2ping | A bi-directional ping utility |
alive | Periodic ping program |
apinger | Alarm Pinger |
argus | network Audit Record Generation and Utilization System |
argus-clients | Clients for net-analyzer/argus |
arping | Utility to see if a specific IP is taken and what MAC owns it |
arpoison | Utility to poison ARP caches |
arpon | ArpON (Arp handler inspectiON) is a portable Arp handler |
arp-scan | ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool |
arp-sk | A swiss knife tool for ARP |
arptools | Collection of libnet and libpcap based ARP utilities |
arpwatch | An ethernet monitor program that keeps track of ethernet/IP address pairings |
authforce | An HTTP authentication brute forcer |
bandwhich | Terminal bandwidth utilization tool |
barnyard | Fast output system for Snort |
barnyard2 | Parser for Snort unified/unified2 files |
bing | A point-to-point bandwidth measurement tool |
bmon | Interface bandwidth monitor |
boreas | Greenbone Scanner for alive hosts |
braa | Quick and dirty mass SNMP scanner |
bwbar | The kernel.org "Current bandwidth utilization" bar |
bwm-ng | Bandwidth Monitor NG is a small and simple console-based bandwidth monitor |
bwmon | Simple ncurses bandwidth monitor |
bwping | A tool to measure bandwidth and RTT between two hosts using ICMP |
cacti | Cacti is a complete frontend to rrdtool |
cacti-spine | Spine is a fast poller for Cacti (formerly known as Cactid) |
calamaris | parses logfiles of a wide variety of web proxy servers and generates reports |
cbm | Color Bandwidth Meter |
chronograf | Monitoring, processing and alerting on time series data |
cloudshark | Easily upload your wireshark captures to CloudShark |
cnet | Network simulation tool |
cryptcat | Netcat clone extended with twofish encryption |
cutter | TCP/IP Connection cutting on Linux Firewalls and Routers |
darkstat | Network traffic analyzer with cute web interface |
dhcpdump | DHCP Packet Analyzer/tcpdump postprocessor |
dhcp_probe | Discover DHCP and BootP servers on a directly-attached Ethernet network |
dnsenum | A perl script to enumerate DNS from a server |
dnsmap | Scan for subdomains using bruteforcing techniques |
dnstracer | Determines where a given nameserver gets its information from |
driftnet | Watches network traffic and displays media from TCP streams observed |
dsniff | A collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing |
echoping | Small program to test performances of remote servers |
etherape | A graphical network monitor for Unix modeled after etherman |
ethloop | Local simulator for testing Linux QoS disciplines |
ettercap | Suite for man in the middle attacks |
fail2ban | Scans log files and bans IPs that show malicious signs |
firewalk | A tool for determining a firewall's rule set |
flowgrind | Network performance measurement tool |
flow-tools | library and programs to process reports from NetFlow data |
fping | Utility to ping multiple hosts at once |
fprobe | libpcap-based tool to collect network traffic data and emit it as NetFlow flows |
fragroute | Testing of network intrusion detection systems, firewalls and TCP/IP stacks |
ftester | Firewall and Intrusion Detection System testing tool |
fwlogwatch | A packet filter and firewall log analyzer |
gnome-nettool | Graphical front-ends to various networking command-line |
goaccess | A real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer in a terminal |
greenbone-feed-sync | New script for syncing the Greenbone Community Feed |
gr-fosphor | gnuradio fosphor block (GPU spectrum display) |
gsa | Greenbone Security Assistant |
gsad | Greenbone Security Assistant |
gspoof | A simple GTK/command line TCP/IP packet generator |
gvm | Greenbone Vulnerability Management, previously named OpenVAS |
gvmd | Greenbone vulnerability manager, previously named openvas-manager |
gvm-libs | Greenbone Vulnerability Management (GVM) libraries |
gvm-tools | Remote control for Greenbone Vulnerability Manager, previously named openvas-cli |
hexinject | Network packet sniffer and injector |
hping | A ping-like TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer |
httping | http protocol ping-like program |
hunt | Tool for checking well known weaknesses in the TCP/IP protocol |
hydra | Parallelized network login hacker |
ibmonitor | Interactive bandwidth monitor |
icinga2 | Distributed, general purpose, network monitoring engine |
ifmetric | Set metrics of all IPv4 routes attached to a given network interface at once |
ifstat | Network interface bandwidth usage, with support for snmp targets |
ifstatus | Simple CLI program for displaying network statistics in real time |
iftop | Display bandwidth usage on an interface |
ike-scan | A utility for finding, fingerprinting and testing IKE VPN servers |
ipaudit | IPAudit monitors network activity on a network by host, protocol and port |
ipband | Pcap based IP traffic and bandwidth monitor |
ipcad | IP Cisco Accounting Daemon |
ipgen | Generate list of IP addresses from a network specification |
ipguard | Tool designed to protect LAN IP adress space by ARP spoofing |
iplog | TCP/IP traffic logger |
ippl | A daemon which logs TCP/UDP/ICMP packets |
ipsumdump | Simple TCP/IP Dump summarizer/analyzer |
iptraf-ng | A console-based network monitoring utility |
iptstate | IP Tables State displays states being kept by iptables in a top-like format |
ipv6toolkit | Set of IPv6 security/trouble-shooting tools to send arbitrary IPv6-based packets |
isic | IP Stack Integrity Checker |
jnettop | Top like console network traffic visualiser |
kapacitor | Monitoring, processing and alerting on time series data |
knocker | Knocker is an easy to use security port scanner written in C |
labrea | 'Sticky' Honeypot and IDS |
lft | Layer Four Traceroute (LFT) and WhoB |
linkchecker | Check websites for broken links |
macchanger | Utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces |
masscan | Mass IP port scanner |
mbrowse | MBrowse is a graphical MIB browser |
mdns-scan | a tool for scanning for mDNS/DNS-SD published services |
monitoring-plugins | 50+ standard plugins for Icinga, Naemon, Nagios, Shinken, Sensu |
mping | IPv4/6 round-robin multiping client |
mrtg | A tool to monitor the traffic load on network-links |
mrtg-ping-probe | Addon mrtg contrib for stats ping/loss packets |
mtr | My TraceRoute, an Excellent network diagnostic tool |
multimon-ng | a fork of multimon, decodes multiple digital transmission modes |
multipath-tcp-tools | Analysis tools for Multipath Transmission Control Protocol (MPTCP) |
munin | Munin Server Monitoring Tool |
munin-plugins-zfs | A Munin plugin for monitoring ZFS on Linux |
nagios | The Nagios metapackage |
nagios-check_dnssec | check_dnssec is a set of Nagios plugins to monitor DNSSEC services |
nagios-check_glsa2 | Nagios check script for GLSAs (Gentoo Linux Security Advisories) |
nagios-check_ipmi_sensor | IPMI Sensor Monitoring Plugin for Nagios/Icinga |
nagios-check_linux_bonding | Nagios plugin to monitor bonding status of network interfaces |
nagios-check_logfiles | A nagios plugin for checking logfiles |
nagios-check_multiple | A Nagios plugin to execute multiple checks in parallel |
nagios-check_mysql_health | Nagios plugin for checking MySQL server health |
nagios-check_rbl | Monitor whether or not a host is blacklisted |
nagios-core | Nagios core - monitoring daemon, web GUI, and documentation |
nagios-icinga-openvpn | A Nagios plugin to check whether an OpenVPN server is alive |
nagios-plugin-check_lm_sensors | Nagios plugin to monitor the values of onboard sensors and disk temperatures |
nagios-plugin-check_raid | Nagios/Icinga plugin to check current server's RAID status |
nagios-plugins | Official plugins for Nagios |
nagios-plugins-linux-madrisan | Additional and alternative Nagios plugins for Linux |
nagios-plugins-snmp | Additional Nagios plugins for monitoring SNMP capable devices |
nagircbot | An irc bot that alerts you to nagios changes |
nagstamon | systray monitor for displaying realtime status of several monitoring systems |
nagtrap | Integrated snmptt visualization addon for the Nagios monitoring system |
nast | NAST - Network Analyzer Sniffer Tool |
nbtscan | NBTscan is a program for scanning IP networks for NetBIOS name information |
nbwmon | ncurses bandwidth monitor |
ndoutils | Nagios addon to store Nagios data in a database |
ndsad | Cisco netflow probe from libpcap, ULOG, tee/divert sources |
nessus-agent-bin | A remote security scanner for Linux - agent component |
nessus-bin | A remote security scanner for Linux |
netcat | The network swiss army knife |
netdata | Linux real time system monitoring, done right! |
netdata-go-plugin | Netdata plugin for collectors written in Go |
netdiscover | Active/passive address reconnaissance tool |
nethogs | A small 'net top' tool, grouping bandwidth by process |
netperf | Network performance benchmark |
netpipe | network protocol independent performance evaluator |
netselect | Ultrafast implementation of ping |
net-snmp | Software for generating and retrieving SNMP data |
nettop | top-like program for network activity |
netwatch | Ethernet/PPP IP Packet Monitor |
nfdump | A set of tools to collect and process netflow data |
ngrep | A grep for network layers |
nikto | Web server vulnerability scanner |
nipper | Router configuration security analysis tool |
nload | Real time network traffic monitor for the command line interface |
nmap | Network exploration tool and security / port scanner |
nmapsi | Qt frontend to nmap |
nmbscan | Scans the shares of a SMB/NetBIOS network |
notus-scanner | Notus is a vulnerability scanner for creating results from local security checks |
nrpe | Nagios Remote Plugin Executor |
nsat | Network Security Analysis Tool, an application-level network security scanner |
nsca | Nagios Service Check Acceptor |
nstats | Displays statistics about ethernet traffic including protocol breakdown |
ntopng | Network traffic analyzer with web interface |
nttcp | Tool to test TCP and UDP throughput |
nuttcp | Network performance measurement tool |
odhcploc | Open DHCP Locator |
oinkmaster | Rule management for SNORT |
ookla-speedtest | Internet connection measurement by Ookla |
openbsd-netcat | The OpenBSD network swiss army knife |
openvas-scanner | Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner |
opsgenie-lamp | command line client for the opsgenie service |
ospd-openvas | This is an OSP server implementation to allow GVM to remotely control OpenVAS |
ossec-hids | Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System |
ostinato | Packet generator and analyzer |
p0f | A tool to perform passive OS detection based on SYN packets |
packit | Network packet generator and capture tool |
pathload | Non-intrusive utility for estimation of available bandwidth of Internet paths |
pbnj | Tool for running Nmap scans and diff'ing the results |
pinger | Cyclic multi ping utility for selected adresses using GTK/ncurses |
pktstat | A network monitoring tool with bandwidth tracking |
pmacct | A network tool to gather IP traffic information |
pnp4nagios | A performance data analyzer for nagios |
poink | TCP/IP-based ping implementation |
pontos | Common utilities and tools maintained by Greenbone Networks |
portmon | Portmon is a network service monitoring daemon |
portsentry | Automated port scan detector and response tool |
prettyping | Ping wrapper that produces coloured, easily readable output |
pypacker | Fast and simple packet creation and parsing library for Python |
python-gvm | Greenbone Vulnerability Management Python Library |
raddump | RADIUS packet interpreter |
rain | powerful tool for testing stability of utilizing IP protocols |
rrdcollect | Read system statistical data and feed it to RRDtool |
rrdtool | A data logging and graphing system for time series data |
rtpbreak | Analyze any RTP session through heuristics over UDP network traffic |
rustscan | The Modern Port Scanner |
sancp | collect network traffic statistics and store them in pcap format |
sarg | Squid Analysis Report Generator |
sbd | Netcat-clone, designed to be portable and offer strong encryption |
scanlogd | A port scan detection tool |
scanssh | network scanner that gathers info on SSH protocols and versions |
scapy | A Python interactive packet manipulation program for mastering the network |
sec | Simple Event Correlator |
sflowtool | sflowtool is a utility for collecting and processing sFlow data |
sguil-client | GUI Console for sguil Network Security Monitoring |
shodan | The official Python library for Shodan |
sinfo | A monitoring tool for networked computers |
siphon | A portable passive network mapping suite |
slurm | Realtime network interface monitor based on FreeBSD's pppstatus |
snallygaster | Finds file leaks and other security problems on HTTP servers |
sngrep | Ncurses SIP Messages flow viewer |
sniffit | Interactive Packet Sniffer |
snmpclitools | Pure-Python SNMP management tools |
snmptt | SNMP Trap Translator |
snort | The de facto standard for intrusion detection/prevention |
snortalog | A powerful perl script that summarizes snort logs |
softflowd | flow-based network traffic analyser capable of Cisco NetFlow data export |
speedtest++ | High performance speedtest.net CLI |
speedtest-cli | Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net |
sqlninja | A SQL Server injection & takeover tool |
squid-graph | Squid logfile analyzer and traffic grapher |
squidsites | A tool to parse Squid access log file and to generate reports |
squidview | Interactive console program to analyse squid logs |
ssh-audit | SSH server auditing (banner, key exchange, encryption, mac, compression, etc) |
sshping | ssh-based ping: measure character echo latency and bandwidth |
ssldump | An SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer |
sslscan | Fast SSL configuration scanner |
sslsplit | Transparent SSL/TLS interception |
ssmping | Tool for testing multicast connectivity |
suricata | High performance Network IDS, IPS and Network Security Monitoring engine |
symon | Performance and information monitoring tool |
synscan | Fast asynchronous half-open TCP portscanner |
syweb | Web frontend to symon |
tcpdump | A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition |
tcpflow | A tool for monitoring, capturing and storing TCP connections flows |
tcping | Check if a desired port is reachable via TCP |
tcpreen | TCP network re-engineering tool |
tcpreplay | Utilities for editing and replaying previously captured network traffic |
tcpslice | Extract and concatenate portions of pcap files |
tcptrace | A Tool for analyzing network packet dumps |
tcptraceroute | tcptraceroute is a traceroute implementation using TCP packets |
tcptrack | Passive per-connection tcp bandwidth monitor |
telegraf | The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics |
termshark | A terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark |
testssl | Tool to check TLS/SSL cipher support |
thc-ipv6 | Complete tool set to attack the inherent protocol weaknesses of IPV6 and ICMP6 |
thrulay | Measure the capacity of a network by sending a bulk TCP stream over it |
tleds | Blinks keyboard LEDs indicating outgoing and incoming network packets |
tptest | Internet bandwidth tester |
tracebox | A Middlebox Detection Tool |
traceproto | A traceroute-like utility that sends packets based on protocol |
traceroute | Utility to trace the route of IP packets |
trafshow | Full screen visualization of the network traffic |
trippy | A network diagnostic tool |
tsung | Erlang's multi-protocol distributed load testing tool |
ttcp | Tool to test TCP and UDP throughput |
upnpscan | Scans the network for UPnP capable devices |
vnstat | Console-based network traffic monitor that keeps statistics of network usage |
wapiti | Web-application vulnerability scanner |
webfuzzer | Poor man's web vulnerability scanner |
wireshark | Network protocol analyzer (sniffer) |
wtfis | Passive hostname, domain and IP lookup tool for non-robots |
xnetload | Displays a count and a graph of the traffic over a specified network connection |
xprobe | Active OS fingerprinting tool - this is Xprobe2 |
yersinia | A framework for layer 2 attacks |
zabbix | ZABBIX is software for monitoring of your applications, network and servers |
zmap | Fast network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys |
zniper | Displays and kill active TCP connections seen by the selected interface |