
A Perl CGI for accessing and sharing files, or calendar/addressbooks via WebDAV


Pkgcheck Warnings

  • All Versions
    • MissingRemoteId
      missing <remote-id type="github">DanRohde/webdavcgi</remote-id> (inferred from URI 'https://github.com/DanRohde/webdavcgi/archive/1.1.2.tar.gz')
    • UnstableOnly
      for arch: [ amd64 ], all versions are unstable: [ 1.1.2 ]
  • 1.1.2
    • EmptyGlobalAssignment
      line 22: empty global assignment: DEPEND=""
    • MissingVersionedVirtualPerlDependency
      missing version restriction for virtual perl: 'virtual/perl-File-Spec'
    • MissingVersionedVirtualPerlDependency
      missing version restriction for virtual perl: 'virtual/perl-Module-Load'

Pkgcheck is used regularly to generate QA reports. Pkgcheck is a pkgcore-based QA utility for ebuild repos.