
The media-gfx category contains graphics-related packages.

aaphotoAutomatic color correction and resizing of photos
aewanA curses-based editor for ASCII art
ahoviewerA GTK image viewer, manga reader, and booru browser
albumHTML photo album generator
alembicOpen framework for storing and sharing scene data
ansiloveANSI and ASCII art to PNG converter (using libansilove)
apng2gifCreate a GIF from an APNG
apngasmcreate an APNG from multiple PNG files
apngdisExtract PNG frames from an APNG
apngoptOptimize APNG images
argyllcmsOpen source, ICC compatible color management system
arssAnalysis & Resynthesis Sound Spectrograph
asymptoteA vector graphics language that provides a framework for technical drawing
autopano-sift-CSIFT algorithm for automatic panorama creation in C
aviewASCII Image Viewer
blender3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
blender-bin3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
brscan4Brother scanner driver
cairosvgCLI and library to export SVG to PDF, PostScript, and PNG
cellwriterGrid-entry natural handwriting input panel
chafaversatile and fast Unicode/ASCII/ANSI graphics renderer
clockphotoAdjusts photo timestamps based on clock photos
converseenBatch image converter and resizer based on ImageMagick
cropguiGUI for lossless cropping of jpeg images
crwinfoCanon raw image (CRW) information and thumbnail extractor
curtailImage compressor, supporting PNG, JPEG and WebP
darktableA virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
dcrawCommand-line decoder for raw digital photos
digikamDigital photo management application
displaycal-py3Modernize the DisplayCAL code including Python 3 support
ditaaA utility that converts ascii-art diagrams to bitmap diagrams
dmtx-utilsTools for reading and writing Data Matrix barcodes
dpicConverts PIC plots into pstricks, PGF/TikZ, PostScript, MetaPost and TeX
duhdrawASCII art editor
ebdftopcfOptimally generate PCF files from BDF files
enblendImage Blending with Multiresolution Splines
engaugeConvert an image file showing a graph or map into numbers
entangleTethered Camera Control & Capture
enticeA simple image viewer based on EFL
eogThe Eye of GNOME image viewer
eog-pluginsEye of GNOME plugins
eomThe MATE image viewer
ephotoEnlightenment image viewer written with EFL
evoluspencilA simple GUI prototyping tool to create mockups
exact-imageA fast, modern and generic image processing library
exifSmall CLI util to show EXIF infos hidden in JPEG files
exiv2EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata C++ library and command line utility
farbfeldFarbfeld simple image format tools
fbgrabFramebuffer screenshot utility
fbidaImage viewers for the framebuffer console (fbi) and X11 (ida)
fehA fast, lightweight imageviewer using imlib2
fig2devSet of tools for creating TeX documents with graphics
flam3Tools and a library for creating flame fractal images
flameshotPowerful yet simple to use screenshot software
fonduUtilities for converting between and manipulating mac fonts and unix fonts
fontforgepostscript font editor and converter
fotemaPhoto gallery for Linux
fotocxProgram for improving image files made with a digital camera
fotowallQt5 tool for creating wallpapers
freecadQt based Computer Aided Design application
freepvPanorama viewer (Quicktime, PangeaVR, GLPanoView formats)
frogrflickr applications for GNOME
geeqieA lightweight GTK image viewer forked from GQview
gif2pngConverts images from gif format to png format
gifsicleCreate, manipulate, and optimize GIF images and animations
gimpGNU Image Manipulation Program
gimp-arrow-brushesBrushes for GIMP with the styles arrow, handpointer, button arrow and cursor
gnofract4dA program for drawing beautiful mathematically-based images known as fractals
gnome-font-viewerFont viewer utility for GNOME
gnome-photosAccess, organize and share your photos on GNOME
gnome-screenshotScreenshot utility for GNOME
gnucladCladogram tree generator mainly used by the GNU/Linux distro timeline project
gozertool for rendering arbitrary text as graphics, using ttfs and styles
gphoto2Free, redistributable digital camera software application
gphotofsFUSE file system for interfacing with digital cameras using gphoto2
gpicviewA Simple and Fast Image Viewer for X
graphicsmagickCollection of tools and libraries for many image formats
graphite2Library providing rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems
graphvizOpen Source Graph Visualization Software
gscan2pdfScan documents, perform OCR, produce PDFs and DjVus
gthumbImage viewer and browser for Gnome
gtkimageviewA simple image viewer widget for GTK
hp2xxConvert Hewlett-Packard's HP-GL plotter language to other graphics formats
huginGUI for the creation & processing of panoramic images
hydrusA booru-like media organizer for the desktop
icon-slicerUtility for generating icon themes and libXcursor cursor themes
icoutilsTools to extract and convert images in icon and cursor files (.ico, .cur)
igalStatic HTML image gallery generator
imagemagickA collection of tools and libraries for many image formats
imageworsenerUtility for image scaling and processing
img2pdfLosslessly convert raster images to PDF
imvMinimal image viewer designed for tiling window manager users
inkscapeSVG based generic vector-drawing program
iscanEPSON Image Scan! for Linux (including sane-epkowa backend)
iscan-dataImage Scan! for Linux data files
iscan-plugin-esdipPlugin for 'epkowa' backend for image manipulation
iscan-plugin-gt-f500Epson Perfection 2480/2580 PHOTO scanner plugin for SANE 'epkowa' backend
iscan-plugin-gt-f720Epson Perfection V300 PHOTO scanner plugin for SANE 'epkowa' backend
iscan-plugin-gt-x770Epson Perfection V500 scanner plugin for SANE 'epkowa' backend
iscan-plugin-gt-x820Epson Perfection V600 scanner plugin for SANE 'epkowa' backend
jheadEXIF JPEG camera setting parser and thumbnail remover
jiglJason's Image Gallery
jp2aJPEG/PNG image to ASCII art converter
jpeginfoPrints information and tests integrity of JPEG/JFIF files
jpegoptimUtility to optimize JPEG files
jpegpixiAlmost lossless JPEG pixel interpolator, for correcting digital camera defects
jpegtoaviJPEG to AVI/MJPEG animation command-line conversion tool
kgeotagPhoto geotagging program
kgraphviewerGraphviz dot graph file viewer
kio-blender-thumbnailerKIO thumbnail generator for Blender files
kio-mobi-thumbnailerKIO thumbnail generator for Mobipocket files
kio-ps-thumbnailerKIO thumbnail generator for DVI, EPS, PDF and PS files
kio-raw-thumbnailerKIO thumbnail generator for RAW files
kphotoalbumTool for indexing, searching, and viewing images
kritaFree digital painting application. Digital Painting, Creative Freedom!
kuickshowImage viewer based on KDE Frameworks
kxstitchProgram to create cross stitch patterns
libbgcodePrusa Block & Binary G-code reader / writer / converter
libimagequantPalette quantization library that powers pngquant and other PNG optimizers
librecadGeneric 2D CAD program
libredwgC library to handle DWG files
llgalCommand-line static web gallery generator
luminance-hdrGraphical user interface that provides a workflow for HDR imaging
lximage-qtQt Image Viewer
maimCommandline tool to take screenshots of the desktop
mandelbulberTool to render 3D fractals
mcomixGTK image viewer for comic book archives
meshlabSystem for processing and editing unstructured 3D triangular meshes
metapixela program for generating photomosaics
mkbold-mkitalicMake BDF fonts bold and/or italic
mkgalleryCreates thumbnails and a HTML index file for a directory of jpg files
monicaMonica is a Monitor Calibration Tool
mscgenMessage sequence chart generator
mypaintFast and easy graphics application for digital painters
mypaint-brushesDefault MyPaint brushes
netgenAutomatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator
nomacsQt-based image viewer
nvidia-cg-toolkitNVIDIA's C graphics compiler toolkit
openclipartOpen Clip Art Library (
opencsgThe Constructive Solid Geometry rendering library
openmeshA generic data structure to represent and manipulate polygonal meshes
openscadThe Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
opentoonzAn open-source full-featured 2D animation creation software
openvdbLibrary for the efficient manipulation of volumetric data
optipngCompress PNG files without affecting image quality
oxipngMultithreaded lossless PNG compression optimizer written in Rust
pablodrawAnsi/Ascii text and RIPscrip vector graphic art editor/viewer
paniniOpenGL-based panoramic image viewer
pdf2svgConvert PDF to SVG files using poppler and cairo
pencil2D animation and drawing program based on Qt
photopcUtility to control digital cameras based on Sierra Imaging firmware
photoqtSimple but powerful Qt-based image viewer
phototonicImage viewer and organizer
pintaPinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image editing
pixels2pgfConvert pixel images (e.g. QRCode) to PGF/Tikz rectangles
plantumlDraw UML diagrams using a simple and human readable text description
png2icoPNG to icon converter
pngcheckVerifies the integrity of PNG, JNG, and MNG files with internal checksums
pngcrushPortable Network Graphics (PNG) optimizing utility
pngnqPngnq is a tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format
pngquantCommand-line utility and library for lossy compression of PNG images
pngrewriteUtility which reduces large palettes in PNG images
pngtoicoConvert png images to MS ico format
pngtoolsA series of tools for the PNG image format
potraceTransforming bitmaps into vector graphics
povrayThe Persistence of Vision Raytracer
pqivA powerful GTK 3 based command-line image viewer with a minimal UI
pqstegoTools for Perturbed Quantization Steganography
propagandaPropaganda Volume 1-14 + E. Tiling images for your desktop
prusaslicerA mesh slicer to generate G-code for fused-filament-fabrication (3D printers)
psftoolsUtilities for manipulation of console fonts in PSF format
pstoeditTranslate PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats
qimgvA cross-platform image viewer with webm support, written in qt5
qivQuick Image Viewer
qrencodeC library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol
quatA 3D quaternionic fractal generator
qvvQt-based compact image viewer and browser
rawtherapeeA powerful cross-platform raw image processing program
realesrgan-ncnn-vulkanNCNN implementation of Real-ESRGAN
recoverjpegRecover JPEG pictures from a possibly corrupted disk image
renderdocA stand-alone graphics debugging tool
ristrettoA fast and lightweight picture viewer for Xfce
rotoscopeGraphics program that can be used to give photos a cartoon-like appearance
sam2pUtility to convert raster images to EPS, PDF and many others
sane-airscanSANE backend for AirScan (eSCL) and WSD document scanners
sane-backendsScanner Access Now Easy - Backends
sane-frontendsScanner Access Now Easy
scantailor-advancedInteractive post-processing tool for scanned pages
scourTake an SVG file and produce a cleaner and more concise file
scrotScreen capture utility using imlib2 library
sfftobmpsff to bmp converter
shotwellOpen source photo manager for GNOME
simple-scanSimple document scanning utility
skanpageMulti-page scanning application supporting image and pdf files
solvespaceParametric 2d/3d CAD
springgraphGenerate spring graphs from graphviz input files
superslicerA mesh slicer to generate G-code for fused-filament-fabrication (3D printers)
svg2rlgConverts SVG files to PDFs or reportlab graphics
sxivSimple (or small or suckless) X Image Viewer
symboleditorApplication to create libraries of QPainterPath objects with rendering hints
tachyonA portable, high performance parallel ray tracing system
termtosvgRecord terminal sessions as SVG animations
tgifXlib base 2-D drawing facility under X11
tif22pnmtif22pnm and png22pnm command-line converters
tintiiPhoto editor for selective color, saturation, and hue shift adjustments
transfigSet of tools for creating TeX documents with graphics
ttfautohintApplication and libary for hinting TrueType fonts
ttygifConvert terminal recordings to animated gifs
tuxpaintDrawing program designed for young children
tuxpaint-stampsSet of 'Rubber Stamp' images which can be used within Tux Paint
ueberzugCommand line util to draw images on terminals by using child windows
ueberzugppDrop in replacement for ueberzug written in C++
valentinaCloth patternmaking software
viewerA stereo pair image viewer (supports ppm's only)
viewniorFast and simple image viewer
vkBasaltA Vulkan post-processing layer for Linux
w3mimgfbImage viewer for w3m under frame buffer environment
waifu2x-ncnn-vulkanwaifu2x converter using ncnn and vulkan
wingsWings 3D is an advanced subdivision modeler
word_cloudA little word cloud generator in Python
xdotInteractive viewer for Graphviz dot files
xfigA menu-driven tool to draw and manipulate objects interactively in an X window
xliX Load Image: view images or load them to root window
xloadimageUtility to view many different types of images under X11
xpaintImage editor with tiff, jpeg and png support
xsaneGraphical scanning frontend
xvInteractive image manipulation program supporting a wide variety of formats
yafarayA free open-source montecarlo raytracing engine
zbarLibrary and tools for reading barcodes from images or video
zgvA svgalib console image viewer


Packages: 230

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