ace | DJ Delorie's Ace of Penguins solitaire games |
atakks | Clone of Ataxx |
awale | Free Awale - The game of all Africa |
biloba | Board game, up to 4 players, with AI and network |
cgoban | Go-frontend with a large set of go-related services |
chessx | Qt-based Chess Database Utility |
cockatrice | Open-source multiplatform software for playing card games over a network |
crafty | Bob Hyatt's strong chess engine |
cutechess | Cross-platform tools for working with chess engines |
domination | The well-known board game, written in java |
eboard | chess interface for POSIX systems |
four-in-a-row | Make lines of the same color to win |
freedoko | FreeDoko is a Doppelkopf-game |
fruit | UCI-only chess engine |
gambit | Qt-based chess application + engine "gupta" |
gmchess | Chinese chess with gtkmm and c++ |
gnome-chess | Play the classic two-player boardgame of chess |
gnome-mahjongg | Disassemble a pile of tiles by removing matching pairs |
gnome-mines | Clear hidden mines from a minefield |
gnubg | GNU BackGammon |
gnuchess | Console based chess interface |
gnuchess-book | Opening book for gnuchess |
gnugo | A Go-playing program |
gnushogi | Japanese version of chess (commandline + X-Version) |
grhino | Reversi game for GNOME, supporting the Go/Game Text Protocol |
gtkatlantic | Monopoly-like game that works with the monopd server |
gtkboard | Board games system |
hexxagon | Clone of the original DOS game |
iagno | Dominate the board in a classic version of Reversi |
jja | swiss army knife for chess file formats |
mah-jong | A networked Mah Jong program, together with a computer player |
maitretarot | Server for the french tarot game maitretarot |
megamek | Unofficial online version of the Classic BattleTech board game |
mt_dolphin_ia | client for the french tarot game maitretarot |
mt_ncurses_client | client for the french tarot game maitretarot |
natch | A program to solve chess proof games |
openyahtzee | Full-featured wxWidgets version of the classic dice game Yahtzee |
pasang-emas | Traditional game of Brunei |
peg-e | Peg solitaire game |
phalanx | Chess engine suitable for beginner and intermediate players |
pioneers | Clone of the popular board game The Settlers of Catan |
pokerth | Texas Hold'em poker game |
polyglot | Protocol adapter to run UCI chess engines under xboard |
pychess | GTK chess client |
pysolfc | Exciting collection of more than 1000 solitaire card games |
scid | Shane's Chess Information Database |
simsu | Basic sudoku game |
sjeng | Console based chess interface |
stockfish | Free UCI chess engine, claimed to be the strongest in the world |
tablebase-syzygy | Syzygy chess endgame tablebases for up to 6 pieces |
tali | Beat the odds in a poker-style dice game |
tetzle | Jigsaw puzzle game that uses tetrominoes for the pieces |
xboard | GUI for gnuchess and for internet chess servers |
xfreecell | A freecell game for X |
xgammon | very nice backgammon game for X |
xmahjongg | Friendly GUI version of xmahjongg |
xscrabble | An X11 clone of the well-known Scrabble |
xskat | Famous german card game |