minisig-keys-libsodium | OpenPGP keys used for libsodium |
minisig-keys-zig-software-foundation | Minisign keys used by Zig Software Foundation |
openpgp-keys-aacid | OpenPGP keys used by Albert Astals Cid |
openpgp-keys-adamspiers | OpenPGP keys used by Adam Spiers |
openpgp-keys-akallabeth | OpenPGP key for Github user akallabeth |
openpgp-keys-alejandro-colomar | OpenPGP keys used by Alejandro Colomar |
openpgp-keys-alexanderneumann | OpenPGP keys used by Alexander Neumann |
openpgp-keys-alexbarton | OpenPGP keys used by Alex Barton |
openpgp-keys-andresimon | OpenPGP keys used by Andre Simon |
openpgp-keys-antoniodiazdiaz | OpenPGP keys used by Antonio Diaz Diaz |
openpgp-keys-apache-ant | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-commons | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-commons-httpclient | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-creadur | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-felix | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-httpcomponents-client | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-httpcomponents-httpcore | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-logging | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-lucene | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-pdfbox | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-poi | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-tomcat | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-tomcat-connectors | OpenPGP keys used by tomcat-connectors |
openpgp-keys-apache-tomcat-jakartaee-migration | OpenPGP keys used by jakartaee-migration |
openpgp-keys-apache-xalan-c | OpenPGP keys used to sign Apache Xalan-C |
openpgp-keys-apache-xalan-j | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-xerces-j | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-xmlgraphics-batik | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-xmlgraphics-commons | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-xmlgraphics-fop | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-apache-zeppelin | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-arnaldocarvalhodemelo | OpenPGP keys of Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo |
openpgp-keys-baldurkarlsson | OpenPGP keys used by Baldur Karlsson |
openpgp-keys-bcl | OpenPGP keys used by Brian C. Lane |
openpgp-keys-bison | OpenPGP keys used by Bison |
openpgp-keys-bobfriesenhahn | OpenPGP keys used by Bob Friesenhahn |
openpgp-keys-botan | OpenPGP keys used to sign Botan releases |
openpgp-keys-bradhouse | OpenPGP keys used by Brad House |
openpgp-keys-bradking | OpenPGP keys used by Brad King |
openpgp-keys-bzip2 | OpenPGP key used to sign bzip2 releases |
openpgp-keys-canonical | OpenPGP keys used to sign LXD-related packages |
openpgp-keys-cathugger | OpenPGP keys used by cathugger |
openpgp-keys-cgzones | OpenPGP keys used by Christian Göttsche (cgzones) |
openpgp-keys-chetramey | OpenPGP keys used by Chet Ramey |
openpgp-keys-coreutils | OpenPGP keys used by GNU coreutils |
openpgp-keys-crypto++ | OpenPGP keys used to sign crypto++ releases |
openpgp-keys-danielkiper | OpenPGP keys used by Daniel Kiper |
openpgp-keys-danielstenberg | OpenPGP keys used by Daniel Stenberg |
openpgp-keys-danielveillard | OpenPGP keys used by Daniel Veillard |
openpgp-keys-dealii | OpenPGP keys used by dealii |
openpgp-keys-debugedit | OpenPGP key used to sign debugedit releases |
openpgp-keys-dehydrated | OpenPGP keys used by dehydrated |
openpgp-keys-diffutils | OpenPGP keys used by GNU diffutils |
openpgp-keys-django | OpenPGP keys used to sign Django releases |
openpgp-keys-dnkl | OpenPGP keys used by dnkl to sign releases & commits |
openpgp-keys-dropbear | OpenPGP keys used to sign Dropbear releases |
openpgp-keys-dsterba | OpenPGP keys used by David Sterba |
openpgp-keys-dwmw2 | OpenPGP key for David Woodhouse |
openpgp-keys-eduvpn | OpenPGP keys used by eduVPN developers |
openpgp-keys-electrum | OpenPGP keys for net-misc/electrum releases |
openpgp-keys-elfutils | OpenPGP key used to sign elfutils releases |
openpgp-keys-evenrouault | OpenPGP keys used by Even Rouault |
openpgp-keys-ffmpeg | OpenPGP keys used to sign FFmpeg |
openpgp-keys-file | OpenPGP keys used by Christos Zoulas (to sign file releases) |
openpgp-keys-findutils | OpenPGP keys used by GNU findutils |
openpgp-keys-foxboron | OpenPGP keys used by Morten Linderund |
openpgp-keys-freenet | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-fwknop | OpenPGP key used to sign fwknop releases |
openpgp-keys-gawk | OpenPGP keys used by GNU Awk |
openpgp-keys-gdbm | OpenPGP keys used by GNU dbm |
openpgp-keys-gentoo-auth | Gentoo Authority Keys (GLEP 79) |
openpgp-keys-gentoo-developers | Gentoo Authority Keys (GLEP 79) |
openpgp-keys-gentoo-release | OpenPGP keys used for Gentoo releases (snapshots, stages) |
openpgp-keys-gettext | OpenPGP keys used by GNU gettext |
openpgp-keys-gnupg | OpenPGP keys used to sign GnuPG releases |
openpgp-keys-gnutls | OpenPGP keys used by GnuTLS |
openpgp-keys-grep | OpenPGP keys used by GNU Grep |
openpgp-keys-guillemjover | OpenPGP keys used by Guillem Jover |
openpgp-keys-gzip | OpenPGP keys used by GNU Gzip |
openpgp-keys-icu | OpenPGP keys used by ICU |
openpgp-keys-isc | OpenPGP keys used to sign ISC releases |
openpgp-keys-jariruusu | OpenPGP key used by Jari Ruusu |
openpgp-keys-jberkenbilt | OpenPGP key of Jay Berkenbilt (QPDF maintainer) |
openpgp-keys-jedisct1 | OpenPGP keys used by Frank Denis (jedisct1) |
openpgp-keys-jimmeyering | OpenPGP keys used by Jim Meyering |
openpgp-keys-joelrosdahl | OpenPGP keys used by Joel Rosdahl |
openpgp-keys-jpakkane | OpenPGP keys used by Jussi Pakkanen |
openpgp-keys-kamildudka | OpenPGP keys used by Kamil Dudka |
openpgp-keys-karelzak | OpenPGP keys used by Karel Zak |
openpgp-keys-kentoverstreet | OpenPGP keys used by Kent Overstreet |
openpgp-keys-kernel | OpenPGP keys used to sign Linux kernel releases |
openpgp-keys-knot-resolver | OpenPGP keys used by the Knot Resolver developers |
openpgp-keys-kovidgoyal | OpenPGP keys used by Kovid Goyal |
openpgp-keys-lassecollin | OpenPGP keys used by Lasse Collin |
openpgp-keys-libarchive | OpenPGP keys used by the libarchive project |
openpgp-keys-libass | OpenPGP keys used to sign libass releases |
openpgp-keys-libevent | OpenPGP keys used by the libevent project |
openpgp-keys-libidn | OpenPGP keys used to sign libidn releases |
openpgp-keys-libmicrohttpd | OpenPGP keys used to sign GNU libmicrohttpd releases |
openpgp-keys-libtasn1 | OpenPGP keys used by GNU Libtasn1 |
openpgp-keys-libuv | OpenPGP keys used by libuv |
openpgp-keys-libvirt | OpenPGP keys used by libvirt |
openpgp-keys-lighttpd | OpenPGP keys used to sign lighttpd |
openpgp-keys-linuxcontainers | OpenPGP keys used to sign LXC-related packages |
openpgp-keys-llvm | OpenPGP keys used to sign LLVM releases |
openpgp-keys-m4 | OpenPGP keys used by GNU m4 |
openpgp-keys-madler | OpenPGP keys used by Mark Adler |
openpgp-keys-make | OpenPGP keys used by GNU make |
openpgp-keys-midipix | OpenPGP keys used to sign midipix releases |
openpgp-keys-miniupnp | OpenPGP keys used to sign miniupnp* packages |
openpgp-keys-mkvtoolnix | OpenPGP keys used to sign mkvtoolnix releases |
openpgp-keys-mlichvar | OpenPGP keys used by Miroslav Lichvar |
openpgp-keys-musl | OpenPGP keys used to sign musl |
openpgp-keys-netfilter | OpenPGP keys used by the netfilter project |
openpgp-keys-nettle | OpenPGP keys used by Niels Möller (to sign nettle releases) |
openpgp-keys-nicholaswilson | OpenPGP keys used by Nicholas Wilson |
openpgp-keys-nmap | OpenPGP keys used to sign Nmap releases |
openpgp-keys-notqmail | OpenPGP keys used to sign notqmail releases |
openpgp-keys-ntpsec | OpenPGP keys used to sign ntpsec releases |
openpgp-keys-ocserv | OpenPGP key for ocserv |
openpgp-keys-oisf | OpenPGP key used by Open InfoSec Foundation (OISF) software releases |
openpgp-keys-oletange | OpenPGP keys used by Ole Tange |
openpgp-keys-ondrejjirman | OpenPGP keys used by Ondrej Jirman |
openpgp-keys-openldap | OpenPGP keys used by OpenLDAP Project |
openpgp-keys-openssh | OpenPGP keys used by OpenSSH |
openpgp-keys-openssl | OpenPGP keys used by OpenSSL |
openpgp-keys-openwall | OpenPGP keys used to sign Openwall software releases |
openpgp-keys-openzfs | OpenPGP keys used to sign OpenZFS releases |
openpgp-keys-patch | OpenPGP keys used by GNU patch |
openpgp-keys-philiphazel | OpenPGP keys used by Philip Hazel |
openpgp-keys-processone | OpenPGP keys used by processone/ejabberd |
openpgp-keys-pv | OpenPGP keys used by Andrew Wood for sys-apps/pv |
openpgp-keys-python | OpenPGP keys used to sign CPython releases |
openpgp-keys-qbittorrent | OpenPGP keys used by qBittorrent |
openpgp-keys-qutebrowser | OpenPGP keys used by Qutebrowser |
openpgp-keys-rust | Rust Language Tag and Release Signing Key |
openpgp-keys-sed | OpenPGP keys used by GNU sed |
openpgp-keys-sergehallyn | OpenPGP keys used by Serge Hallyn |
openpgp-keys-signify | OpenPGP keys used to sign signify's signify key |
openpgp-keys-spamassassin | OpenPGP keys used by |
openpgp-keys-squid | OpenPGP key used to sign squid releases |
openpgp-keys-stellarium | OpenPGP keys used to sign Stellarium releases |
openpgp-keys-strace | OpenPGP keys used by the strace project |
openpgp-keys-sudo | OpenPGP keys used by the sudo project |
openpgp-keys-sysvinit | OpenPGP keys used by the sysvinit project |
openpgp-keys-tar | OpenPGP keys used by GNU tar |
openpgp-keys-tcpdump | OpenPGP keys used to sign tcpdump releases |
openpgp-keys-teemutoivola | OpenPGP keys used by Teemu Toivola |
openpgp-keys-tenable | OpenPGP keys used to sign Tenable Inc. software packages |
openpgp-keys-terminator | OpenPGP keys used to sign x11-terms/terminator package |
openpgp-keys-thomasdickey | OpenPGP keys used by Thomas Dickey |
openpgp-keys-tor | OpenPGP keys used by the Tor project |
openpgp-keys-unbound | OpenPGP keys used by unbound |
openpgp-keys-unrealircd | OpenPGP keys used to sign UnrealIRCd releases |
openpgp-keys-valgrind | OpenPGP key used to sign Valgrind releases |
openpgp-keys-vgl-turbovnc | OpenPGP keys used to sign VGL TurboVNC |
openpgp-keys-vinaysajip | OpenPGP keys used by Vinay Sajip |
openpgp-keys-vincentlefevre | OpenPGP keys used by Vincent Lefèvre |
openpgp-keys-virt-manager | Pavel Hrdina's OpenPGP keys used to sign virt-manager since version 5.0.0 |
openpgp-keys-voikko | OpenPGP keys used to sign voikko* packages |
openpgp-keys-waynedavison | OpenPGP keys used by Wayne Davison |
openpgp-keys-weechat | OpenPGP keys used by the WeeChat project |
openpgp-keys-wget | OpenPGP keys used by GNU wget |
openpgp-keys-wireshark | OpenPGP keys used to sign Wireshark releases |
openpgp-keys-xpdf | OpenPGP key used to sign Xpdf releases |
openpgp-keys-yorhel | OpenPGP keys used by Yoran Heling |
openpgp-keys-yubico | OpenPGP keys used by Yubico's developers |
openpgp-keys-zackweinberg | OpenPGP keys used by Zack Weinberg |
signify-keys-opensmtpd | Signify keys used to sign OpenSMTPD portable releases |
signify-keys-signify | Signify keys used to sign signify portable releases |
sigstore-trusted-root | trusted-root.json for dev-python/sigstore |