
The sci-ml category contains software and models that can be used for machine learning, natural language processing and similar

caffe2A deep learning framework
datasetsAccess and share datasets for Audio, Computer Vision, and NLP tasks
evaluatemakes evaluating, comparing models and reporting their performance easier
FBGEMMFacebook GEneral Matrix Multiplication
foxiONNXIFI with Facebook Extension
FP16conversion to/from half-precision floating point formats
gloolibrary of floating-point neural network inference operators
huggingface_huba client library to interact with the Hugging Face Hub
ideepIntel® Optimization for Chainer
jiwerEvaluate an automatic speech recognition system
kinetopart of the PyTorch Profiler
NNPACKacceleration package for neural network computations
oneDNNoneAPI Deep Neural Network Library
onnxOpen Neural Network Exchange (ONNX)
pysentencepieceText tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation
pytorchTensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python
safetensorsSimple, safe way to store and distribute tensors
sentencepieceText tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation
seqevalPython framework for sequence labeling evaluation
tensorpipeprovides a tensor-aware channel
tokenizersImplementation of today's most used tokenizers
torchvisionDatasets, transforms and models to specific to computer vision
transformersState-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow
XNNPACKlibrary of floating-point neural network inference operators


Packages: 24

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