
The sci-geosciences category contains geosciences-related software.

bt747MTK GPS Datalogger Device Control
dcw-gmtDigital Chart of the World for GMT 5 or later
foliumPython Data, Leaflet.js Maps
foxtrotgpsEasy to use, fast and lightweight mapping application (fork of tangogps)
geocode-glibGLib helper library for geocoding services
GeographicLibC++ library for converting geographic coordinate systems
geopyPython client for several popular geocoding web services
gmaptoolProgram for splitting and merging maps in Garmin format
gmtPowerful map generator
gnome-mapsA map application for GNOME
gpsbabelGPS waypoints, tracks and routes converter
gpscorrelateTool for adjusting EXIF tags of your photos with a recorded GPS trace
gpsdGPS daemon and library for USB/serial GPS devices and GPS/mapping clients
gpsprune-binAn application for viewing, editing and converting GPS data
gpxlabAn application to display and manage GPS tracks
gpxseeViewer and analyzer that supports gpx, tcx, kml, fit, igc and nmea files
gpx-viewerSimple program to visualize a gpx file
grassA free GIS with raster and vector functionality, as well as 3D vizualization
gshhg-gmtGlobal Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Geography Database
gshhsGlobal Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline programs
gshhs-dataGlobal Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline programs data
gtk-g-rays2GUI for accessing the Wintec WBT 201 / G-Rays 2 GPS device
harmonics-dwf-freeTidal harmonics database for libtcd
josm-binJava-based editor for the OpenStreetMap project
laszipLibrary for free and lossless compression of the LAS LiDAR format
liblasC/C++ library for manipulating the LAS LiDAR format common in GIS
librttopoExposes an API to create and manage standard (ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies
libtcdLibrary for reading and writing Tide Constituent Database (TCD) files
mapserverDevelopment environment for building spatially enabled webapps
mc2bsbhMapCal to BSBchart Header Utility
merkaartorQt based map editor for the project
mtkbabelMTKBabel is a Perl program to operate the i-Blue 747 GPS data logger
osm2pgsqlConverts OSM planet.osm data to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database
osmctoolsA few really fast tools to convert, filter and update OSM data files
osm-gps-mapA GTK+ widget for displaying OpenStreetMap tiles
owntracks-recorderStores and accesses location data published by the OwnTracks apps
pymap3dPython 3-D coordinate conversions
qgisUser friendly Geographic Information System
qmapshackGPS mapping utility
readosmLibrary to extract valid data from an Open Street Map input file
routinoRouting application based on openstreetmap data
tcd-utilsUtilities for working with Tidal Constituent Databases
vikingGPS data editor and analyzer
xtideXTide provides tide and current predictions in a wide variety of formats
xyzservicesSource of XYZ tiles providers


Packages: 45

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