Enable support for a graphical user interface
Package | “gui” Flag Description |
app-editors/qhexedit2 | Install Qt5 hex editor |
app-i18n/fcitx-chinese-addons | Enable GUI support (qt5 or qt6) |
app-i18n/mozc | Install graphical user interface tool (mozc_tool) |
app-misc/anki | Enable support for a graphical user interface. Disable for standalone sync server. |
dev-lang/lazarus | Build GUI IDE. |
dev-lisp/cmucl | Build CLX, CLM, or Hemlock |
dev-python/pyqt5 | Build bindings for the QtGui module |
dev-python/pyqt6 | Build bindings for the QtGui module |
dev-python/pyside | Build QtGui module |
dev-python/qtpy | Pull in bindings for the QtGui module |
dev-qt/qtbase | Build Qt6Gui module |
dev-qt/qt-docs | Install documentation for dev-qt/qtgui |
dev-util/heaptrack | Install Qt5-based analyzer tool |
dev-util/kdstatemachineeditor | A proof-of-concept application called kdstatemachineditor |
dev-util/scanmem | Enable the GameConqueror GUI |
games-puzzle/gnome-tetravex | Build the gnome-tetravex graphical Gtk user interface |
games-rpg/hatoful-boyfriend | Install the GUI for configuring screen resolution and input |
games-rpg/hatoful-boyfriend-holiday-star | Install the GUI for configuring screen resolution and input |
games-simulation/train-valley | Install the GUI for configuring screen resolution and input |
games-strategy/satellite-reign | Install the GUI for configuring screen resolution and input |
games-util/lgogdownloader | Enable GUI login support for passing reCAPTCHA |
media-gfx/freecad | Build FreeCAD with a Qt based GUI. If built without setting this USE flag, FreeCAD can be used in a headless mode, for server-side instances. The Python modules are available, without their GUI parts though, if this is unset. |
media-gfx/openscad | Enable or disable building of the GUI |
media-libs/openimageio | Build iv with dev-qt/qtbase |
media-libs/osl | Build the osltoy binary |
net-irc/quassel | Build the Qt5 GUI client for quassel. If this USE flag is disabled, the GUI is not built, and cannot be used. You might want to disable this on the server, but you need it enabled on the client. |
net-p2p/bitcoin-core | Build and install Bitcoin-Qt GUI |
sys-apps/razercfg | Installs GUI configuration utility and status bar applet. Requires dev-python/pyqt5 |