caffe2 | A deep learning framework |
datasets | Access and share datasets for Audio, Computer Vision, and NLP tasks |
evaluate | makes evaluating, comparing models and reporting their performance easier |
FBGEMM | Facebook GEneral Matrix Multiplication |
foxi | ONNXIFI with Facebook Extension |
FP16 | conversion to/from half-precision floating point formats |
gloo | library of floating-point neural network inference operators |
huggingface_hub | a client library to interact with the Hugging Face Hub |
ideep | Intel® Optimization for Chainer |
jiwer | Evaluate an automatic speech recognition system |
kineto | part of the PyTorch Profiler |
NNPACK | acceleration package for neural network computations |
oneDNN | oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library |
onnx | Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) |
pysentencepiece | Text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation |
pytorch | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python |
safetensors | Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors |
sentencepiece | Text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation |
seqeval | Python framework for sequence labeling evaluation |
tensorpipe | provides a tensor-aware channel |
tokenizers | Implementation of today's most used tokenizers |
torchvision | Datasets, transforms and models to specific to computer vision |
transformers | State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow |
XNNPACK | library of floating-point neural network inference operators |