texlive-basic | TeXLive Essential programs and files |
texlive-bibtexextra | TeXLive BibTeX additional styles |
texlive-binextra | TeXLive TeX auxiliary programs |
texlive-context | TeXLive ConTeXt and packages |
texlive-fontsextra | TeXLive Additional fonts |
texlive-fontsrecommended | TeXLive Recommended fonts |
texlive-fontutils | TeXLive Graphics and font utilities |
texlive-formatsextra | TeXLive Additional formats |
texlive-games | TeXLive Games typesetting |
texlive-humanities | TeXLive Humanities packages |
texlive-langarabic | TeXLive Arabic |
texlive-langchinese | TeXLive Chinese |
texlive-langcjk | TeXLive Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base) |
texlive-langcyrillic | TeXLive Cyrillic |
texlive-langczechslovak | TeXLive Czech/Slovak |
texlive-langenglish | TeXLive US and UK English |
texlive-langeuropean | TeXLive Other European languages |
texlive-langfrench | TeXLive French |
texlive-langgerman | TeXLive German |
texlive-langgreek | TeXLive Greek |
texlive-langitalian | TeXLive Italian |
texlive-langjapanese | TeXLive Japanese |
texlive-langkorean | TeXLive Korean |
texlive-langother | TeXLive Other languages |
texlive-langpolish | TeXLive Polish |
texlive-langportuguese | TeXLive Portuguese |
texlive-langspanish | TeXLive Spanish |
texlive-latex | TeXLive LaTeX fundamental packages |
texlive-latexextra | TeXLive LaTeX additional packages |
texlive-latexrecommended | TeXLive LaTeX recommended packages |
texlive-luatex | TeXLive LuaTeX packages |
texlive-mathscience | TeXLive Mathematics, natural sciences, computer science packages |
texlive-metapost | TeXLive MetaPost and Metafont packages |
texlive-music | TeXLive Music packages |
texlive-pictures | TeXLive Graphics, pictures, diagrams |
texlive-plaingeneric | TeXLive Plain (La)TeX packages |
texlive-pstricks | TeXLive PSTricks |
texlive-publishers | TeXLive Publisher styles, theses, etc. |
texlive-xetex | TeXLive XeTeX and packages |