
The net-dns category contains DNS (Domain Name Service) related software.

avahiSystem which facilitates service discovery on a local network
bindBerkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server
bind-toolsbind tools: dig, nslookup, host, nsupdate, dnssec-keygen
c-aresC library that resolves names asynchronously
corednsCoreDNS is a DNS server that chains plugins
ddclientPerl client used to update dynamic DNS entries
djbdnsCollection of DNS client/server software
dnrdA caching DNS proxy server
dnscapNetwork capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic
dnscrypt-proxyFlexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols
dnsdistA highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer
dnsmasqSmall forwarding DNS server
dnssec-rootThe DNSSEC root key(s)
dnssec-toolsTools to ease the deployment of DNSSEC related technologies
dnssec-validatorTools to ease the validation of DNSSEC related technologies
dnstopDisplays various tables of DNS traffic on your network
dnsvizTool suite for analysis and visualization of DNS and DNSSEC
doggoCommand-line DNS Client for Humans
ez-ipupdateDynamic DNS client for lots of dynamic dns services
fpdnsFingerprinting DNS servers
getdnsModern asynchronous DNS API
hash-slingerVarious tools to generate DNS records like SSHFP, TLSA, OPENPGPKEY, IPSECKEY
https_dns_proxyA lightweight DNS-over-HTTPS proxy
idnkitToolkit for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)
inadynDynamic DNS client with multiple SSL/TLS library support
knotHigh-performance authoritative-only DNS server
knot-resolverA scaleable caching DNS resolver
libidnInternationalized Domain Names (IDN) implementation
libidn2An implementation of the IDNA2008 specifications (RFCs 5890, 5891, 5892, 5893)
maradnsA security-aware DNS server
mdns-repeaterMulticast DNS repeater
nduDNS serial number incrementer and reverse zone builder
nsdAn authoritative only, high performance, open source name server
opendnssecAn open-source turn-key solution for DNSSEC
openresolvA framework for managing DNS information
pdnsThe PowerDNS Daemon
pdnsdProxy DNS server with permanent caching
pdns-recursorThe PowerDNS Recursor
rbldnsdDNS server designed to serve blacklist zones
resolvconf-symlinkMake /etc/resolv.conf a symlink to a runtime-writable location
resolv_wrapperWrapper for DNS name resolving or DNS faking
s6-dnsSuite of DNS client programs and libraries for Unix systems
smartdnsA local DNS server returns the fastest access results
unboundA validating, recursive and caching DNS resolver
updateddDynamic DNS client with plugins for several dynamic dns services
valtzValidation tool for tinydns-data zone files


Packages: 46

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