
The net-wireless category contains wireless networking software and utilities.

aic8800aic8800 driver for AICSemi AIC8800/8801/8800DC/8800DW/8800FC Wifi/Bluetooth
aircrack-ngWLAN tools for breaking 802.11 WEP/WPA keys
airspyUsemode driver and associated tools for airspy
airtrafAirTraf 802.11b Wireless traffic sniffer
b43-fwcutterFirmware tool for Broadcom 43xx-based wireless devices using mac80211
bdaddrUtility for changing the Bluetooth device address
bladerfLibraries for supporing the BladeRF hardware from Nuand
bladerf-firmwarebladeRF FX3 firmware images
bladerf-fpgabladeRF FPGA bitstreams
bluemanSimple and intuitive GTK+ Bluetooth Manager
bluezBluetooth Tools and System Daemons for Linux
bluez-toolsA set of tools to manage bluetooth devices for linux
broadcom-staBroadcom's IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n hybrid Linux device driver
bssBluetooth stack smasher / fuzzer
crackleCrackle cracks BLE Encryption (AKA Bluetooth Smart)
dump1090simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices
gnome-bluetoothBluetooth graphical utilities integrated with GNOME
gnuradioToolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios
gobi_loadergobi_loader is a firmware loader for Qualcomm Gobi USB chipsets
gqrxSoftware defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt
gqrx-scannerfrequency scanner for Gqrx Software Defined Radio receiver
gr-ieee802154IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee Transceiver
gr-iqbalgnuradio I/Q balancing
gr-osmosdrGNU Radio source block for OsmoSDR and rtlsdr and hackrf
gr-paintPaints monochrome images into the waterfall of a receiver
gr-rdsGNU Radio FM RDS Receiver
gr-scopyScopy IIO blocks for GNU Radio
hackrf-toolstools for communicating with HackRF SDR platform
hidclientUse your machine as a bluetooh keyboard/mouse
horstSmall 802.11 wireless LAN analyzer
hostapdIEEE 802.11 wireless LAN Host AP daemon
hostap-utilsUtilities for Intersil Prism2/2.5/3 based IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN products
inspectrumTool for analysing captured signals from software-defined radio receivers
iwnl80211 configuration utility for wireless devices using the mac80211 stack
iwdWireless daemon for linux
iwgtkLightweight, graphical wifi management utility for Linux
kismetIEEE 802.11 wireless LAN sniffer
kismetmobiledashboardMobile UI for kismet
liblms7002mCompact LMS7002M library suitable for resource-limited MCUs
libusb3380USB3380 abstraction layer for libusb
libxtrxHigh-level XTRX API library
libxtrxdspDSP specific function for SDR in general and XTRX in specific
libxtrxllLow-level XTRX hardware abstraction library
limesuiteDriver and GUI for LMS7002M-based SDR platforms
lorconA generic library for injecting 802.11 frames
madwimaxReverse-engineered driver for WiMAX devices based on Samsung CMC-730 chip
mdkWireless injection tool with various functions
mfocMifare Classic Offline Cracker
nanovna-savertool for reading, displaying and saving data from the NanoVNA
neardNear Field Communication (NFC) management daemon
osmo-fl2kturns FL2000-based USB 3.0 to VGA adapters into low cost DACs
portapack-firmwareFirmware and scripts for controlling the Portapack from Sharebrained
portapack-havocCustom firmware for the HackRF SDR + PortaPack H1 addon
qdmrGUI application for configuring and programming cheap DMR radios
reaverBrute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup
rtl_433Decode OOK modulated signals
rtl-sdrTurns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver
sdrplaySDRplay API/HW driver for all RSPs
sigdiggerThe free digital signal analyzer
sigutilssignal processing library for blind signal analysis and automatic demodulation
soapybladerfSoapy SDR plugin for the Blade RF
soapyhackrfSoapySDR HackRF module
soapyplutosdrSoapy SDR plugin for the Pluto SDR
soapyremoteSoapy SDR remote module
soapyrtlsdrSoapySDR RTL-SDR Support Module
soapysdrvendor and platform neutral SDR support library
soapysdrplaySoapy SDR plugin for SDRPlay
soapyuhdSoapy SDR plugins for UHD supported SDR devices
suscana realtime DSP processing library
suwidgetsgraphical library containing all SigDigger's custom widgets
tempestsdrRemote video eavesdropping using a software-defined radio platform
ubertoothopen source wireless development platform suitable for Bluetooth experimentation
uhdUniversal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) Hardware Driver
unifiA Management Controller for Ubiquiti Networks UniFi APs
urhUniversal Radio Hacker: investigate wireless protocols like a boss
wavemonNcurses based monitor for IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN cards
wepattackWLAN tool for breaking 802.11 WEP keys
wepdecryptEnhanced version of WepAttack a tool for breaking 802.11 WEP keys
wireless-regdbWireless Regulatory database for Linux
wireless-toolsA collection of tools to configure IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN cards
wpa_supplicantIEEE 802.1X/WPA supplicant for secure wireless transfers


Packages: 81

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