
The net-mail category contains various email-related utilities.

altermimealterMIME is a small program which is used to alter your mime-encoded mailpacks
amavis-logwatchA log analyzer for amavisd-new
asmailA small mail monitor similar to xbiff
automx2Mail User Agent (email client) configuration made easy
autorespondAutoresponder add on package for qmailadmin
b4Utility for fetching patchsets from public-inbox
checkpasswordA uniform password checking interface for root applications
checkpassword-pamcheckpassword-compatible authentication program w/pam support
courier-commonMail delivery agent/filter
courier-imapAn IMAP daemon designed specifically for maildirs
cyrus-imapdThe Cyrus IMAP Server
dbmailFast and scalable sql based email services
dot-forwardReads sendmail's .forward files under qmail
dovecotAn IMAP and POP3 server written with security primarily in mind
emailAdvanced CLI tool for sending email
epsInter7 Email Processing and mht System library
ezmlm-idxSimple yet powerful mailing list manager for qmail
fdmFetch, filter and deliver mail
fetchmailthe legendary remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility
getmailA mail retriever with reliable Maildir and mbox delivery
gnubiffA mail notification program
grepmailSearch normal or compressed mailbox using a regular expression or dates
imapsyncTool for incremental and recursive IMAP transfers between mailboxes
isyncMailDir mailbox synchronizer
lbdbLittle Brother database
libdbxTools and library for reading Outlook Express mailboxes (.dbx format)
list-remote-forwardsList all remote forwards for mail accounts stored in a database
mailbaseMTA layout package
mailbox-countCount mailboxes in a SQL database
mailfrontMail server network protocol front-ends
mailgraphA mail statistics RRDtool frontend for Postfix
mailshearsMangle your mail garden
mailutilsA useful collection of mail servers, clients, and filters
mairixIndexes and searches Maildir/MH folders
mboxgrepGrep for mbox files
mess822Collection of utilities for parsing Internet mail messages
mhonarcPerl Mail-to-HTML Converter
mhonarc-gentooPerl Mail-to-HTML Converter, Gentoo fork
mlmmjMailing list managing made joyful
mpopA small, fast, and portable POP3 client
mswatchA utility to watch mailstores for changes and initiate mailbox syncs
muSet of tools to deal with Maildirs, in particular, searching and indexing
muchsyncSynchronizes mail messages and notmuch tags across machines
nmzmailFast mail searching for mutt using namazu
notmuchThread-based e-mail indexer, supporting quick search and tagging
onionrouter.onion discovery via SRV DNS lookups for use with postfix
pflogsummPflogsumm is a log analyzer for Postfix logs
pfqueuepfqueue is an ncurses console-based tool for managing Postfix queued messages
pop2imapSynchronize mailboxes between a pop and an imap servers
popa3dA security oriented POP3 server
pop-before-smtpSimple daemon to control email relay based on successful POP or IMAP logins
poppassd_cetiPassword change daemon with PAM support
postfix-logwatchA log analyzer for postfix
public-inboxAn archives-first approach to mailing lists
qlogtoolsQmail Log processing tools
qmailadminA web interface for managing a qmail system with virtual domains
qmailanalogcollection of tools to help you analyze qmail's activity record
qmail-autoresponderRate-limited autoresponder for qmail
qmail-notifyDelayed delivery notification for qmail
qmhandleQmail message queue tool
qmrtgA tool to analyze qmail activity with the goal to graph everything through MRTG
qprintMIME quoted-printable data encoding and decoding utility
qtoolsUtilities for use with qmail, typically as part of .qmail command processing
queue-fixQmail Queue Repair Application with support for big-todo
queue-repairToolkit for dealing with the qmail queue directory structure
randomsigPerl script for generating random .signature files
relay-ctrlSMTP Relaying Control designed for qmail & tcpserver
renattachFilter that renames/deletes dangerous email attachments
ripmimeextract attachment files out of a MIME-encoded email pack
ripoleProgram/library to pull out attachment from OLE2 data files
rss2emailA python script that converts RSS/Atom newsfeeds to email
safecatSafecat implements qmail's maildir algorithm, safely copying standard input
sendEmailCommand line based, SMTP email agent
serialmailA serialmail is a collection of tools for passing mail across serial links
signifyA (semi-)random e-mail signature rotator
smtptoolsA collection of tools to send or receive mails with SMTP
stalwart-cliStalwart Mail Server command line utility
stalwart-mailStalwart Mail Server
swaksSwiss Army Knife SMTP; Command line SMTP testing, including TLS and AUTH
tlsrpt-reportertools and daemons to implement TLSRPT services
tnefDecodes MS-TNEF MIME attachments
tpop3dAn extensible POP3 server with vmail-sql/MySQL support
t-protTOFU protection - display filter for RFC822 messages
vpopmailCollection of programs to manage virtual email on Qmail servers
vqadminA web based control pannel to manage Virtual Qmail Domains
ytnefYeraze's TNEF Stream Reader - for winmail.dat files


Packages: 86

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