aurorae | Themeable window decoration for KWin |
bluedevil | Bluetooth stack for KDE Plasma |
breeze | Breeze visual style for the Plasma desktop |
breeze-grub | Breeze theme for GRUB |
breeze-gtk | Official GTK+ port of Plasma's Breeze widget style |
breeze-plymouth | Breeze theme for Plymouth |
discover | KDE Plasma resources management GUI |
drkonqi | Plasma crash handler, gives the user feedback if a program crashed |
flatpak-kcm | Flatpak Permissions Management KCM |
kactivitymanagerd | System service to manage user's activities, track the usage patterns etc. |
kde-cli-tools | Tools based on KDE Frameworks 6 to better interact with the system |
kde-cli-tools-common | Common files for kde-cli-tools |
kdecoration | Plugin based library to create window decorations |
kde-gtk-config | Syncs KDE Plasma theme settings to GTK applications |
kdeplasma-addons | Extra Plasma applets and engines |
kdesu-gui | Graphical frontend for KDE Frameworks' kdesu |
keditfiletype | File Type Editor |
kgamma | Screen gamma values kcontrol module |
kglobalacceld | Daemon providing Global Keyboard Shortcut (Accelerator) functionality |
kinfocenter | Utility providing information about the computer hardware |
kmenuedit | KDE Plasma menu editor |
kpipewire | Components relating to Flatpak pipewire use in Plasma |
krdp | Library and examples for creating an RDP server |
kscreen | KDE Plasma screen management |
kscreenlocker | Library and components for secure lock screen architecture |
ksshaskpass | Implementation of ssh-askpass with KDE Wallet integration |
ksystemstats | Plugin-based system monitoring daemon |
kwallet-pam | PAM module to not enter KWallet password again after login |
kwayland | Qt-style API to interact with the wayland-client API |
kwayland-integration | Provides KWindowSystem integration plugin for Wayland |
kwin | Flexible, composited Window Manager for windowing systems on Linux |
kwrited | KDE Plasma daemon listening for wall and write messages |
layer-shell-qt | Qt component to allow applications make use of Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol |
libkscreen | Plasma screen management library |
libksysguard | Task management and system monitoring library |
libplasma | Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF6 and Qt6 |
milou | Dedicated search application built on top of Baloo |
ocean-sound-theme | Ocean Sound Theme for Plasma |
oxygen | Oxygen visual style for the Plasma desktop |
oxygen-sounds | Oxygen sound theme for the Plasma desktop |
plasma5support | Support components for porting from KF5/Qt5 to KF6/Qt6 |
plasma-activities | Core components for KDE's Activities System |
plasma-activities-stats | Library for accessing usage data collected by the activities system |
plasma-browser-integration | Integrate Chrome/Firefox better into Plasma through browser extensions |
plasma-desktop | KDE Plasma desktop |
plasma-disks | Monitors S.M.A.R.T. capable devices for imminent failure |
plasma-firewall | Plasma frontend for Firewalld or UFW |
plasma-integration | Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces |
plasma-login-sessions | KDE Plasma login sessions |
plasma-meta | Merge this to pull in all Plasma 6 packages |
plasma-mimeapps-list | Gentoo curated mimeapps list for KDE Plasma |
plasma-nm | KDE Plasma applet for NetworkManager |
plasma-pa | Plasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudio |
plasma-sdk | Useful applications for Plasma development |
plasma-systemmonitor | Monitor system sensors, process information and other system resources |
plasma-thunderbolt | Plasma integration for controlling Thunderbolt devices |
plasma-vault | Plasma applet and services for creating encrypted vaults |
plasma-welcome | Friendly onboarding wizard for Plasma |
plasma-workspace | KDE Plasma workspace |
plasma-workspace-wallpapers | Wallpapers for the Plasma workspace |
plymouth-kcm | KDE Plasma control module for Plymouth |
polkit-kde-agent | PolKit agent module for KDE Plasma |
powerdevil | Power management for KDE Plasma Shell |
print-manager | Manage CUPS print jobs and printers in Plasma |
qqc2-breeze-style | Breeze inspired QQC2 Style |
sddm-kcm | KDE Plasma control module for SDDM |
systemsettings | Control Center to configure KDE Plasma desktop |
wacomtablet | Wacom system settings module that supports different button/pen layout profiles |
xdg-desktop-portal-kde | Backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal that is using Qt/KDE Frameworks |