
The net-ftp contains FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software.

atftpAdvanced TFTP implementation client/server
cmdftpLight weight, yet robust command line FTP client with shell-likefunctions
filezillaFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive interface
froxA transparent ftp proxy
ftpStandard Linux FTP client
ftpbaseFile Transfer Protocol (FTP) base layout
gftpa free multithreaded file transfer client
lftpA sophisticated ftp/sftp/http/https/torrent client and file transfer program
linksys-tftpTFTP client suitable for uploading to the Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router
ncftpAn extremely configurable ftp client
proftpdAn advanced and very configurable FTP server
pureadminGUI tool used to make the management of Pure-FTPd a little easier
pure-ftpdFast, production-quality, standard-conformant FTP server
tftp-hpaPort of the OpenBSD TFTP server
tnftpNetBSD FTP client with several advanced features
uftpdThe no nonsense TFTP/FTP server
vsftpdVery Secure FTP Daemon
yafcConsole ftp client with a lot of nifty features


Packages: 18

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