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The www-client category contains world wide web clients.
Pull requests
Bug Reports
www-client/ghttrack - Frontend for Xavier Roche's HTTrack Website Copier
203355 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/ljtools-1.0.1 (new ebuild)
213422 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/chromium: munging of command line breaks `netstat -p` processing via /proc/$pid/comm
477538 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/pybugz needs templates for new bugs
479422 - Assigned to William Hubbs
www-client/qarte - a recorder for Arte+7 and Arte Live Web
481974 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/chromium: incomplete LICENSE
492424 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/chromium startup script sources backup files in /etc/chromium
546394 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/icecat-38.3.0 - web browser
563572 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
>=www-client/{chromium,google-chrome}-46.0.2490.71_p1:] After loading Root Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018
563668 - Assigned to Mike Gilbert
www-client/uzbl - web interface tools which adhere to the unix philosophy
574212 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/iridium - New package request
587706 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/ungoogled-chromium: Google Chromium variant for removing Google integration and enhancing privacy, control, and transparency
595436 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/vivaldi: needs paxmark on hardened
611796 - Assigned to James Le Cuirot
www-client/falkon expects dictionary files in /usr/share/qt5/qtwebengine_dictionaries
634122 - Assigned to Qt Bug Alias
www-client/chromium add use flags for doing an Official Build and a Debug Build
654094 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/chromium - /usr/lib64/chromium-browser/chrome contains writable and executable sections
655990 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/browsh - a fully-modern text-based browser
660990 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/rtv: Browse Reddit from your terminal (new package)
663228 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/chromium[-suid]:] No usable sandbox! [...]
664992 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/seamonkey-2.49.x will not build if PORTAGE_TMPDIR has even moderately long path
676886 - Assigned to Portage team
www-client/uget-2.2.0 USE=nls fails to install translations
685074 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
www-client/chromium-73.0.3683.86 resumes playback when/while? suspending the system
689664 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/seamonkey-2.49.5 BaseAssembler-x64.h directive argument is null
693556 - Assigned to Myckel Habets
www-client/google-chrome installs into /usr/share/appdata
710290 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/firefox{,-bin}: MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 set by wrapper breaks mouse wheel scrolling
715604 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/seamonkey-2.53.1 ignores -O from CFLAGS
716730 - Assigned to Myckel Habets
www-client/firefox-74.0.1 AudioContext API doesn't work with USE="-pulseaudio"
716840 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/seamonkey-2.53.2_beta1 : make: *** [ configure] Error 1
720382 - Assigned to Myckel Habets
www-client/netsurf-3.10-r1 with dev-libs/libnsfb-0.2.2 USE=wayland - netsurf-fb fails to start: Unable to open display // Error initialising wayland connection // Unable to initialise framebuffer
730094 - Assigned to Philipp Ammann
www-client/seamonkey calls readelf directly
733380 - Assigned to Myckel Habets
www-client/odysseus new package request
733834 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/luakit-2017.08.10 fails test_undo_close_works test_undo_close_restores_tab_history test_scrolling_works
742599 - Assigned to OzTiram
www-client/firefox: the `x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl` target may not be installed
748849 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/seamonkey- fails to build on arm64: unrecognized command line option '-msse2'
758308 - Assigned to Myckel Habets
www-client/luakit-2.2.1-r100 fails to compile
767274 - Assigned to OzTiram
www-client/httrack-3.49.2-r2 : ./configure:line <snip>: syntax error near unexpected token -Wparentheses,
768186 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
www-client/vivaldi: consider warning about priorietary-codecs and widevine USE if disabled
768633 - Assigned to James Le Cuirot
www-client/firefox and thunderbird could benefit from lld/bfd parallelism
770055 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox[clang]: .gnu_debuglink is busted when using LLD
787623 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox-90.0 does not support unsigned addons anymore
802285 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/netsurf-3.10-r4: glib-compile-resources fails due to missing directory
810532 - Assigned to Philipp Ammann
www-client/netsurf-3.10-r4: fails tests on x86 (32-bit in general?) (test/time.c:368:F:date string to time_t:date_string_compare:9: Assertion 'rfc1123_date(time_out) == t->expected' failed:)
822963 - Assigned to Philipp Ammann
www-client/seamonkey: system-sqlite default is harmful
825274 - Assigned to Myckel Habets
www-client/netsurf-3.10-r4 fails tests: - make: [test/Makefile:<snip>: corestrings_test] Error 1
825366 - Assigned to Philipp Ammann
www-client/google-chrome: Accelerated compositing nonfunctional unless seccomp sandbox is disabled
831947 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/jdim New Package (successor of www-client/jd)
833181 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/jd has gtk2 dependency
833182 - Assigned to CJK Team
www-client/luakit-9999 build error: Makefile patch is outdated
835790 - Assigned to OzTiram
www-client/seamonkey: restoring PPC64 support
836319 - Assigned to Myckel Habets
www-client/google-chrome-100.0.4896.75: file chooser is not getting the focus by default
836928 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/seamonkey- crashes on startup on aarch64 (little endian)
837491 - Assigned to Myckel Habets
www-client/epiphany-42.2: fails 'Web view test' test
847862 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
www-client/google-chrome depends on one particular font media-fonts/liberation-fonts instead of maybe virtual/ttf-fonts
872089 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/chromium-107.0.5304.29: AVX vector return of type '__m512' (vector of 16 'float' values) without 'avx512f' enabled changes the ABI
878411 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/chromium-107.0.5304.87[pgo] hangs at the PGO phase of building
879837 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/chromium: Crashes on ppc64 with disabled hardware acceleration
880991 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/chromium requires libunwind on ppc64 but does not link against it
882145 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/chromium-108.0.5359.94 failed to emerge (error: inlining failed in call to ‘always_inline’ ‘vdotq_u32’: target specific option mismatch)
884549 - Assigned to Gentoo Toolchain Maintainers
www-client/firefox-102.6.0 - annoying output at terminal if started with a filename as a parameter
888767 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/uget-2.2.1-r1 calls commands that do not exist: let
891055 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
www-client/firefox-109.0: build fails with ffast-math enabled (error Cannot build libopus with -ffast-math unless FLOAT_APPROX is defined)
891621 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox[jumbo-build]: Modifying FILES_PER_UNIFIED_FILE crashes the build
905431 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox (and other Mozilla packages): add Valgrind support
906509 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/vivaldi-6.1.3035.84 with ffmpeg-chromium-114 green screen on youtube if vulkan is enabled. Intel hardware
909381 - Assigned to James Le Cuirot
www-client/firefox-115.0[clang,pgo]: LLVM Profile Error: Failed to write file "default_24387_random_1577311168127381117_0.profraw": Broken pipe
909724 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox-115.0.2[pgo,wayland]: could not connect to wayland socket caused by WLR_RENDERER=vulkan
910290 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/netsurf-3.10-r7 - /.../ld: .../ undefined reference to SDL_WaitEvent
913970 - Assigned to Philipp Ammann
www-client/firefox-117: Isolated Web Co[17972]: segfault at 88 ip 00007fcb9306d012 sp 000 07fffac4c8528 error 4 in[7fcb91234000+3cf5000]
914049 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox-117.0.1[system-python-libs] cannot detect system Python libs
914487 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
>www-client/firefox-102.15.1: Drop down menus are not accessible with the mouse anymore
915331 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox-118.0.2: Don't know how to translate x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl for rustc with >=dev-lang/rust-1.73
915651 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
<www-client/google-chrome-119.0.6045.105 Multiple vulnerabilities
916726 - Assigned to Gentoo Security
www-client/xdm: ebuild request - working uget alternative
916901 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
www-client/firefox-119.0.1 building on musl: x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl-ld.lld: error: unknown argument '--real-linker'
917137 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/chromium fails to compile with -march=native
918894 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/chromium does not respect MAKEOPTS
919324 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/google-chrome-120.0.6099.199:] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=256
921711 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/google-chrome-120.0.6099.199 keyboard and mouse are not working
921712 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/otter depends on deprecated dev-qt/qtscript
922308 - Assigned to Chiitoo
www-client/netsurf-3.11 - automagic dependency on media-libs/libjxl
922797 - Assigned to Philipp Ammann
>=www-client/chromium-120.0.6099.109: always_inline function 'vmaxq_f16' requires target feature 'fullfp16', but would be inlined into function 'xnn_f16_vdiv_minmax_ukernel__aarch64_neonfp16arith_u8' that is compiled without support for 'fullfp16'
924066 - Assigned to Chromium Project
>=www-client/firefox-123.0 fails to cross compile with new llvm-r1 eclass
925251 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox-123.0[lto] (musl/clang-17/mold): unable to execute command: Segmentation fault
925492 - Assigned to LLVM support project
www-client/firefox-115.8.0 does not build without media-libs/libglvnd
925627 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/otter depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5
925722 - Assigned to Chiitoo
>www-client/firefox-122.0.1 fail to compile with: "failed to run custom build command for `glslopt v0.1.9`" on Raspberry Pi4
927399 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/epiphany-44.6 fails tests
928015 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
www-client/seamonkey: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)
929878 - Assigned to Myckel Habets
www-client/firefox-115.9.1[pgo] Error loading shared library No such file or directory
929967 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
sys-libs/minizip-ng: `unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64` is not provided
930365 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/firefox{,-bin}-125.0.1: Extension not displaying list contents above a certain size
930414 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox mouse issues with USE="-clang lto" and -Os
930673 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/elinks- fails to build on x64-macos
931217 - Assigned to Felix Janda
www-client/chromium-124.0.6367.155: AVX vector without evex512 enabled changes the ABI
931623 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/vivaldi: file selection dialog does not appear
934819 - Assigned to James Le Cuirot
www-client/firefox-{128.1,129.0} + libcxx-18 + mold: Fails to build by linker error
937751 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox-128.1.0:esr fails to emerge on RISC-V: js/src/jit/riscv64/constant/Base-constant-riscv.h:16:7: error: unknown type name 'uint32_t'
937867 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/chromium-127.0.6533.119 - failed to emerge with march=native on arm64
938177 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/firefox-130.0 emerge error: invalid use of incomplete type 'class mozilla::layers::TextureSource'
939004 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox-130.0 tabs keeps crashing on musl profile.
939401 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/chromium: add ability to specify custom *FLAGS
940530 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/dillo-3.1.1 fails tests
942051 - Assigned to Matt Jolly
>=sys-devel/gcc:14 miscompiles www-client/firefox[-clang], mail-client/thunderbird[-clang] (crash on startup when compiled in MakeDay in jsdate.cpp:429)
942573 - Assigned to Gentoo Toolchain Maintainers
www-client/firefox-128.4.0[-clang]: undefined reference to `bool js::gc::EdgeNeedsSweepUnbarrieredSlow<JSObject*>(JSObject**)'
942690 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/chromium-129.0.6668.100 no audio
942844 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/firefox (time64) ERROR: Don't know how to translate i686-pc-linux-gnut64 for rustc
943188 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/chromium-130.0.6723.116-r1 fails to compile with dev-libs/icu-76.1-r1: error: undefined symbol: icu::UnicodeString::doAppend(std::__Cr::basic_string_view…
943216 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/w3mmee-0.3.2_p24-r12 fails to compile: w3mbookmark.c:218:18: error: conflicting types for getenv; have char (void)
944224 - Assigned to CJK Team
www-client/uget-2.2.3 fails to compile: UgtkSettingDialog.c:50:21: error: conflicting types for ugtk_setting_dialog_new; have UgtkSettingDialog (const gchar , GtkWindow ) {aka UgtkSettingDialog (const char , struct _GtkWindow )}
944225 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
www-client/uget-2.2.3 fails to compile: UgtkMenubar.c:188:19: error: too many arguments to function ugtk_setting_dialog_new
944274 - Assigned to No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
www-client/microsoft-edge-131.0.2903.51 screen shares are broken
944412 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/firefox-128.4.0-r1[pgo] with -march incompatible with current CPU: trap invalid opcode ip:0x... sp:0x.. error:0 in
944725 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
=www-client/firefox-132.0.2 fails when -Clinker-plugin-lto is used
944729 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox-133.0.3 softlocked during configuring
946469 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox-128.5.0: fails to build with rust-bin on musl system
946664 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
=www-client/firefox-128.5.1: build failure on musl (missing pid_t)
947336 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
=www-client/firefox-128.5.1: link failure (undefined webrtc symbols)
947337 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
=www-client/firefox-133.0.3: build fails on riscv/musl with error: no matching member function for call to 'ma_cmp_set'
947338 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/w3m-0.5.3_p20230121: does not use sysroot when cross-compiling
947517 - Assigned to NRK
www-client/chromium-132.0.6834.57 fails to compile with LTO on arm64 clang/lld system
947743 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/firefox-134 stalls on Java error: NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST for resource://
948145 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/chromium-133.0.6943.16 fails to configure with `ozone_platform_wayland=false` (USE=-wayland)
948384 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/chromium slotting
949052 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/chromium-133.0.6943.27 build fails with ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: __arm_tpidr2_save
949123 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/google-chrome: additional parameters are needed to make fcitx5 work under Wayland
949253 - Assigned to Chromium Project
dev-lang/rust-1.81.0-r100: assertion when building www-client/firefox-135.0 in DwarfDebug
949280 - Assigned to Gentoo Rust Project
www-client/chromium: Failures in fontconfig due to new glibc 2.41 MAP_DROPPABLE
949654 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/firefox, www-client/firefox-bin: Add explicit user agreement to Firefox Terms of Use
950358 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/chromium-133.0.6943.126 fails tests
950572 - Assigned to Chromium Project
www-client/firefox-136.0 depends on old wlroots
950613 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/seamonkey with external chatzilla doesn't work
950645 - Assigned to Myckel Habets
www-client/firefox-136.0: debug symbols are enabled even with CFLAGS=-g0
950659 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/firefox-135.0.1: Cannot select profile
950742 - Assigned to Mozilla Gentoo Team
www-client/chromium-135.0.7049.3 - error: use of undeclared identifier 'GSK_RENDER_NODE_MAX_VALUE'
950764 - Assigned to Chromium Project
Stabilization Bug Reports
Gnome stabilization for December 2024
946484 - Assigned to Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
www-client/chromium-134.0.6998.88 stablereq
951156 - Assigned to Chromium Project
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