Full description
Z3 is an efficient Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver from
Microsoft Research. Z3 is a solver for symbolic logic, a foundation for
many software engineering tools. SMT solvers rely on a tight integration of
specialized engines of proof. Each engine owns a piece of the global puzzle
and implements specialized algorithms. For example, Z3’s engine for
arithmetic integrates Simplex, cuts and polynomial reasoning, while an
engine for strings are regular expressions integrate methods for symbolic
derivatives of regular languages. A theme shared among many of the
algorithms is how they exploit a duality between finding satisfying
solutions and finding refutation proofs. The solver also integrates engines
for global and local inferences and global propagation. Z3 is used in a
wide range of software engineering applications, ranging from program
verification, compiler validation, testing, fuzzing using dynamic symbolic
execution, model-based software development, network verification, and