT_SaIS5_EE]+0x45): undefined reference to gra
940577 - Assigned to David Seifert
dev-python/python-daemon-2.3.2 fails tests
940616 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-gnupg-0.5.3 fails tests: AssertionError: 0 != 1
940617 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/qtawesome-1.3.1 fails tests: python3.12: typeobject.c:5027: _PyStaticType_Dealloc: Assertion _Py_IsImmortal((PyObject )type) failed
940618 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/pbr-6.1.0 QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected: Package 'pbr.tests.testpackage' is absent from the `packages` configuration.
940626 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain-1.8.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: mount != (:re:.)
940634 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/stripe-10.12.0 fails tests: FAILED[asyncio] - stripe._error.InvalidRequestError: Request req_123: Request validation error: validator 0x59
940635 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/traitlets-5.14.3 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert {} > {DEBUG, INFO}
940636 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pypy3_10-exe: add USE=pgo
941111 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rapidfuzz-3.10.0 - [libtool] [llvm] /.../string: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template std::char_traits<unsigned int>
941408 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aiohttp-3.10.9 fails tests
941420 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/anyio-4.6.0 fails tests
941427 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pysmi-1.5.0 fails tests: FAILED - pysnmp.proto.error.ProtocolError: Unknown named bit set
941676 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-httpbin-2.1.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert None is not None
941677 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-xmp-toolkit-2.0.2-r1 fails tests: ERROR: test_write_new_struct_in_array (test.test_core_unit.XMPMetaTestCase)
941678 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/setuptools-74.1.3 fails test: test_nowarn_accidental_env_marker_misconfig
941686 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-tabs-3.4.7 fails tests: FAILED[index] - AssertionError: FILES DIFFER:
941747 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-mpl: add python 3.13
941848 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/twisted-24.7.0 - fails 6 Exception tests in twisted.conch.test.test_manhole tests (test_ExceptionWithCustomExcepthook, test_Exception)
941903 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pikepdf-9.3.0 - FAILED
942023 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/grpcio-1.67.0 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../ error: type struct grpc_fd violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]
942152 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/grpcio-1.67.0 - [gcc-15] ./.../time.h: error: VLOG was not declared in this scope
942208 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-python/grpcio-1.67.0-r2 fails to compile: container_memory.h:66:27: error: uintptr_t does not name a type [-Wtemplate-body]
942399 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-3.0.11 - fails runTest (__main__.EndToEndTest.runTest) and fails to complete testsuite
942426 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dnspython-2.7.0: fails several tests with 'cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: ECDSA with deterministic signature (RFC 6979) is not supported by this version of OpenSSL.'
942513 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cheetah3-3.3.3 fails tests
942539 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/google-api-core-2.22.0 fails tests: environment: line 2500: 281 Segmentation fault ${@}
942540 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/grpcio-status-1.67.0 fails tests: environment: line 2499: 503 Segmentation fault ${@}
942541 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/imageio-2.36.0 fails tests: FAILED - SyntaxError: no more images in GIF file
942542 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3_10-exe-7.3.17 - error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]
942560 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pockets-0.9.1-r3 fails tests: FAILED - AttributeError: EagerFormattingAdapter object has no attribute merge_extra
942586 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pygame-2.6.1 fails tests: AssertionError: 7 != 8
942606 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/wxpython-4.2.1-r2: sip_corewxWindow.cpp:48:18: fatal error: gdk/gdkx.h: No such file or directory
942761 - Assigned to Gentoo wxWidgets project
dev-python/django-bootstrap5-24.3 fails tests: python3.12: No module named django
942776 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cmd2-2.5.1 fails tests: FAILED - assert False
942803 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/autopep8-2.3.1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: Warning: cannot find your CPU L2 & L3 cac[43 chars]hen !=
942858 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/build-1.2.2_p1 fails tests: FAILED[False-1-kwarg_origins1] - AssertionError: assert 3 == 2
942859 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/colorclass-2.2.2-r1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert not Warning: cannot find your CPU L2 & L3 cache size in cachen
942860 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/eradicate-2.3.0 fails tests: AssertionError: Warning: cannot find your CPU L2 & L3 cac[43 chars]he
942861 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/livereload-2.7.0 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert (None, None) == foo, None)
942908 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ml-dtypes-0.5.0 fails tests: FAILED - assert 1.70141e+38 > 0
942909 - Assigned to Jason Zaman
dev-python/cramjam-2.9.0 fails tests: ERROR - AttributeError: module experimental has no attribute igzip
942946 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mypy-1.13.0 - [meson] [libtool] mypyc/ error: Argument sources to Extension has incompatible type list[str]; expected list[str | PathLike[str]] [a
942959 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scripttest-1.3.0-r2 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: stderr output not expected
942978 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pygccxml-2.5.0 fails tests: ERROR - KeyError: line
942979 - Assigned to Thomas Beierlein
dev-python/sphinx-8.1.3 fails test tests/test_util/
942988 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyatspi-2.46.1 - [libtool] ./configure:line <snip>: which: command not found
942995 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/pivy-0.6.9 version bump
943019 - Assigned to Miroslav Šulc
dev-python/pydantic-2.10.0_beta1: circular import error in pydantic.validate_call
943177 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/aioresponses-0.7.6 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: RequestInfo.__new__() missing 1 required positional argument: real_url
943227 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/blake3: bundles dev-libs/blake3
943281 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pkginfo-1.11.2 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError: assert 2.3 == 2.1
943310 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyrfc3339-2.0.1 fails tests: FAILED - zoneinfo._common.ZoneInfoNotFoundError: No time zone found with key Eastern
943311 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypillowfight-0.3.0_p20210816-r1 fails tests: FAILED - AssertionError:
943535 - Assigned to Bernard Cafarelli
dev-python/scikit-learn-1.5.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: fatal error: cannot read spec file libgomp.spec: No such file or directory
943554 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyopengl-accelerate-3.1.8 - [meson] src/numpy_formathandler.c: error: passing argument 1 of (int ( )(PyArrayObject , PyObject )) (PyArray_API + 832) from incom
944781 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pywebview-5.1-r1::guru - there are no ebuilds to satisfy dev-python/QtPy
944813 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
dev-python/pyarrow-18.0.0 does not build with useflag "-parquet"
944828 - Assigned to Tupone Alfredo
dev-python/beautifulsoup4-4.12.3 fails tests
944926 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pymongo-4.10.1 - lto1: internal compiler error: resolution sub id <snip> not in object file
945376 - Assigned to Ultrabug
dev-python/python-cinderclient-9.6.0 fails tests: v3.test_auth.AuthenticateAgainstKeystoneTests.test_auth_redirect .. DEBUG:cinderclient.client:Load http response text error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
945718 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/wand-0.6.13 fails tests (hang)
945816 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/mkdocs-ansible: version bump
945854 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/fonttools-4.55.2: differing files per wheel
945948 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/selenium Headless selenium (firefox > v115.16.1-r1) does not work
946594 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/zeep-4.3.1 fails tests: FAILED - TypeError: Client.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument proxies
946660 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/jaraco-collections-5.1.0 fails tests: FAILED
946845 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/levenshtein-0.26.1 - [llvm] string: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template std::char_traits<unsigned int>
946989 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pdoc3: version bump
947192 - Assigned to Florian Schmaus
dev-python/stomp-py: version bump
947195 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/opensearch-py: version bump
947196 - Assigned to Arthur Zamarin
dev-python/pytest-salt-factories: version bump
947199 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/pycuda: version bump
947202 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyopencl: version bump
947203 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/python-subunit-1.4.4 fails tests: FAIL: subunit.tests.test_subunit_tags.TestSubUnitTags.test_add_tag
947323 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rope-1.13.0-r1 installs the same files with USE=doc
947385 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/hypercorn-0.17.3 fails tests: FAILED path-hypercorn.access-FileHandler] - IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: path
947404 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/hishel-0.1.1 fails tests: FAILED[asyncio] - Failed: Redis server was not found
947405 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/docutils-0.21.2 fails tests: FAIL: test_publish (test_writers.test_html5_polyglot_parts.Html5WriterPublishPartsTestCase) (id=totest[system_messages-PIL][0])
947406 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/click-option-group-0.5.6 fails tests: FAILED - assert None
947479 - Assigned to Sam James
dev-python/jsonpickle-4.0.1: fails tests/ test on x86
947492 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.10.0: fails tests with ffmpeg errors
947493 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/uvicorn-0.34.0 not installable with USE=test: Hard-blocking dependencies
947623 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/markups-4.1.0 fails tests: AssertionError: .selector .nf { color: 0000FF not found in pre { line-height: 125%; }
948432 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyrqlite-2.2.3 fails tests: FAILED - ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused
948483 - Assigned to Zac Medico
dev-python/scikit-build-core-0.10.7 fails tests: FAILED - assert {Metadata-Version: 2.1, Name: cmake-example, Version: 0.0.1, Requires-Python: >=3.7, Provides-Extra: test} <= {Metadata-Version: 2.2, Name: cmak
948563 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sqlalchemy-2.0.37 fails tests
948564 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/stack-data-0.6.3 fails tests: FAILED[.c { color: (999999|ababab); font-style: italic }] - AssertionError: assert None
948565 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-asyncio-0.25.2 fails tests
948892 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/python-poppler-qt5 removal
949019 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.15.1 - should REQUIRE >=dev-build/meson-1.5
949224 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/pyside-6.8.2 - No module named 'sphinx_design'
949282 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/hypercorn-0.17.3 fails tests
949370 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pypy3_10-exe, dev-python/pypy3_11-exe: automagically statically links against dev-libs/libffi[static-libs] (maybe)?
949401 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinx-8.1.3 fails tests
949539 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/sphinxcontrib-applehelp-2.0.0 (etc) fails tests: 'SphinxTestApp' object has no attribute 'response_class'
949541 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pymupdf: Packaging request as required by future app-text/krop
949686 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/icalendar-6.1.1 fails tests with >=sys-libs/timezone-data-2024b
949691 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mplcursors - new package request
949728 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-python/scipy-1.15.2: can't crosscompile, tries to use dev-python/numpy from CBUILD
950050 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/uvloop-0.21.0 fails tests
950110 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/scipy-1.15.2 can't crosscompile : fatal error: pybind11/pybind11.h: No such file or directory
950205 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/zstd: removal
950214 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/zstandard-0.23.0-r2: [clang] cffi.CDefError: parse error
950259 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
net-misc/httpie: invalid requirements installed
950356 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/sphinx-inline-tabs: please add PYTHON_TARGETS=python3_13
950368 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/pysvn-1.9.22 - [gcc-15] Error: Cannot find PyCXX include CXX/Version.hxx - use --pycxx-dir
950381 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/thrift: not compatible with Python 3.12
950392 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
dev-python/mkdocs-material-9.6.6[doc] - No module named 'backrefs'
950464 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/rtslib-fb-2.2.2 is missing /usr/bin/targetctl
950964 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/chump: please port to pypy3.11
951007 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/cloudpickle: please port to pypy3.11
951008 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/dparse: please port to pypy3.11
951011 - Assigned to OzTiram
dev-python/jellyfish: please port to pypy3.11
951013 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/libcst: please port to pypy3.11
951014 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/minify-html: please port to pypy3.11
951015 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/multiprocess: please port to pypy3.11
951016 - Assigned to Tupone Alfredo
dev-python/patsy: please port to pypy3.11
951017 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Mathematics related packages
dev-python/pipenv: please port to pypy3.11
951018 - Assigned to OzTiram
dev-python/pygame: please port to pypy3.11
951020 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyinotify: please port to pypy3.11
951021 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/py-zabbix: please port to pypy3.11
951023 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-python/pyopengl: please port to pypy3.11
951025 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyproject-fmt: please port to pypy3.11
951026 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pythondialog: please port to pypy3.11
951028 - Assigned to Amel Hodzic
dev-python/pythran: please port to pypy3.11
951030 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/taskgroup: please port to pypy3.11
951031 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/threadpoolctl: please port to pypy3.11
951032 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/regress: please port to pypy3.11
951033 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/requests-download: please port to pypy3.11
951034 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/scipy: please port to pypy3.11
951035 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/sigstore-rekor-types: please port to pypy3.11
951036 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/spyder-kernels: please port to pypy3.11
951037 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/ssl-fetch: please port to pypy3.11
951038 - Assigned to Portage Tools Team
dev-python/yaxmldiff: please port to pypy3.11
951040 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
Stabilization Bug Reports
sci-physics/pythia-8.3.09 and friends: stablereq
920139 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
dev-python/chainstream-1.0.1: please stabilize
922671 - Assigned to Gentoo Shell Tools project
dev-python/wand-0.6.13: stabilization request
934529 - Assigned to Louis Sautier (sbraz)
dev-python/pygobject-3.48.2-r1 STABLEREQ
938353 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/pyopengl-3.1.8: stablereq
940798 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psycopg-2.9.10: stablereq
941831 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/immutables-0.21: stablereq
942252 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/gfloat-0.4: stablereq
944537 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/regex-2024.11.6: stablereq
944551 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/contourpy-1.3.1: stablereq
945412 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mpi4py-4.0.1: stablereq
946454 - Assigned to Alex Fan
Gnome stabilization for December 2024
946484 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
dev-python/twisted-24.11.0: stablereq
946764 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
llvm-core/llvm-common-19.1.7 and friends: stablereq
946879 - Assigned to LLVM support project
dev-python/cramjam-2.9.1, dev-libs/isa-l-2.31.0: stablereq
947067 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycurl-7.45.4: stablereq
947068 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/matplotlib-3.10.0: stablereq, then cleanup old
947427 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/python-lsp-black-2.0.0-r1: stablereq
948300 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-libs/tree-sitter-0.24.3: stablereq
948301 - Assigned to Ali Abdel-Qader
sys-block/fio-3.37 arm64 stabilization request
948455 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
x11-wm/qtile-0.30.0, dev-python/dbus-fast-2.24.4: stablereq
948692 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/scikit-learn-1.6.1: stablereq
948749 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/mysqlclient-2.2.7: stablereq
948750 - Assigned to Matthew Thode ( prometheanfire )
dev-python/lmdb-1.6.2: stablereq
948759 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/psycopg-3.2.4: stablereq
949143 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyopengl-3.1.9, dev-python/python-xlib-0.33: stablereq
949436 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/websockets-14.2: stablereq
949456 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-python/xarray-2025.1.2: stablereq
949754 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mpmath-1.4.0_alpha4: stablereq
949789 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-python/cfn-lint-1.25.1: stablereq
950421 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pymongo-4.11.1: stablereq
950432 - Assigned to Ultrabug
dev-python/coverage-7.6.12: stablereq
950788 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
dev-python/aiohttp-3.11.12: stablereq
950794 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/simplejson-3.20.1: stablereq
950802 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/cython-3.0.12: stablereq
950809 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/symengine-0.14.0: stablereq
950813 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/rpds-py-0.23.1: stablereq
950823 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/libtmux-0.42.0: stablereq
950831 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/cppy-1.3.1: stablereq
950832 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/libtmux-0.40.1: stablereq
950835 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/libtmux-0.44.2: stablereq
950842 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/selenium-4.29.0: stablereq
950849 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/numpy-2.2.3: stablereq
950851 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
Keywording Bug Reports
app-emulation/virt-manager: add ~riscv keyword (WIP)
859625 - Assigned to Virtualization Team
media-gfx/freecad (and dependencies): arm64 keywording
881653 - Assigned to Paul Zander
app-admin/eclean-kernel: keyword
891511 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/pyamg: rekeyword
904497 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
re-keyword app-admin/salt-3006.0
904721 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
net-analyzer/wtfis, net-analyzer/shodan: rekeywording
913028 - Assigned to
dev-python/pipenv: rekeywording
916315 - Assigned to OzTiram
net-analyzer/fail2ban: rekeywording
926965 - Assigned to Sam James
re-keyword app-admin/salt-3007.1
933133 - Assigned to Patrick McLean
dev-python/pytools: rekeyword
935816 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
media-video/subliminal: rekeywording
936076 - Assigned to Sam James
dev-python/pandas: Add ~ppc64 keyword
937754 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Related Packages
dev-python/uvicorn, dev-libs/libgit2: rekeyword
941645 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pytest-httpx: keyword
941840 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/asyncssh: keyword request
942029 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
TeX Live 2024 re-keywording
946199 - Assigned to TeX project
media-sound/beets: x86 rekeywording
946662 - Assigned to Guillaume Seren
app-text/calibre-7.22.0 ~arm64 rekywording
947173 - Assigned to Eli Schwartz
net-proxy/mitmproxy: rekeyword
947275 - Assigned to Michał Górny
dev-python/twine: rekeyword
948523 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pyqt6 ~ppc rekeywording
949380 - Assigned to Qt Bug Alias
dev-python/spyder-6.0.4: rekeyword request
949394 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
dev-python/peewee ~arm64 keywording request
949504 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/nox: rekeyword
949548 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pycotap: keyword to match >=app-emulation/qemu-9.2.0
949902 - Assigned to Alfred Wingate
dev-python/sphinx-autodoc-typehints: rekeyword
949989 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/ipython: rekeyword
950384 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/pydantic: rekeyword
950743 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/zmq-anyio: keyword
950948 - Assigned to Python Gentoo Team
dev-python/mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin: rekeyword
951153 - Assigned to Nowa Ammerlaan
Gentoo Bugzilla is where we track bugs of Gentoo and its packages; you are welcome to report, confirm and resolve bugs:
File a new Bug
Confirm a bug
Participate in our monthly Bugday
Packages Bugs (1092)
Stabilization Bugs (43)
Keywording Bugs (30)