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The dev-games category contains libraries and utilities relevant to games programming.
Pull requests
Bug Reports
dev-games/libtpproto-cpp-0.1.0.ebuild (New Package)
167881 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/libtpproto-py-0.2.1.ebuild (New Package)
167906 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/libtpclient-py-0.2.1.ebuild (New Package)
167914 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/fareditor (New Package)
197291 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/OgreAL - an OpenAL wrapper for Ogre
209716 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/tuxcap [new package]
273475 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/game-editor - ebuild request
289276 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/netradiant: new package (replace dev-games/gtkradiant)
352981 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/caelum - atmospheric effects OGRE plugin
425508 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/pypoker-eval-138.0 - python binding for poker-eval
469002 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/ps2-packer-? version bump
492498 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
=dev-games/paklib-0.3: fails to compile with format-security
542128 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/libtcod - a free, fast, portable and uncomplicated API for roguelike developers
547236 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/simgear-2016.2.1[-dns]: undefined reference to `simgear::DNS::Client::~Client()'
586840 - Assigned to Maciej Mrozowski
dev-games/simgear-2020.3.13: test failures
637528 - Assigned to Maciej Mrozowski
dev-games/libshadowdive [new package]
652328 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/ode-0.14-r1 [doc] : FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'docs/*'
653896 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/clanlib-4.0.0 USE="-X" fails src_compile ( input_code.h:38:10: fatal error: X11/keysym.h: No such file or directory )
666200 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/libnw-1.30.02 : collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
715464 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-games/clanlib-4.0.0 : System/system.cpp: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory
716014 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-games/freecell-solver-6.8.0 : /.../tree.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory
717658 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-games/ps2-packer-0.4.4-r1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS
722694 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/newton fails to compile: can't create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32S against symbol: vtable for dgAABBPolygonSoup in readonly segment
729738 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/libblack-hole-solitaire: New package, used by kde-apps/kpat
737938 - Assigned to Default Assignee for New Packages
dev-games/openscenegraph-qt-3.5.7-r1 : One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:
751184 - Assigned to Maciej Mrozowski
dev-games/ode-0.16: version bump
778539 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/ps2-packer-0.4.4-r1 installs pre-stripped files
796425 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/clanlib-4.2.0 installs files into unexpected paths
819399 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/mygui-3.4.1 - Could not find a package configuration file provided by OGRE with any of
823982 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/libmt_client-0.1.98-r1 - /.../ld: .../libmaitretarot.a(net.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol stderr can not be
829241 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-games/newton-3.14 fails to compile: dgVector.h:1952:22: error: use of undeclared identifier _mm_cmpeq_epi64
829404 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/clanlib-0.8.1-r2 fails to compile: init_linux.cpp:99:23: error: PATH_MAX was not declared in this scope
830703 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r110 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:
831082 - Assigned to Maciej Mrozowski
dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r110 with ffmpeg-5: FFmpegPacket.hpp:45:17: error: ‘av_free_packet’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘av_new_packet’?
831486 - Assigned to Maciej Mrozowski
dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r111 - /.../OscHostEndianness.h: error: #error please edit OscHostEndianness.h to configure endiann
831557 - Assigned to Gentoo musl team
dev-games/mygui-3.4.3 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project: (MYGUI_USE_SYSTEM_GLEW)
833141 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/mygui-3.4.1: fails to build with dev-games/ogre-2 (.../MyGUI_OgreTexture.h: error: field mTmpData has incomplete type Ogre::PixelBox)
833167 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/ogre-2.1 with USE=-double-precision fails to build on arm (error: ‘MathlibNEON’ does not name a type)
833175 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/mygui-3.4.1-r1 fails to compile: make: Docs: No such file or directory
834472 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r112: osgPlugins-3.6.5/ undefined symbol: _ZTIN5boost6detail16thread_data_baseE
840164 - Assigned to Maciej Mrozowski
dev-games/ogre-1.12.9-r1: error: no matching function for call to 'min(float&, Ogre::Real&)'
849503 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/ogre-1.9.0-r4 fails to compile (lto): ps1.0_grammar.y:43:15: error: type union YYSTYPE violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]
855317 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/ogre-1.12.9-r2 - /.../OgreApplicationContextSDL.cpp: error: union SDL_SysWMinfo::<unnamed> has no member named x11
857036 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/aseprite-1.2.35: failed (test phase)
861245 - Assigned to Azamat H. Hackimov
dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r114 fails to compile (MUSL): PThread.cpp:34:14: fatal error: unistd.h: No such file or directory
864352 - Assigned to Maciej Mrozowski
dev-games/ogre-1.12.9-r2:0/1.12 - Unknown CMake command set_package_properties.
866704 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/ode-0.14-r1 - demo_tracks.cpp: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from
881313 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/newton-3.14 - clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
881423 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1 fails tests: http_repository - catalog_test - dns
886321 - Assigned to Maciej Mrozowski
dev-games/clanlib-2.3.7-r4 calls commands that do not exist: pcre-config
887107 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/ogre-1.9.0-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): OgreMemorySTLAllocator.h:130:4: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]
894772 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/libmaitretarot-0.1.98-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)
898760 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/hdl_dump- fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): osal_unix.c:118:11: error: unknown type name off64_t
906364 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/ode-0.14-r1 - QA null-dereference Severe Runtime Failure Warnings
914017 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/newton-3.14 - [clang] ld.lld: error: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 cannot be used against symbol vtable for dgAABBPolygonSoup; recompile with -fPIC
919726 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/ogre: USE=egl should be USE=egl-only?
920199 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/ogre-1.9.0-r3 fails to compile: OgrePlatformInformation.cpp:46:18: fatal error: sysctl.h: No such file or directory
924822 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/ode-0.14-r1 - demo_kinematic.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier mem_fun; did
930445 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/clanlib-0.8.1-r3 fails to compile: signal_v3.h:93:52: error: class CL_Signal_v3<PARAM1, PARAM2, PARAM3> has no member named owner
937009 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
942298 - Assigned to Alexey
dev-games/t4k-common-0.1.1-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] t4k_common.h: error: expected identifier before false
943953 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r115 - [texlive] io_service_pool.hpp: error: io_service in namespace boost::asio does not name a type
946692 - Assigned to Maciej Mrozowski
dev-games/ogre-14.3.2: Version bump
947017 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
dev-games/aseprite- version bump
947283 - Assigned to Azamat H. Hackimov
dev-games/aseprite-1.3.5-r1 fails to compile: SkSLTransform.h:21:24: error: found : in nested-name-specifier, expected ::
947849 - Assigned to Azamat H. Hackimov
dev-games/godot-4.3-r1: error: use of undeclared identifier & error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'char *' with an lvalue of type 'FILE *const __restrict' (aka 'jpge::_IO_FILE *const __restrict')
949594 - Assigned to Ionen Wolkens
Stabilization Bug Reports
dev-games/clanlib* stable request for latest eapi8 revisions
946099 - Assigned to Gentoo Games
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Packages Bugs (66)
Stabilization Bugs (1)
Keywording Bugs (0)