aaphoto | Automatic color correction and resizing of photos |
aewan | A curses-based editor for ASCII art |
ahoviewer | A GTK image viewer, manga reader, and booru browser |
album | HTML photo album generator |
alembic | Open framework for storing and sharing scene data |
ansilove | ANSI and ASCII art to PNG converter (using libansilove) |
apng2gif | Create a GIF from an APNG |
apngasm | create an APNG from multiple PNG files |
apngdis | Extract PNG frames from an APNG |
apngopt | Optimize APNG images |
argyllcms | Open source, ICC compatible color management system |
arss | Analysis & Resynthesis Sound Spectrograph |
asymptote | A vector graphics language that provides a framework for technical drawing |
autopano-sift-C | SIFT algorithm for automatic panorama creation in C |
aview | ASCII Image Viewer |
blender | 3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System |
blender-bin | 3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System |
brscan4 | Brother scanner driver |
cairosvg | CLI and library to export SVG to PDF, PostScript, and PNG |
cellwriter | Grid-entry natural handwriting input panel |
chafa | versatile and fast Unicode/ASCII/ANSI graphics renderer |
clockphoto | Adjusts photo timestamps based on clock photos |
converseen | Batch image converter and resizer based on ImageMagick |
cropgui | GUI for lossless cropping of jpeg images |
crwinfo | Canon raw image (CRW) information and thumbnail extractor |
curtail | Image compressor, supporting PNG, JPEG and WebP |
darktable | A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers |
dcraw | Command-line decoder for raw digital photos |
digikam | Digital photo management application |
displaycal-py3 | Modernize the DisplayCAL code including Python 3 support |
ditaa | A utility that converts ascii-art diagrams to bitmap diagrams |
dmtx-utils | Tools for reading and writing Data Matrix barcodes |
dpic | Converts PIC plots into pstricks, PGF/TikZ, PostScript, MetaPost and TeX |
duhdraw | ASCII art editor |
ebdftopcf | Optimally generate PCF files from BDF files |
enblend | Image Blending with Multiresolution Splines |
engauge | Convert an image file showing a graph or map into numbers |
entangle | Tethered Camera Control & Capture |
entice | A simple image viewer based on EFL |
eog | The Eye of GNOME image viewer |
eog-plugins | Eye of GNOME plugins |
eom | The MATE image viewer |
ephoto | Enlightenment image viewer written with EFL |
evoluspencil | A simple GUI prototyping tool to create mockups |
exact-image | A fast, modern and generic image processing library |
exif | Small CLI util to show EXIF infos hidden in JPEG files |
exiv2 | EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata C++ library and command line utility |
farbfeld | Farbfeld simple image format tools |
fbgrab | Framebuffer screenshot utility |
fbida | Image viewers for the framebuffer console (fbi) and X11 (ida) |
feh | A fast, lightweight imageviewer using imlib2 |
fig2dev | Set of tools for creating TeX documents with graphics |
flam3 | Tools and a library for creating flame fractal images |
flameshot | Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software |
fondu | Utilities for converting between and manipulating mac fonts and unix fonts |
fontforge | postscript font editor and converter |
fotema | Photo gallery for Linux |
fotocx | Program for improving image files made with a digital camera |
fotowall | Qt5 tool for creating wallpapers |
freecad | Qt based Computer Aided Design application |
freepv | Panorama viewer (Quicktime, PangeaVR, GLPanoView formats) |
frogr | flickr applications for GNOME |
geeqie | A lightweight GTK image viewer forked from GQview |
gif2png | Converts images from gif format to png format |
gifsicle | Create, manipulate, and optimize GIF images and animations |
gimp | GNU Image Manipulation Program |
gimp-arrow-brushes | Brushes for GIMP with the styles arrow, handpointer, button arrow and cursor |
gnofract4d | A program for drawing beautiful mathematically-based images known as fractals |
gnome-font-viewer | Font viewer utility for GNOME |
gnome-photos | Access, organize and share your photos on GNOME |
gnome-screenshot | Screenshot utility for GNOME |
gnuclad | Cladogram tree generator mainly used by the GNU/Linux distro timeline project |
gozer | tool for rendering arbitrary text as graphics, using ttfs and styles |
gphoto2 | Free, redistributable digital camera software application |
gphotofs | FUSE file system for interfacing with digital cameras using gphoto2 |
gpicview | A Simple and Fast Image Viewer for X |
graphicsmagick | Collection of tools and libraries for many image formats |
graphite2 | Library providing rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems |
graphviz | Open Source Graph Visualization Software |
gscan2pdf | Scan documents, perform OCR, produce PDFs and DjVus |
gthumb | Image viewer and browser for Gnome |
gtkimageview | A simple image viewer widget for GTK |
hp2xx | Convert Hewlett-Packard's HP-GL plotter language to other graphics formats |
hugin | GUI for the creation & processing of panoramic images |
hydrus | A booru-like media organizer for the desktop |
icon-slicer | Utility for generating icon themes and libXcursor cursor themes |
icoutils | Tools to extract and convert images in icon and cursor files (.ico, .cur) |
igal | Static HTML image gallery generator |
imagemagick | A collection of tools and libraries for many image formats |
imageworsener | Utility for image scaling and processing |
img2pdf | Losslessly convert raster images to PDF |
imv | Minimal image viewer designed for tiling window manager users |
inkscape | SVG based generic vector-drawing program |
iscan | EPSON Image Scan! for Linux (including sane-epkowa backend) |
iscan-data | Image Scan! for Linux data files |
iscan-plugin-esdip | Plugin for 'epkowa' backend for image manipulation |
iscan-plugin-gt-f500 | Epson Perfection 2480/2580 PHOTO scanner plugin for SANE 'epkowa' backend |
iscan-plugin-gt-f720 | Epson Perfection V300 PHOTO scanner plugin for SANE 'epkowa' backend |
iscan-plugin-gt-x770 | Epson Perfection V500 scanner plugin for SANE 'epkowa' backend |
iscan-plugin-gt-x820 | Epson Perfection V600 scanner plugin for SANE 'epkowa' backend |
jhead | EXIF JPEG camera setting parser and thumbnail remover |
jigl | Jason's Image Gallery |
jp2a | JPEG/PNG image to ASCII art converter |
jpeginfo | Prints information and tests integrity of JPEG/JFIF files |
jpegoptim | Utility to optimize JPEG files |
jpegpixi | Almost lossless JPEG pixel interpolator, for correcting digital camera defects |
jpegtoavi | JPEG to AVI/MJPEG animation command-line conversion tool |
kgeotag | Photo geotagging program |
kgraphviewer | Graphviz dot graph file viewer |
kio-blender-thumbnailer | KIO thumbnail generator for Blender files |
kio-mobi-thumbnailer | KIO thumbnail generator for Mobipocket files |
kio-ps-thumbnailer | KIO thumbnail generator for DVI, EPS, PDF and PS files |
kio-raw-thumbnailer | KIO thumbnail generator for RAW files |
kphotoalbum | Tool for indexing, searching, and viewing images |
krita | Free digital painting application. Digital Painting, Creative Freedom! |
kuickshow | Image viewer based on KDE Frameworks |
kxstitch | Program to create cross stitch patterns |
libbgcode | Prusa Block & Binary G-code reader / writer / converter |
libimagequant | Palette quantization library that powers pngquant and other PNG optimizers |
librecad | Generic 2D CAD program |
libredwg | C library to handle DWG files |
llgal | Command-line static web gallery generator |
luminance-hdr | Graphical user interface that provides a workflow for HDR imaging |
lximage-qt | Qt Image Viewer |
maim | Commandline tool to take screenshots of the desktop |
mandelbulber | Tool to render 3D fractals |
mcomix | GTK image viewer for comic book archives |
meshlab | System for processing and editing unstructured 3D triangular meshes |
metapixel | a program for generating photomosaics |
mkbold-mkitalic | Make BDF fonts bold and/or italic |
mkgallery | Creates thumbnails and a HTML index file for a directory of jpg files |
monica | Monica is a Monitor Calibration Tool |
mscgen | Message sequence chart generator |
mypaint | Fast and easy graphics application for digital painters |
mypaint-brushes | Default MyPaint brushes |
netgen | Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator |
nomacs | Qt-based image viewer |
nvidia-cg-toolkit | NVIDIA's C graphics compiler toolkit |
openclipart | Open Clip Art Library (openclipart.org) |
opencsg | The Constructive Solid Geometry rendering library |
openmesh | A generic data structure to represent and manipulate polygonal meshes |
openscad | The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller |
opentoonz | An open-source full-featured 2D animation creation software |
openvdb | Library for the efficient manipulation of volumetric data |
optipng | Compress PNG files without affecting image quality |
oxipng | Multithreaded lossless PNG compression optimizer written in Rust |
pablodraw | Ansi/Ascii text and RIPscrip vector graphic art editor/viewer |
panini | OpenGL-based panoramic image viewer |
pdf2svg | Convert PDF to SVG files using poppler and cairo |
pencil | 2D animation and drawing program based on Qt |
photopc | Utility to control digital cameras based on Sierra Imaging firmware |
photoqt | Simple but powerful Qt-based image viewer |
phototonic | Image viewer and organizer |
pinta | Pinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image editing |
pixels2pgf | Convert pixel images (e.g. QRCode) to PGF/Tikz rectangles |
plantuml | Draw UML diagrams using a simple and human readable text description |
png2ico | PNG to icon converter |
pngcheck | Verifies the integrity of PNG, JNG, and MNG files with internal checksums |
pngcrush | Portable Network Graphics (PNG) optimizing utility |
pngnq | Pngnq is a tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format |
pngquant | Command-line utility and library for lossy compression of PNG images |
pngrewrite | Utility which reduces large palettes in PNG images |
pngtoico | Convert png images to MS ico format |
pngtools | A series of tools for the PNG image format |
potrace | Transforming bitmaps into vector graphics |
povray | The Persistence of Vision Raytracer |
pqiv | A powerful GTK 3 based command-line image viewer with a minimal UI |
pqstego | Tools for Perturbed Quantization Steganography |
propaganda | Propaganda Volume 1-14 + E. Tiling images for your desktop |
prusaslicer | A mesh slicer to generate G-code for fused-filament-fabrication (3D printers) |
psftools | Utilities for manipulation of console fonts in PSF format |
pstoedit | Translate PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats |
qimgv | A cross-platform image viewer with webm support, written in qt5 |
qiv | Quick Image Viewer |
qrencode | C library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol |
quat | A 3D quaternionic fractal generator |
qvv | Qt-based compact image viewer and browser |
rawtherapee | A powerful cross-platform raw image processing program |
realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan | NCNN implementation of Real-ESRGAN |
recoverjpeg | Recover JPEG pictures from a possibly corrupted disk image |
renderdoc | A stand-alone graphics debugging tool |
ristretto | A fast and lightweight picture viewer for Xfce |
rotoscope | Graphics program that can be used to give photos a cartoon-like appearance |
sam2p | Utility to convert raster images to EPS, PDF and many others |
sane-airscan | SANE backend for AirScan (eSCL) and WSD document scanners |
sane-backends | Scanner Access Now Easy - Backends |
sane-frontends | Scanner Access Now Easy |
scantailor-advanced | Interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages |
scour | Take an SVG file and produce a cleaner and more concise file |
scrot | Screen capture utility using imlib2 library |
sfftobmp | sff to bmp converter |
shotwell | Open source photo manager for GNOME |
simple-scan | Simple document scanning utility |
skanpage | Multi-page scanning application supporting image and pdf files |
solvespace | Parametric 2d/3d CAD |
springgraph | Generate spring graphs from graphviz input files |
superslicer | A mesh slicer to generate G-code for fused-filament-fabrication (3D printers) |
svg2rlg | Converts SVG files to PDFs or reportlab graphics |
sxiv | Simple (or small or suckless) X Image Viewer |
symboleditor | Application to create libraries of QPainterPath objects with rendering hints |
tachyon | A portable, high performance parallel ray tracing system |
termtosvg | Record terminal sessions as SVG animations |
tgif | Xlib base 2-D drawing facility under X11 |
tif22pnm | tif22pnm and png22pnm command-line converters |
tintii | Photo editor for selective color, saturation, and hue shift adjustments |
transfig | Set of tools for creating TeX documents with graphics |
ttfautohint | Application and libary for hinting TrueType fonts |
ttygif | Convert terminal recordings to animated gifs |
tuxpaint | Drawing program designed for young children |
tuxpaint-stamps | Set of 'Rubber Stamp' images which can be used within Tux Paint |
ueberzug | Command line util to draw images on terminals by using child windows |
ueberzugpp | Drop in replacement for ueberzug written in C++ |
valentina | Cloth patternmaking software |
viewer | A stereo pair image viewer (supports ppm's only) |
viewnior | Fast and simple image viewer |
vkBasalt | A Vulkan post-processing layer for Linux |
w3mimgfb | Image viewer for w3m under frame buffer environment |
waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan | waifu2x converter using ncnn and vulkan |
wings | Wings 3D is an advanced subdivision modeler |
word_cloud | A little word cloud generator in Python |
xdot | Interactive viewer for Graphviz dot files |
xfig | A menu-driven tool to draw and manipulate objects interactively in an X window |
xli | X Load Image: view images or load them to root window |
xloadimage | Utility to view many different types of images under X11 |
xpaint | Image editor with tiff, jpeg and png support |
xsane | Graphical scanning frontend |
xv | Interactive image manipulation program supporting a wide variety of formats |
yafaray | A free open-source montecarlo raytracing engine |
zbar | Library and tools for reading barcodes from images or video |
zgv | A svgalib console image viewer |