Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Package | “test” Flag Description |
app-arch/libdeflate | Build the test programs (requires sys-libs/zlib) |
app-i18n/fcitx-configtool | Enable Test |
dev-db/mariadb | Install upstream testsuites for end use. |
dev-db/mysql | Install upstream testsuites for end use. |
media-gfx/alembic | Build and run the test-suite |
sci-libs/rocBLAS | Perform rocblas-test to compare the result between rocBLAS and system BLAS. |
sci-libs/rocSOLVER | Perform rocsolver-test to compare the result between rocSOLVER and system LAPACK. |
sys-power/iasl | Perform tests (slow!) and install compressed test results |
x11-wm/ctwm | Enable upstream test suite, build required binary |