
The sys-auth category contains applications and libraries to support authentication and authorization facilities. Here belongs PAM modules, NSS modules and login apps.

AusweisAppOfficial authentication app for German ID cards and residence permits
docker_authDocker Registry 2 authentication server
elogindThe systemd project's logind, extracted to a standalone package
fprintdD-Bus service to access fingerprint readers
google-authenticatorPAM Module for two step verification via mobile platform
google-authenticator-wrappersSet of scripts to manage google-auth setup on Gentoo Infra
libfprintLibrary to add support for consumer fingerprint readers
libnss-cachelibnss-cache is a library that serves nss lookups
libnss-mysqlNSS MySQL Library
libnss-nisNSS module to provide NIS support
libnss-pgsqlName Service Switch module for use with PostgreSQL
libyubikeyYubico C low-level library
microsoft-identity-brokerMicrosoft Authentication Broker to access a corporate environment
mungeAn authentication service for creating and validating credentials
nss-docker-ngNSS plugin for finding Docker containers by their ID or name
nss_ldapNSS LDAP Module
nss-mdnsName Service Switch module for Multicast DNS
nss-myhostnameName Service Switch module for resolving the local hostname
nss-pam-ldapdNSS module for name lookups using LDAP
oath-toolkitToolkit for using one-time password authentication with HOTP/TOTP algorithms
otpcalcA One Time Password and S/Key calculator for GTK+
pam_ablPAM module for blacklisting hosts and users repeatedly failed authentication
pambasePAM base configuration files
pam_dotfilepam module to allow password-storing in $HOME/dotfiles
pam_krb5Kerberos V PAM Authentication Module
pam_mktempCreate per-user private temporary directories during login
pam_mountA PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session
pam_mysqlpam_mysql is a module for pam to authenticate users with mysql
pam_p11PAM module for authenticating against PKCS#11 tokens
pam-pgsqlPAM module to authenticate users via PostgreSQL
pam_requireAllows you to require a special group or user to access a service
pam-scriptPAM module for running scripts during authorization, password change and session
pam_skeyPAM interface for the S/Key authentication system
pam_smbPAM module for authenticating against an SMB (such as the Win_x families) server
pam_ssh_agent_authSimple module to authenticate users against their ssh-agent keys
pam_u2fPAM module for FIDO2 and U2F keys
pam_yubicoLibrary for authenticating against PAM with a Yubikey
passwdqcPassword strength checking library (and PAM module)
polkitPolicy framework for controlling privileges for system-wide services
polkit-pkla-compatRules for polkit to add compatibility with pklocalauthority
polkit-qtQt wrapper around polkit-1 client libraries
realtime-baseSets up realtime scheduling
rtkitRealtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
seatdMinimal seat management daemon and universal library
skeyLinux Port of OpenBSD Single-key Password System
solo1CLI and Python library for SoloKeys Solo 1
ssh-import-idUtility to securely retrieve an SSH public key and install it locally
ssh-ldap-pubkeyUtility to manage SSH public keys stored in LDAP
sssdSystem Security Services Daemon provides access to identity and authentication
thinkfingerSupport for the UPEK/SGS Thomson fingerprint reader, common in Thinkpads
ykclientYubico C client library
ykpersLibrary and tool for personalization of Yubico's YubiKey
yubico-piv-toolCommand-line tool and p11-kit module for the YubiKey PIV application
yubikey-personalization-guiGUI for personalization of Yubico's YubiKey


Packages: 54

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