
The sys-libs category contains various system-level libraries.

argp-standaloneStandalone argp library for use with musl
basuThe sd-bus library, extracted from systemd
binutils-libsCore binutils libraries (libbfd, libopcodes, libiberty) for external packages
blocksruntimeBlocksRuntime library needed for clang's -fblocks support
cracklibPassword Checking Library
csuDarwin Csu (crt1.o) - Mac OS X 10.10 version
dbOracle Berkeley DB
efivarTools and library to manipulate EFI variables
error-standalonestandalone <error.h> implementation intended for musl
fortify-headersA standalone implementation of fortify source
freeipmiProvides Remote-Console and System Management Software as per IPMI v1.5/2.0
fts-standaloneStandalone fts library for use with musl
gdbmStandard GNU database libraries
glibcGNU libc C library
gpmConsole-based mouse driver
gwenhywfarMulti-platform helper library for other libraries
kpmcoreLibrary for managing partitions
ldbLDAP-like embedded database
libapparmorLibrary to support AppArmor userspace utilities
libavc1394Library for the 1394 AV/C (Audio/Video Control) Digital Interface Command Set
libblockdevA library for manipulating block devices
libcapPOSIX 1003.1e capabilities
libcap-ngPOSIX 1003.1e capabilities
libchipcardLibrary for accessing chip cards via chip card readers (terminals)
libfaketimeReport faked system time to programs
libhxPlatform independent library providing basic system functions
libieee1284Library to query devices using IEEE1284
libixpA stand-alone client/server 9P library including ixpc client
libmodulemdC Library for manipulating Fedora Modularity metadata files
libnbdNBD client library in userspace
libnvidia-containerNVIDIA container runtime library
libnvmeC Library for NVM Express on Linux
libosinfoGObject library for managing information about real and virtual OSes
libraw1394Library that provides direct access to the IEEE 1394 bus
librtasA set of libraries for userspace access to RTAS on the PowerPC platform(s)
libseccompHigh level interface to Linux seccomp filter
libselinuxSELinux userland library
libsemanageSELinux kernel and policy management library
libsepolSELinux binary policy representation library
libservicelogProvides a library for logging service-related events
libsmbiosProvide access to (SM)BIOS information
libstatgrabA tool to provide access to statistics about the system on which it's run
libstdc++-v3Compatibility package for binaries linked against a pre gcc 3.4 libstdc++
libtermcap-compatCompatibility package for old termcap-based programs
libucontextucontext implementation featuring glibc-compatible ABI
libudev-compatWrapper around for packages needing the old
libunwindPortable and efficient API to determine the call-chain of a program
liburingEfficient I/O with io_uring
libutempterLibrary that allows non-privileged apps to write utmp (login) info
libuuidPortable uuid C library
libvpdLibrary implementation for listing Vital Product Data
libxcryptExtended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others
lwpLight-weight process library (used by Coda)
minizip-ngFork of the popular zip manipulation library found in the zlib distribution
mtdevMultitouch Protocol Translation Library
muslLight, fast and simple C library focused on standards-conformance and safety
musl-nscdmusl-nscd is an implementation of the NSCD protocol for the musl libc
native-uuid.pc file for uuid
ncursesConsole display library
ncurses-compatConsole display library (ABI version 5)
newlibNewlib is a C library intended for use on embedded systems
nss-usrfilesNSS module to read passwd/group files from CoreOS /usr location
nss_wrapperWrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API
obstack-standaloneA standalone library to implement GNU libc's obstack
openipmiLibrary interface to IPMI
pamLinux-PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)
pam_wrapperA tool to test PAM applications and PAM modules
pkgcraftC library for pkgcraft
pwdbPassword database
queue-standaloneInstall <sys/queue.h> from glibc
readlineAnother cute console display library
rpmatch-standaloneStandalone rpmatch library for use with musl
slangMulti-platform library designed to allow a developer to create robust software
snapd-glibglib library for communicating with snapd
tallocSamba talloc library
tdbSimple database API
teventSamba tevent library
timezone-dataTimezone data (/usr/share/zoneinfo) and utilities (tzselect/zic/zdump)
uid_wrapperWrapper to fake privilege separation
zlibStandard (de)compression library
zlib-ngFork of the zlib data compression library


Packages: 81

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