Available Versions

4.7.1-r2  : 0 EAPI 7 ~amd64 ~x86?alpha?arm?arm64?hppa?mips ~ppc?ppc64?riscv?sparc
4.7.1-r1  : 0 EAPI 7 ~amd64 ~x86?alpha?arm?arm64?hppa?mips ~ppc?ppc64?riscv?sparc


  • This package is masked and could be removed soon!
    The mask comment indicates that this package is scheduled for removal from our package repository.
    Please review the mask information below for more details.

    Upstream dead, repo archived (https://github.com/mono/xsp). Uses deprecated "dotnet" eclass. Depends on old mono. As a replacement one can use official .NET 6.0-9.0 ASP.NET instead. Removal on 2025-02-02
    Maciej Barć <xgqt@gentoo.org> (2025-01-02)
This package needs a new maintainer!
If you are interested in helping with the maintenance of xsp, please get in touch with our Proxy Maintainers team.

Package Metadata