
The x11-libs category contains various X11-related libraries.

aggHigh quality rendering engine library for C++
cairoA vector graphics library with cross-device output support
c++-gtk-utilsA number of classes and functions for programming GTK+ programs using C++
cmrtIntel C for Media RunTime GPU kernel manager
colord-gtkGTK support library for colord
dndOffiX' Drag'n'drop library
fltkFast Light GUI Toolkit
foxC++ Toolkit for developing Graphical User Interfaces easily and effectively
fox-wrapperWrapper for fox-config to manage multiple versions
gdk-pixbufImage loading library for GTK+
gdk-pixbuf-xlibDeprecated Xlib integration for GdkPixbuf
gl2psOpenGL to PostScript printing library
gofficeA library of document-centric objects and utilities
goocanvasCanvas widget for GTK+ using the cairo 2D library for drawing
gtk+Gimp ToolKit +
gtkdataboxGtk+ Widgets for live display of large amounts of fluctuating numerical data
gtkglextGL extensions for Gtk+ 2.0
gtk-mac-integrationMenubar, doc and app bundle integration for GTK+
gtkmathviewRendering engine for MathML documents
gtksourceviewA text widget implementing syntax highlighting and other features
libclxclientC++ wrapper library around the X Window System API
libdloA fully open source driver which supports all DisplayLink devices
libdockappWindow Maker Dock Applet Library
libdrmX.Org libdrm library
libfakekeyHelper library for the x11-misc/matchbox-keyboard package
libfakeXineramaFake library to override default libXinerama and expose custom screen dimensions
libfmLibrary for file management
libfm-extraLibrary for file management
libfm-qtQt Library for Building File Managers
libfontencX.Org fontenc library
libFSX.Org FS library
libGLwMesa GLw library
libgximGObject-based XIM protocol library
libICEX.Org Inter-Client Exchange library
libnotifyA library for sending desktop notifications
liboglappthLibary for OpenGL applications with easy-to-code scene setup and selection
libpciaccessLibrary providing generic access to the PCI bus and devices
libQGLViewerC++ library based on Qt that eases the creation of OpenGL 3D viewers
libSMX.Org Session Management library
libtinynotifyA lightweight implementation of Desktop Notification Spec
libtinynotify-cliCommon CLI routines for tinynotify-send & sw-notify-send
libvdpauVDPAU wrapper and trace libraries
libwnckA window navigation construction kit
libX11X.Org X11 library
libXauX.Org X authorization library
libXawX.Org Xaw library
libXaw3dX.Org Xaw3d library
libXaw3dXftXaw3dXft library
libxcbX C-language Bindings library
libXcompositeX.Org Xcomposite library
libXcursorX.Org Xcursor library
libxcvtX.Org xcvt library and cvt program
libXdamageX.Org Xdamage library
libXdmcpX.Org X Display Manager Control Protocol library
libXextX.Org Xext library
libXfixesX.Org Xfixes library
libXfont2X.Org Xfont library
libXftX.Org Xft library
libXiX.Org Xi library
libXineramaX.Org Xinerama library
libxkbcommonKeymap handling library for toolkits and window systems
libxkbfileX.Org xkbfile library
libxklavierA library for the X Keyboard Extension (high-level API)
libXmuX.Org Xmu library
libXpmX.Org Xpm library
libXpresentX Present Extension C Library
libXrandrX.Org Xrandr library
libXrenderX.Org Xrender library
libXresX.Org XRes library
libXScrnSaverX.Org XScrnSaver library
libxshmfenceShared memory fences using futexes
libXtX.Org X Toolkit Intrinsics library
libXtstX.Org Xlib-based client API for the XTEST & RECORD extensions library
libXvX.Org Xv library
libXvMCX.Org XvMC library
libXxf86dgaX.Org Xxf86dga library
libXxf86vmX.Org Xxf86vm library
motifThe Motif user interface component toolkit
neXtawAthena Widgets with N*XTSTEP appearance
pangoInternationalized text layout and rendering library
pixmanLow-level pixel manipulation routines
qscintillaQt port of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor control
qtermwidgetQt terminal emulator widget
qwt2D plotting library for Qt5
qwtplot3d3D plotting library for Qt5
spread-sheet-widgetGNU Spread Sheet Widget
startup-notificationApplication startup notification and feedback library
tslibTouchscreen Access Library
vteLibrary providing a virtual terminal emulator widget
wxGTKGTK+ version of wxWidgets, a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit
xappCross-desktop libraries and common resources
xbaeMotif-based widget to display a grid of cells as a spreadsheet
xcb-imdkitInput method development support for xcb
xcb-utilX C-language Bindings sample implementations
xcb-util-cursorX C-language Bindings sample implementations
xcb-util-errorsLibrary that gives human readable names to XCB error, event, & request codes
xcb-util-imageX C-language Bindings sample implementations
xcb-util-keysymsX C-language Bindings sample implementations
xcb-util-renderutilX C-language Bindings sample implementations
xcb-util-wmX C-language Bindings sample implementations
xcb-util-xrmX C-language Bindings sample implementations
xformsA graphical user interface toolkit for X
xosdLibrary for overlaying text in X-Windows X-On-Screen-Display
xpaMessaging system providing communication between programs
xtransX.Org xtrans library


Packages: 105

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