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The sci-physics category contains physics related software.
Pull requests
Bug Reports
sci-physics/beamnrc-4 new ebuild proposal
191471 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
sci-physics/avl-3.27 (new ebuild)
238353 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
sci-physics/diffpy - Atomic Structure Analysis in Python
505510 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
sci-physics/opm-* - The Open Porous Media (OPM) initiative provides a set of open-source tools centered around the simulation of flow and transport of fluids in porous media
516734 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
sci-physics/agros2d - a multiplatform application for the solution of physical problems based on the Hermes library
536590 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
sci-physics/root bundles whole llvm/clang
564302 - Assigned to Guilherme Amadio
sci-physics/openmx-3.7.8::science (with mpich-3.2-r2) - undefined reference to `mpi_abort_'
645464 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 does not respect CFLAGS
741634 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
sci-physics/looptools-2.15 - does x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gfortran append underscores... error linking Fortran and C
770838 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/root unbundle the microsoft corefonts for free licensing
792486 - Assigned to Guilherme Amadio
sci-physics/reduze-2.4 - -- Could NOT find MPI_C (missing: MPI_C_LIB_NAMES MPI_C_WORKS)
811135 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
sci-physics/bullet-3.17: bundles multiple libraries
811711 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/xfoil Fortran runtime error: Sequential READ or WRITE not allowed after EOF marker, possibly use REWIND or BACKSPACE
820599 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
sci-physics/bullet-3.22b - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:
828861 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/reduze-2.4 - /.../job.h: error: MPI has not been declared
829707 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
sci-physics/thepeg-2.2.2 fails to compile: configure: error: either specify a valid zlib installation with --with-zlib=DIR or disable zlib usage with --without-zlib
831871 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/xfoil-6.99 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cant create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass -Wl,-z,notext to allow text relocations in the output
831872 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
sci-physics/yoda-1.9.0 fails to compile: configure: error: either specify a valid zlib installation with --with-zlib=DIR or disable zlib usage with --without-zlib
831873 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/espresso-4.1.3 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:
836000 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/clhep- fails tests on MUSL
837269 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/reduze-2.4 fails tests on MUSL
837272 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
sci-physics/lhapdf-6.5.1 install more files when doxygen is present
856799 - Assigned to APN-Pucky
sci-physics/pythia-8.3.12 calls ar directly
866719 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/hepmc-3.2.5:3 - /.../_multiarray_api.h: error: converting to bool from std::nullptr_t requires direct-initialization [
866956 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
sci-physics/lammps-20220217 fails to compile (MUSL): info.cpp:1329:41: error: missing binary operator before token "("
873649 - Assigned to Nicolas Bock
sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 calls commands that do not exist: latex
873799 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
sci-physics/heppdt-3.04.01-r1 - Fatal error: cant create shared/translateGeanttoPDT.o: No such file or directory
880319 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/bullet-3.21 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs
883249 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/lhapdf-6.5.4 - ./configure:line <snip>: test: syntax error: -march=native unexpected
885503 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/looptools-2.15 - econf failed
889070 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 - /.../functions.cpp: error: MPI has not been declared
890346 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
sci-physics/heppdt-3.04.01-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): FAIL:
890782 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/thepeg-2.2.3 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): configure: 19099: Bad substitution
890784 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/clhep- installs '.a' files without static-libs USE
890788 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/lammps-20220217 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): info.cpp:1329:27: error: function-like macro __GLIBC_PREREQ is not defined
898534 - Assigned to Nicolas Bock
sci-physics/lammps-20230328 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
907713 - Assigned to Nicolas Bock
sci-physics/lammps-20230328: if emerged without the "mpi" use flag, produces binary that fails to work
912145 - Assigned to Nicolas Bock
sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 - /.../nodeimpl.h: error: YAML::noncopyable::noncopyable(const YAML::noncopyable&) is private within this context
917007 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
sci-physics/heppdt-3.04.01-r1 - Fatal error: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../include/HepPDT -I../../include -I../../include -O2 -p
917289 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 - [clang] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
918947 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
sci-physics/heppdt-3.04.01-r1 - Fatal error: cant create shared/ParticleName.o: No such file or directory
919341 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/lammps-20230802-r1 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++: error: language hip not recognized
923843 - Assigned to Nicolas Bock
sci-physics/root-6.30.04 fails to compile: rpdutils.cxx:2204:8: error: ruserok was not declared in this scope
924985 - Assigned to Guilherme Amadio
sci-physics/root-6.32.00 installs unexpected files/directories in the site-packages directory
926439 - Assigned to Guilherme Amadio
sci-physics/yoda-1.9.10 problems with installed bash completions
926510 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/espresso-4.2.0 fails to compile: dataspace.hpp:52:5: error: template<long unsigned int N> h5xx::dataspace::dataspace(const boost::array<long unsigned int, NumDims>&) cannot be overloaded with template<long unsigned int N> h5xx::dataspace::dat
927149 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/root-6.30.04-r1 fails to compile: ld: error: libclangCodeGen.a(CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.o)(.text._ZL28emitOutlinedFunctionPrologueRN5clang7CodeGen15CodeGenFunctionERNS0_15FunctionArgListERN4llvm9MapVectorIPKNS_4DeclESt4pairIPKNS_7VarDeclENS0_7Address
928099 - Assigned to Guilherme Amadio
sci-physics/thepeg-2.2.3-r1 fails to compile: Unitsystem.h:163:49: error: return type ThePEG::Units::Length {aka class ThePEG::Qty<std::ratio<1, 1>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0> >} is incomplete
928117 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/yoda-1.9.5 calls commands that do not exist: -c
928125 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/thepeg-2.2.3 - [clang] ../.../std.h: error: no template named
929261 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/espresso: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)
929801 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/cernlib: CERN Program Library (New Package)
930078 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
sci-physics/yoda-1.9.10 fails tests: FAIL:
932306 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/root-6.32.02 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] /.../TGLFormat.cxx:278:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to _GLXEW_ARB_multisample
935559 - Assigned to Guilherme Amadio
sci-physics/fastjet-3.4.3 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] ProtoJet.hpp: error: const class fastjet::d0::ProtoJet<Item> has no member named _Et
937115 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/hepmc-3.3.0 fails tests
937356 - Assigned to APN-Pucky
sci-physics/geant- - [gcc-15] /.../columns.icc: error: const class too:wroot::ntuple::std_vector_column_ref<T> has no member named m_barnch
938604 - Assigned to Guilherme Amadio
sci-physics/lhapdf-6.5.4-r1 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lLHAPDF: No such file or directory
939386 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
sci-physics/root-6.32.06 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../Twine.h: error: const class llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> has no member named data
940551 - Assigned to Guilherme Amadio
sci-physics/xfoil-6.99-r1 - [gcc-15] ../.../gw_subs.f: error: type of gwxcolorname2rgb does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]
940605 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
sci-physics/root-6.34.02 fails to compile: SmallVector.h:109:62: error: uint64_t was not declared in this scope
942438 - Assigned to Guilherme Amadio
sci-physics/xfoil-6.99-r1 - [gcc-15] <artificial>:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to putprim_
942553 - Assigned to Robin Johnson
sci-physics/rivet-3.1.10-r1 fails to compile: emitterutils.cpp:221:11: error: uint16_t was not declared in this scope
946280 - Assigned to APN-Pucky
sci-physics/lhapdf-6.5.5 - [llvm] ld.lld: error: crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386
946815 - Assigned to APN-Pucky
sci-physics/yoda-2.0.2 - [texlive] [gcc-15] zstr/zstr.hpp: error: uintptr_t was not declared in this scope
948090 - Assigned to APN-Pucky
sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 fails to compile: stl_tree.h:2604:36: error: no match for call to (const Reduze::INT::CompareNoPreferred) (const Reduze::INT&, const Reduze::INT&)
948185 - Assigned to Andrey Grozin
Stabilization Bug Reports
sci-physics/pythia-8.3.09 and friends: stablereq
920139 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
Keywording Bug Reports
sci-physics/root: ~arm ~arm64 ~riscv keywording request
927202 - Assigned to Guilherme Amadio
sci-physics/yoda: keywording request - ~x86
941638 - Assigned to Gentoo Science Physics related packages
sci-physics/rivet: keywording request - ~x86
941892 - Assigned to APN-Pucky
Gentoo Bugzilla is where we track bugs of Gentoo and its packages; you are welcome to report, confirm and resolve bugs:
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Packages Bugs (66)
Stabilization Bugs (1)
Keywording Bugs (3)