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The dev-tex category contains libraries and tools useful when working with TeX and TeX-based environments such as LaTeX.
Pull requests
Bug Reports
dev-tex/texdepend-0.92 ebuild
113151 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/flashcards - A LaTeX Class for Typesetting Flash Cards
142883 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/ticket - LaTeX Style for labels, visiting-cards, pins and flash-cards
143144 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/trajan-1.1.ebuild (New Package)
147091 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/glossary-1.0.ebuild (New Package)
150379 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/SIstyle ebuild request
152117 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/mathabx (new ebuild)
166890 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/pybtex (new ebuild)
270386 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/beamerposter (New Package)
296269 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/grtexstr-0.6 (new ebuild)
302917 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/logreq-1.0 new package
343553 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/eqexam: new ebuild
370965 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/latexdraw - a graphical drawing editor for LaTeX
403579 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/latexmk - bash completion fails with paths containing spaces
417927 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/fontpro - LaTeX support for Adobe's Pro opentype fonts
449474 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/fontaxes - Additional font axes for LaTeX
449476 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/mnsymbol - Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro
449478 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/mdsymbol - Symbol fonts to match Adobe Myriad Pro
449480 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/bibtoo - a powerful command-line tool to manipulate BibTeX databases
578908 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/latex2html-2015: Can't locate in @INC
636344 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/ltx2any - Yet another LaTeX build wrapper, with one or two nifty features
650970 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/latex2rtf-2.3.15 fails test: ERROR: object from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
658586 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/arara - A TeX automation tool based on rules and directives.
688454 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/texlab ebuild request
691058 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/latex2html-2017.2-r2 - .../work/latex2html-2017.2/config/ Warning: Skipping build of pstoimg because of missing external programs.
697850 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/latex2html-2017.2-r2 : sed: can t read /.../ No such file or directory
698478 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/lgrind-3.67-r3 : ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
719898 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/bibtool BibTeX file manipulation tool
724502 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/culmus-latex-0.7-r1 : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: tfms.DONE] Error 1
737406 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/style-check-0.14 fails tests
738852 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/rail-1.2_p1-r1 fails to compile: rail.c:57:1: error: first parameter of 'main' (argument count) must be of type 'int'
738854 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/bibtex2html-1.99 does not respect CFLAGS
738860 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/opendetex fork of detex
739326 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/pgf-3.1.5b does not work with the preview package
800827 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/latex2html-2021.2-r2[-gif] - sed: can't read /var/tmp/portage/dev-tex/latex2html-2021.2-r2/image/usr/lib64/latex2html/ No such file or directory
827935 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/hevea: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)
836062 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/latexmk: automated shellcheck found errors
839243 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/miktex modern TeX distribution new package
853172 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-tex/dot2tex-2.11.3 calls commands that do not exist: latex
867841 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/rail-1.2_p1-r1 - ./rail.h: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and
883267 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/BibTool-2.67::alexxy Error 404
902843 - Assigned to Alexey Shvetsov
dev-tex/dot2tex-2.11.3 fails tests
905415 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/latex-beamer-3.70 causes build failures: Package beamerfontthemeneo Error: Patching frame title failed.
911121 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
dev-tex/dot2tex-2.11.3 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)
922803 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/bibtex2html-1.99 installs files that contain a TEXTREL
924966 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/hevea-2.36 installs files that contain a TEXTREL
925882 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/ivritex-1.1.2 fails to compile: ! LaTeX Error: File hypdoc.sty not found
928966 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/rubber-1.6.0-r1 fails tests: error: Stopping because of compilation errors
928967 - Assigned to Florian Schmaus
dev-tex/latex2rtf-2.3.15-r1 - man: cant execute col: No such file or directory
931788 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-tex/rubber-1.6.0-r1 does not support python_targets_python3_12
934452 - Assigned to Florian Schmaus
dev-tex/dot2tex-2.11.3-r1 fails to compile: ERROR: Invalid value None in ] Expected a two-element tuple or list
937998 - Assigned to TeX project
=dev-tex/biblatex-3.19 does not provide the package documentation despite USE="doc"
938927 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/minted-2.9 - [meson-9999] [gcc-15] ! LaTeX Error: File fvextra.sty not found.
939133 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/biblatex-3.19: Please include biblatex docu
943389 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/sketch-0.3.7 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] memutil.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers
943829 - Assigned to Sam James
dev-tex/bibtexu-4.00_p20230311 fails to compile: getopt.h:133:20: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)
943986 - Assigned to Sam James
dev-tex/catdvi-0.14-r2 fails to compile: getopt.h:133:20: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)
943987 - Assigned to Ulrich Müller
dev-tex/biblatex-3.19 installs the same files with USE=doc
945334 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/rail-1.2_p1-r1 fails to compile: rail.c:86:22: error: too many arguments to function mcheck; expected 0, have 1
947155 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/foiltex-2.1.4b fails to compile: ! LaTeX Error: File hypdoc.sty not found
947157 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/foiltex-2.1.4b - [gcc-15] ! LaTeX Error: Backend request inconsistent with engine: using pdftex
947271 - Assigned to TeX project
dev-tex/biblatex-3.20-r1 - ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
951127 - Assigned to TeX project
Stabilization Bug Reports
dev-tex/rubber-1.6.6 stable request
936995 - Assigned to Florian Schmaus
dev-tex/rubber-1.6.6, dev-tex/pythontex-0.18: stablereq
938308 - Assigned to Florian Schmaus
Keywording Bug Reports
TeX Live 2024 re-keywording
946199 - Assigned to TeX project
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Packages Bugs (62)
Stabilization Bugs (2)
Keywording Bugs (1)