Full description
Consult provides search and navigation commands based on the Emacs
completion function completing-read. Completion allows you to quickly
select an item from a list of candidates. Consult offers asynchronous
and interactive consult-grep and consult-ripgrep commands, and the
line-based search command consult-line. Furthermore Consult provides an
advanced buffer switching command consult-buffer to switch between
buffers, recently opened files, bookmarks and buffer-like candidates
from other sources. Some of the Consult commands are enhanced versions
of built-in Emacs commands. For example the command consult-imenu
presents a flat list of the Imenu with live preview, grouping and
narrowing. Consult is fully compatible with completion systems centered
around the standard Emacs completing-read API, notably the default
completion system, Vertico, Mct, and Icomplete.